Soul Evolution System

Chapter 393 Facing A Disciple Of Yomi 1

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"... did you receive a letter from a duel?"

“Y-Yes, it says that he will be waiting for me at a hotel a bit far from here… w-what do I do, Alexander-sanpai?"

"" ... ""

After school activities ended, while we were eating, Kenichi tells me that by showing me a sheet of paper with an emblem on it.

This is good, I was feeling a bit worried because I didn't know exactly how to find the [Yomi] person! It's not like I had a radar to find that guy, and so during all the day, I was trying to remember where precisely that guy will appear!

…I was about to ask Aurora if there really wasn't something in the system to help me with that, but it seems like now I don't need to worry!

“Well… this time as your senpai from the dojo, I'll help you. I will go to the place where the letter indicates."

"E-Eh? W-Will senpai go there? T-That's ... "

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon"

“…N-no, now I was more worried about the person who wrote the letter… s-should be better for me to go there after all? I-If Senpai ends up killing him by accident like with Sigfried-san, t-then… "

"" ... ""

... s-still haven't you forgotten that little mistake of mine from that time?! I thought it was his "shy" trait that seems to come up in him when he goes to fight, but... his pale face from now seems like this was because he was remembering my fight with Sigfried!

"Never mind, I'll go alone... Renka -chan and Miu -chan wait here"

" Heee~ I want to go too!"

"E-Emmm ..."

Ignoring Kenichi who tries to stop me after I take the duel letter from his hands, I start walking out of this hotel to go to that place. But quickly Renka-chan and Miu-chan come to my side, so I have to stop to tell them that.

…Probably Renka-chan just thought it would be funny to go there, but I think Miu-chan's reason is that she shares the same thought as Kenichi.

Seriously, I don't know why these two distrust me so much... it's not like I'm killing everyone I fight! Damn, I'm not some kind of terrorist!!

... w-well, maybe the matter with the bomb with Akisame last time was a bit excessive.

On the other hand, even though I think it is unlikely that someone at the Master level would intervene in such a duel, if for some reason that happens, then that would become quite troublesome! Honestly, I'm more concerned about having to face someone with a level 2 soul here than in the Area from the sect 7 Mountains!

...if for some reason that Master does not follow the ethics of letting people in the disciple levels of this world fight each other, then that would risk to these two girls. Also, if that person is the Master from the guy I will fight, things would be even worse. That Master is a main member of the Yami after all!

I'm pretty sure fighting someone like that at my current level with just martial arts would be certain death! I would have to use all the resources at my disposal to kill him or at least escape him. So I wouldn't have much space to help these girls.

So after insisting for a while, I leave the building alone. Because it was a tourist place on a snowy mountain with only some facilities and hotels, there was no such thing as a path and I have to walk in the snow while it was snowing a bit to go to the place of the duel. was cold and with the night falling, the darkness and the falling snow made it a bit difficult to see. Surely it wouldn't be a very good situation for a normal person, but I just walked forward without worrying much about it.

Thanks to my [Night Vision] skill and that I surrounding my body with a bit of energy, and also together with the coat I was wearing under the nanotube suit, I was able to move without problems. It still felt a little cold, but it was tolerable.

I had to change my clothes to what I had worn in this world and Revy's so as not to attract too much attention with the [Black Cobra Skin Armor].

It would probably be problematic if I used up all my energy to reduce the cold in my body, but at this rate, I should arrive at the place indicated in about half an hour according to the person I asked before leaving the building where Kenichi and the others were

" Hmn? Haa~ So in the end you followed me... "


Some time after walking through the snow, suddenly in my domain I feel the presence of someone approaching me. So when that person was close enough, my eyes captured a blonde-haired girl wearing a coat too...

"I-I don't want Alexander- kun to kill someone... not to kill someone here in this world."

“…You know, I'm not a cold-blooded killer, Miu- chan. It's not like I find pleasure in killing people. Also, I'm someone who tries to keep his word."


…I must admit that it was a bit sad that instead of receiving the concern of a girl that followed in my footsteps worried about my safety, her reason for being here now was the opposite and was because she considered me someone dangerous.

"Well... we are already closer to the place that the letter indicated, so let's go there together"


With no other option, I walk with her to the place I was going. But due to the same reasons why I didn't want her and Renka- chan to come, I decide to hand over some things to her in case the situation turns bad.

"Take this with you"

" Hmn? H-Huh? These aren't bombs the same as the ones you gave Akisame -san earlier?! "

Yes, it's almost the same I have previously given Akisame as a parting gift after he broke my arm… well, I had delivered it activated that time.

“That is not the same as the one I gave Akisame earlier. That generates something like a shield.

… Do you also want some like the ones I gave Akisame? Well, they are certainly a bit dangerous, but you better have some too... "

"N-No! I don't want that kind of bombs!! Or rather, you can not use them here!!

D-Didn't you say that you would keep the promise you made to the Masters?! You absolutely can't use them, Alexander- kun!! "

“… Well, that's why I said I“ try ”to do it. I would rather break my promise than if something happens to you, you know?"

"E-Eh? T-That's… e-emmm … th-thank you… b-but you still can't use these bombs!"

“Good, but keep those. Those just create a shield and won't harm anyone.

