Soul Evolution System

Chapter 374 Leaving to the Sect 7 Mountains 3

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"Master, let's go now, roock ~!"

"Easy, Vrana-chan. You don't need to be impatient... "

Unlike me who had a hard time leaving this place, this girl couldn't seem to wait for us to part. She should wait calmly like the other girls who will also accompany me...

Since the place I was going to was a level 2 Area, I thought it was a better place for various girls to keep improving and so, I decided to bring some of the girls with me. This group was made up of Mary, Scythe, Vrana-chan, Renka-chan, Saeko-chan, and… Rei.

[Fufufu… in the end, it seems that you couldn't resist bringing a girl to satisfy your sexual desires, Alex]

I-It wasn't for that, Aurora! …not at all.

Since Mary, Scythe, and Vrana-chan now had a level 2 soul, then it was good to bring all three of them. I was a bit surprising to see level 100 over the heads of these girls when I came back from Ruananpur... I had wanted to ask everyone about this, but since I had to go almost immediately to HOTD and then when I got back ... all that happened, I had to wait for a time to talk to everyone about this.

Apparently, when they were in the Rozz forest, a group of people from the 7 Mountains sect attacked them. And out of that group, there were two that were a level 2 soul… when I heard it I couldn't help but worry a bit, but seeing that they all seemed fine, I was able to relax.

Also, it seems that those two served as stepping stones for these 3 girls who had now been able to raise their soul level... without a doubt, what happened there could be considered as something good instead of bad.

Well, that was one of the reasons I was in a bit of a rush to go there too. It would be good to solve that problem before I go back to another world... or returning to Kenichi's. After all, I still had some things to do there, and the level of this was no different than the Area I will go to now.

[You probably just want to see the ninja girl over there]

…Well, that's true too! But since nothing turns out totally the same as people planned, I may need to go to another world first… which's unfortunate!!

Well, going back to the subject of the girls who would accompany me, it seems that the level of those three was stagnant despite continuing to hunt monsters in Rozz. Most likely it is because with their level the monsters do not give them much experience, and also their power is restricted there.

In fact, that's one of my biggest concerns and especially with this harpy girl! I'm afraid that this girl will take off the restraining object that I had given her before and be punished by the world!!

…So it's best to take her to an Area where she can freely display her current power.

As for the other two girls accompanying me… Saeko-chan has a level of [95] and so it would be good for her to go to that Area as well. Also, she can control Scythe better… it seems like she's the one with the best relationship with her.

[I still think that the main reason you bring her is to continue to be able to do it with her]


Since I don't want to respond to that observation, then let's move on to the last girl. The reason for bringing the latter one is...

"Don't worry, Haruna-san! I'll make sure this lad holds himself back a bit!!

S-Stop looking at me like that, you damn perverted brat! "


The truth is that she had joined our group before I knew it! D-Damn Rei… she will make it harder to spend time alone with Saeko-chan!!

[You see, I was right, fufufu~]

… Well, I think that since Haruna sets her eyes on Vrana-chan who continued to pull my hand with her hands that took this shape thanks to the object I gave her earlier, I think her main concern was this girl.

It seems that even though she has now accepted a bit that I was having sex with those two girls, I think she still thinks that Vrana-chan is a girl that she should protect... or forbid her to do those things.

So I want to think that Rei will only get in the way if I try to do something with Vrana-chan...

"... I think that instead of being able to stop Alexander-san from doing something, she can end up naked in bed with him rather. "

"E-Eh? O-Of course not, Saya!!

I-I... I-I... s-something like that is... "

Suddenly due to Saya's words, the confidence that some girls seemed to have in Rei greatly collapses… no, I think that even she herself had lost a bit of that confidence that she showed earlier! Umu, now that I think about it, maybe this isn't so bad!!

“Hihihi… it's a shame you have to leave after experiencing one of the best things in the world, boy. This older woman could give you a lot of advice on that... after all, it can be said that I have a lot of experience, hihihi"

"Glup ..."

D-Damn old woman, w-why is she talking until now?!! Couldn't you have told me that the previous time we argued?! Also, don't you see that I already had enough trouble to decide to leave this place?!!

…N-No, maybe Lena wanted to teach me that in a practical way… s-so it's better that I don't accept that offer of hers! Also, it is not bad to gain more experience slowly by myself!!

