Soul Evolution System

Chapter 365 [Chaos in the Bedroom Pill] 6

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(POV Renka)


When the last girl... in a long line walks out the door, then the door is closed. Curiously, that seemed the signal for the others to stop their steps... once the first one stops, one after another also do it and, almost synchronously, the eyes of the majority are directed towards that door that was now closed!

Well, there were also some who continued to walk pulling others... like the woman who takes the two little girls. Or the two women wich have brown skin and blonde hair respectively and who had huge breasts, they dragged or supported the pair who dressed as bunnies too... but those three later to leave the little girls or girls in some part of this mansion, they return again.

…So the crowd in this hallway was quite large! Although Alexander had told me that he had “several” other girls, I never thought there would be too many! I think this should no longer classify as "various" and instead was a "bunch" of girls!!

The worst thing was that even though there are a lot of girls here already, they weren't even the total of all the girls Alexander had a relationship with!

Sadly, I can't say that he lied to me… so I could only give him a sharp look for that! Well... although it was not what I expected, the good thing is that at least I had prepared myself mentally to have to share the person I liked with other girls...

Also, despite there being so many girls here, the atmosphere in the place was not that bad. The vast majority of the girls seemed to be quite pleasant and harmonious with all the others, so it was not very difficult to adapt to all this.

"I-Is there really no other solution, Lena-san?! "

“Hihihi, well... not that there was no other solution, but trying to find this one now would take time and by then, the boy could probably be adversely affected.

Why do you care so much about this, woman? It's not like the boy is totally immature for something like that… hihihi, I was probably younger when I had my first experience with a man. So he'll be fine. "


The woman who seemed to be the mother of one of the girls she had taken elsewhere previously, still seemed dissatisfied by all this and approaches the old woman who was here... the words that she says do not allow her to continue speaking. 

Do not know if the end she could not refute her point of view, or simply was surprised by the other thing she said... if it was smaller than Alexander when she had her first time, then that means it was only a little girl!

The others who had directed their gaze towards them and that probably waiting to hear an affirmative answer from the old woman, could only turn to the other side with a flushed face... surely surprised by the same thing.

On the other hand... this old woman doesn't have the same kind of relationship that the rest of us have with Alexander, right?! T-There is a wide variety of girls here, so it can be said that his tastes are quite diverse but… I-I don't think it reaches that much, right?!!

N-No... now that I remember, Alexander seemed quite reluctant for this old woman to "help " him with his problem... so, at least I think he has tastes that can be considered normal.


Suddenly, the silence that had formed here is broken... when the voice of the girl on the other side of the door was heard, the girls who walked from one side to the other, those who were deep in their own thoughts like me, or those who spoke with others in low voice, all stop what they were doing and everyone's attention is directed to the door again!

…This place had become a bit like a hospital room where family members gather waiting for news of the person receiving medical treatment! W-Well… maybe this was precisely what was happening now, right? E-Except that the treatment Alexander was to receive was something that made everyone else here quite uncomfortable!

"It's unfair~ Since it was my fault, then I should be the one to help Ale-kun~!"

"U-Umm... S-Shisuka-san that..."

"You... you really didn't do this on purpose?!"

“Of course not~ Rika. I just wanted to help Alex-kun regarding what was bothering him~ I thought that pill would help him grow stronger~ "


As more similar or even more suggestive sounds begin to be produced within the room, the two girls who have large breasts and the one who seemed to be the blonde's younger sister begins to argue while the rest of us begin to get a little uneasy about those sounds there.

...I-If it wasn't because I have confidence in my body, then I could only look enviously at the two of them! Especially for the adult blonde!! Also, the one that seemed to be her younger sister, most likely may end up looking like her in the future... from what I heard before, her name is Emilia and she's the same age as me! I-I hope I don't stay behind her... no, I must overcome her!

And about the brunette girl's claim, I also agreed with her… also believed there was a great possibility that that other girl had done this on purpose! I did not believe much in her words with which she tried to defend herself!

Well, this may be because I did not know her that much. Although several girls looked at that woman called Shisuka with doubts, no one else continued with the matter and only sighed a little... it seems that most decided to believe that.

"E- Emm... something happens??"

“N-No… it's nothing. Sorry, I'm just a little nervous to have to go through something similar again..."

"S-Something similar?" "

T-This is bad... since I felt a little competitiveness with this other girl blonde who was on the side of Shisuka, I can not help but give her a strong look. They've all been good to me, so it would be bad to show those kinds of emotions towards someone else… besides, I was the new girl here!

Therefore, I try to justify myself or change the subject to avoid a misunderstanding between us, but... unfortunately, I had not thought much about my words! When these come out of my mouth, now the attention of most of these girls was on me!!

"D-Don't tell me that Alexander-san had already done something like this before?"

"E-Eh? N-No… w-well… in the world where Revy-san and Leona-san were, something similar to this had happened there. B-But it wasn't Alexander ... there were also a pair of couples, and at n-night... s-similar things were heard there... "

“ W-What kind of place was that brat staying?! "

So since the girl with the pink hair and glasses ends up asking me more about my words, I could only explain to her the things that happened in that place... r-remembering that, I felt my face turn even redder!

...a-actually, the sounds from that time were even more embarrassing! I-It's good that it was only for a few days… I -I don't know what would have happened if that continued for the whole time we were there!

Even though I had fixed the misunderstanding that Alexander was responsible for that... w-well... certainly some things happened in the bed where he, me, and the other girls slept, but... of course I wasn't going to say that! 

I had thought that the misunderstanding had been fixed, but the girl with long brown hair... Rei did not seem to calm down like the others after my words. Since she was probably the girl who complained the most and was constantly named by the others, I had been able to memorize her name.

The truth is that it doesn't make much sense for her to worry about that now… at this moment Alexander is on the other side of the door doing precisely what I had heard in that other world!

Although... I cannot blame Rei much for her reaction either. Even for me, it's hard to think that the person I like is now doing "that" with another woman on the other side of the door! Besides, I was probably not the only one thinking that... although, like me, we could only stay here being a bit unhappy with all this.

“If Vrana can't mate with Master, at least she wanted to see what those things are like~! Although Vrana knows it now, she has never seen it, roock~ !!

Why only Saeko-san can see it, roock~? "

“It's true, why Saeko can stay there and I can't? I'm a nurse, remember ~? I can help if something goes wrong! If Alex-kun makes a mistake to put it inside Kurisu-san, things can be bad, you know?"

"S-Shut up bird girl! Can't you see that now everyone is worried about something else "

" Shut up damn Shisuka! Things have gone bad enough because of you already, so don't make it worse! "

"I'm not asking you, fat girl! Better go play with your "replacement" of Master's stick, roock ~! "

"Heee~ You are cruel, Rika"


Before Rei can continue to complain about Alexander, she changes her target towards the girl with wings instead of hands that says that... w-well, her words not only made her nervous... all the others, including me, don't really know how to react to her words! In addition, as if that were not enough, the person responsible for all this also decides to fan even more that flame in all of us that fed on shame, uncertainty, jealousy, and curiosity!!

"Hyaan~!! A-Alex... don't make it so hard, please~!!"

Yes! Most of the girls could not stop looking at the door as if they were looking for a hole in this one to see what was happening inside!! While this was all a bit embarrassing, we were all curious about it! Also, the fact that the sounds coming from the room were intensifying with every minute that passed, didn't help at all to try to stop thinking about it!!

But… it's true, it seems that another girl had stayed inside the room… I hadn't noticed it until now. Although… since I had to memorize a lot of new faces now, then it was understandable for me to overlook that!

Well, probably none of the people here blamed or envied her much… except for Shisuka and the girl with wings, I think we all quickly came to the same conclusion when thinking about why that girl did it… she must have been worried about the red-haired girl! After all, Alexander was not in normal condition!!