“Well… that topic aside, you should be careful where you go, kid. While it is not like everywhere there are people with a level 2 soul, your strength… and even those three girls are still quite low, you cannot be careless. "


Taking a much more serious mood, Lena continues with those words. So in response to that, I could only nod showing a similar expression... previously since there were some things I had to discuss with her, I went to look for her the day after leaving the room after having lost my virginity...

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(Several days before leaving for the 7 Mountains sect)

After leaving the girls so that they could talk quietly, I quickly went in search of Lena who this time had not appeared along with all the others... I thought that this old woman would make fun of me for that, but it seems that I was wrong. Maybe that old woman is more mature than I had thought.

...when I left the room, Kurisu and Saeko-chan shot me pleading eyes not to do it, but... sooner or later they had to go through a barrage of questions from the others, so there was little point in delaying that too long.

"Oh~ I thought you'd still be doing it with those two, boy, hihihi. What's wrong? Do you want another pill like the one Shisuka gave you earlier?~

Hihihi, it's so sad that someone so young depends on these, you know?"

"Fuck you! I don't need those pills to make love to a girl!! I-I have enough energy not to depend on those pills... "

"Is that so? Then, why do you seem to have a hard time saying that, hihihi? "


W-While I didn't need those pills to do it with the girls again, the truth is that I thought it would be nice to have some with me for some special moment or something like that... sadly, now it seems difficult to ask this old woman for some!

"I didn't come for that... I was worried about something else and so I thought the best thing would be to come to talk to you, old hag"

"Hmn? What's wrong, did you do something wrong?

…Don't tell me you ended up putting it in the wrong hole and ended up hurting a girl?"

"Got damn! Of course not!!

…It is perhaps the opposite… I wanted to know if you didn't have something like a contraceptive "

This witch damn... not that it was mature enough not to bother me about losing my virginity and most well probably only had been busy, and so she not to go with the other girls before!!

Well, it's probably for the best that I'm the only one who has to put up with her teasing… if Kurisu heard this old woman's words, she might have fainted in embarrassment!

Although, since they were not things that were pleasant to listen to, I decided to go directly to the subject for which I had come here! Yesterday I couldn't stop worrying about these things… they crossed my mind for a few seconds but… since that could only increase the girls' uneasiness and doubts at that time, then I could only dismiss those things in my mind!

Now that… the work was done, I started to worry more about those things and that's why I quickly ran with this old woman! Somehow I felt that it was bad to talk to the girls about those things now... I don't know why but mentioning to the two of them that they needed to take a contraceptive now, I felt that would make them think that I only wanted to have sex with them and not that we were in a serious relationship!

...I understood that this could just be my imaginations, but... that didn't make it easier to tell them! So if I couldn't bring it up to them directly, then I thought it would be okay if someone else did. Also, they may feel more comfortable that way.

“Oh~ So that's it… I think I had some around here. Hihihi, don't worry, I'll mention it to those two. "

"T-Thank you..."

Hearing Lena's words, now I felt more relieved. There was a possibility that something like this did not exist in this world... although I think this will be very low. Also, it seems that she quickly understood my other problem and she offered to speak to Kurisu and Saeko herself. That certainly took a lot of weight off my shoulders!

…Well, there is still the possibility that the girls decide not to use them! Although, just like before, I think that's unlikely… well, even if it happened, the words I said to Kurisu weren't a lie. If she wanted to be a mother, then I would support her!

T-That made me quite nervous, but… I didn't think it was a bad thing either! Well, I think that they decided to do that is pretty low.

"Leaving that issue aside, how are you doing your practice in alchemy? Have you improved from the last time you showed me your mixing skills? "

"Oh, that... I honestly hadn't had much time to practice alchemy. Still, I think I should be able to create a [Rebrith Chanel pill] without much trouble!"

"Oh ~ Is that so? Then why don't you show me? "


Geh! In the end, this old woman forced me to show her my current level in alchemy. The good thing is that because my rank in alchemy actually went up, I only had to try a few times to show her that I was right! Besides, by achieving this, I had met one of the conditions to be able to see her granddaughter now!!

“What have you thought to do in the future, boy? After all, you and some of the girls have reached a strength with which it would be a shame to remain in an Area equal to this one... "

"About that, I think..."

After showing my achievements in alchemy to Lena, she starts asking me about my plans for the future. So I begin to tell the plans I had to return to Gaia... although, I had to delay these for a few weeks!!

“That's… haa~ Seems like fate has wanted us to reunite, boy. Out of the many levels 2 Areas to choose from in this vast world, you had to go to that place... "

“…Please don't say it that way, witch. What if someone misinterprets that? They will think I have s0ome strange fetish! "

“Tch… you're still the same insolent brat even after you're no longer a virgin.

I had thought about talking of these things to you until you had a level 2 soul as promised, but... I'd better do it now. Maybe that will help you avoid some problems. "

In the end, it seems that the Area where the 7 Mountains sect was, is the same one where Lena had her alchemy guild along with her daughters… so, she starts to tell me her story more in detail. It was not something surprising, and rather it was something that was perhaps simply constantly being heard on Gaia.

When the guild that she and her daughters belonged to began to gain a little fame after several years and experience of practicing alchemy... in addition to that this old woman really had a quite happy life during that process to have a large number of daughters so this one grew quite a bit too, then another alchemy guild laid eyes on all those women.

Especially in Lena's granddaughter who was born with a great talent for alchemy… it even seems that this girl managed to create a very valuable recipe at a very young age!

But it was a shame that even though their guild excelled in alchemy a little more than the others, the other on the other hand had members with a little more strength. Besides, it was an older guild of several generations and, thanks to that, it had better relationships with other guilds.

So the result of all this was obvious… there was a battle between both parties and the result was one where several of her daughters and granddaughters died or escaped like her… also, that guild had taken her talented granddaughter now.

Apparently, Lena was very sorry for that fact but it was also thanks to this that they did not pursue them to exterminate them...

“ So those bastards have my precious Huldra-chan in their hands now?! "

"It's not yours, it's my brat granddaughter!"

"W-Well... you know what I mean, Lena-obasan"

"Hmp~ I agreed to introduce you to my granddaughter, not give her to you instead..."

"I know~, I know~ It's not like I have any fetish for holding a girl against her will"

“Well, if you were just a perverted brat, then from the beginning I wouldn't have made such a promise to you. Hihihi, if you manage to conquer my granddaughter's heart, then I have no problem with her staying by your side "

"It is a promise!

But... it's really a shame that little huldra-chan may be suffering now... "

“Hihihi… you don't have to worry so much about it, boy. My granddaughter is still like the hen that lays gold eggs for that guild, so they shouldn't give her bad treatment.

As for whether you're worried about them getting their hands on her, that's even less unlikely. Despite the fact that our race is made up of beautiful women, and my granddaughter seems to even excel in our race on that fact, this can only be enjoyed by people who we are willing to allow it... hihihi, otherwise, only a misfortune awaits those people who do not heed that warning.

In fact, it can be said that the best we could do was to quickly get away from that Area and go to remote regions. That way, they couldn't coerce my granddaughter with other members of her family.

…Hihihi, by the time that guild realized this, it was too late and my entire family had dispersed throughout various Areas in far-off places where it was difficult for their influence to reach us. "

Well... I think I can trust this old woman's words on that. If she didn't believe this herself, then she wouldn't be so calm now… after all, the girl we were talking about was her precious granddaughter.

As for the feature her race seemed to have… since I was a bit curious, I asked her more about it and then… it actually seemed like a pretty bad thing to put your hands on a Huldra-chan if she didn't agree with it! Apparently, practically when you insert your member on one Huldra, the fluids from them turn into something like a corrosive liquid that in the best of cases would make it very painful to use it again! At worst... your penis could end up shutting up with a simple jolt!!

…Indeed, her race was like a beautiful flower with poisonous thorns!

Although, since I don't have a fondness for taking a woman against her wishes, that didn't bother me much. If the little Huldra-chan has different feelings and she is not attracted to me, then despite being a bit disappointing, I could go on with my life without a problem.

"That makes me happy, at least I know I can wait a bit to finally meet a huldra... although, I really do not know if you're trying to stop me from going now to try to rescue her, or you are motivating me to do it...

Damn witch, did you have to add that your granddaughter was even more beautiful than a normal huldra?! "

“Hihihi… I was just telling you the truth. Besides... I am a huldra too, you have forgotten that?! "

“… I'm sure you're lying! Surely you are of a different race! Like a forest witch with a tail or something like that!! "

"Fuck you brat!

Tch… should I feed you all these pills that are like the ones Shisuka gave you and lock you up here with me?

“I-I'm sorry… I was wrong, Huldra-san~! "

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