"Well, it's true... I also wish the Master had let me see that... before, I could only see for a few moments when he was playing with Emilia's vagina..."


I thought those two would be the only ones to express their disagreement at being here now and not on the other side of the door, but… the girl with blond hair and a fairly defined body also decides to join them! 

This girl... looks like she practiced some martial art. Also, before when we were all still inside the room, she along with the pale-skinned woman on her side exuded a rather intimidating aura… almost on the level of some masters of my world!

Either way, her words make everyone's eyes move and go to the girl she mention...

"E-Eh? M-Mary-san!!? W-What are you saying?!! "

"…I'm not lying"

"T-This... t-that was because there was no alternative... a-a snake had bitten me, and Alexander-senpai had to e-extract the poison... "

"" ... ""

"Hihihi... it really seems that the calmest girls are often the most daring regarding these matters"

“A-Also Lena-san? I-I said there was no other option at that time!! I-It's not something I decided... "

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her now, Emilia who had been left with her mouth open at the sudden words of the woman named Mery, tries to defend herself...


It is fortunate for her that, in the next instant, a scream much bigger than all the previous ones seems to echo throughout the Mansion... upon hearing it, I can see the bodies of many of the girls tremble a little... just like me, all of them must have understood almost instinctively the meaning behind that scream!

" T-that was... "

Not knowing who it was that said that this time… I could only put my eyes on the door while swallowing hard. Also, I was not the only one since I heard several similar sounds from around me!


"Tomorrow we should have a little party for Kurisu and Alex-kun~"

"" ... ""

Then after a few minutes that the silence took hold inside and outside the room, followed by small applause when putting hands together, Shisuka says that...

"N-No... I-I think it's best to just act like any other day... f-for Kurisu's sake."


"Heee~? Why~? It would be cruel for something like this to go unnoticed and not celebrate it~! "

"" ... ""

… I really think that this woman hides quite dark motives behind her innocent appearance! If I was in the place of the red-haired girl, Kurisu, I would die of shame if the day after… h-having lost my v-virginity, then several girls celebrated for this!

Luckily for Kurisu, it seems that most of the other girls are more level-headed and strongly support Rika-san's words...

"Haaun~! Haaun~!"

Then, the sounds inside the room resume once more… l-looks like this will be a long and difficult night for me again! No, it will be for all the girls here!!

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(POV Alexander)

"Haaun~ P-Please ... d-don't make it so hard, Alex..."

"Ha ... ha ... o-okay ..."

After letting Kurisu's aching sensation subside a bit, I try to move once more. My penis felt like a fish in water! As if her vagina were the right environment for this to be!

No… rather, I think that was precisely the case, right?

Well, the important thing was that the warmth, moisture, and pressure that surrounded my penis, all that was extremely comfortable! It seemed that the mere fact of leaving my penis in that place, Kurisu's vagina would be in charge of massaging it so that I would ejaculate!!

Although… even with all this, it was impossible to remain motionless! The desire to pull and push my penis into her vagina was very... very strong! Feeling the folds inside her rubbing against my glans and shaft of my penis, that seemed to multiply all those previous sensations!!

With every thrust I made, it wasn't just Kurisu's body that shook! I also felt a nice chill run down my spine!! So before I knew it, I was pushing pretty hard on her vagina...

Sadly, Kurisu's body wasn't just shaking due to pleasure like me... although it seemed like it was to a lesser degree than before, she still seemed to suffer a bit from every move I made.

So, listening to her request, I calm down a little and make more gentle movements...

"Hyaan~ !!"

Also, I'm starting to focus on other areas of her body like her breasts that I could be a bit rough about without worrying about causing her pain! This was quite effective, the rest of her body should be quite sensitive by now, and so I could hear Kurisu's moans that were unmistakably only due to pleasure!

While massaging one of her breasts with one of my hands and playing with her nipple with my fingers, my tongue rolled and licked the other...

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