Let's continue walking to the place”


I put back the offensive BIMs since Miu-chan does not accept them, and holding her hand taking advantage of the fact that she had tried to return the ones I gave her before, we advanced. Umu, she doesn't seem to try to forcefully withdraw her hand when I hold it, so her trust in me should have increased a bit ... or at least when it comes to her feelings.

On the other hand... I think it would have been better for Renka-chan to come too if now Miu -chan was here. That way they could both help each other if things go wrong. In addition, I think if Renka- chan is too cornered, then most likely she would use something like the BIMs without worrying much.

…After all, that girl seems to be someone who goes with the heat of the moment.

" seems to be there"


"Are you fine, Miu -chan?"

"Y-Yes ... I'm just a little cold"

"Then let's go to the building quickly"

It is a pity that a building soon appears before our eyes, and therefore it was too late to make the road again twice for Renka- chan to join us as well.

I immediately pull her hand to enter the building. Miu-chan could be more sensitive to the cold since her breathing seemed a bit irregular and her face showed some discomfort, and therefore, I think it was best for her to rest inside.

“They must be Jihan Radin-sama's guests. Please follow me"

When we arrive at the entrance, a pretty girl with brown skin welcomes us, and then she begins to guide us through this hotel. Then going through some corridors, we came to a large room where there were more beautiful girls with the same characteristics as the previous one, and who wore clothes with high body exposure.

…Besides these girls, there also seemed to be a man reclining comfortably while some girls served him, and others performed some kind of show for him! Shit! I was dying of envy!!

“D-Damn… I-I'm so envious of him!

...Could I make explode this guy, Miu-chan? "

"E-Eh? N-No, you can't!! "

Miu-chan who was also surprised by the strange scene in front of us comes out of her daze and also takes my hand with which I was pointing at the boy who seemed to indulge in the pleasures of the world... she was holding both of my hands tightly as if she was afraid that I used any BIM.

…Well, I can't blame her for this either as my words weren't a joke. I may not be able to bear the envy and end up blowing up that guy!

"B-Besides ... why are you envious of him? I-I remember you said you had a lot of girls with you already too..."


T-That may be true, but… it's not like I could have enjoyed something like that guy's treatment! Why he can have it and I can't?!!

It would be great to lie down on the soft body Shisuka, Rika, Haruna, and Yuriko around me who have a body more mature while Saeko, Kurisu, Saya, Revy, Emilia-chan, Cleirsa, Turla, Rei, Mary, Leona, Scythe, Renka -chan, Shigure, and even Miu-chan take turns feeding me sweet fruit, Milene and Celi-chan use some fans in their hands to produce some fresh air, and we all enjoy watching Vrana -chan, Iruka -chan, and Alice-chan play something! That would really be like being inside paradise!!

U-Umu … maybe Miu -chan is really right and my resentment is somewhat unjustified… I don't usually count the number of girls next to me, but… pronouncing one name after another in my mind now, that number even scares me a little!

W-Without a doubt, there were quite a few names now... i-in fact, maybe if it weren't for the system, naming them all without missing one could be complicated!

Well, either way, because they didn't do something like that to me until now, see to someone else fulfill what would be a dream for me was unforgivable! I want to do that too!!

“ So you've finally come, commoner… hmn? You seem to be somewhat different from the Ryozanpaku boy's information… well, the girl is the same as the information indicates. There should be no problem "

"" ... ""

Perhaps due to the argument between me and Miu- chan, that guy seems to have finally noticed our presence. He gets up to sit down, and then arrogantly tells us that… also, surely his information doesn't match my appearance because Kenichi should be the person this one describes. The good news is that he doesn't seem to care much about that.

Well, I'll leave my personal issues and resentments with this guy for now. I first had to try to get the information I wanted, and so I went closer to him together with Miu-chan to talk.

"Yeah, whatever, before I hit your face I would like you to tell me about something"


“Commoners are really rude… well, like your last words, I think it will be fine to answer a few questions to you. 

You should be grateful, this king is willing to talk to you a bit "

“ Whatever, do you know [ Yami's ] Jiujitsu Master? Do you know where I can find her? "

“ [ Yami's ] Jujitsu Master? I've seen her a couple of times... but each of the "fists" in [ Yami ] moves independently. Probably even my Master doesn't know very well everything about her... "

To be honest, I didn't expect this guy to answer me... thought I'd have to hit him a bit first for that. It was a bit unexpected that he told me something since is supposed to be a secret organization… well, the Ryozanpaku was supposed to know this and he didn't tell me much either. Even though I received some information, it was still useless.

…maybe after all I have to search for some Master from the Yami to get more information. It seems that even if I go with other [ Yami ] disciples, I probably won't hear something different that he said.

So should I instead look for a Master instead of a disciple? That is problematic... also, it would probably have to be at least someone who is a "fist" who are the leaders... that makes things even more difficult.

“ Haa~ You really are of no use to me… Oh! If I capture you, will your Master come looking for you? No… that is kidnapping here and it would be problematic for a government organization to intervene… in the end, you are really useless to me.

Well now I want to come back soon so let me hit you a bit or I won't be able to sleep peacefully "


“I-Insolent commoner… weren't you a disciple of the Ryozanpaku? You seem more like the other disciples from [ Yomi ] instead… no, you even seem more insolent… "

Before, I had thought about just getting the information I wanted and leaving quietly, but now… I was a bit upset that I didn't get anything on this trip! And most of all… I couldn't get rid of this feeling of envy!!

If I didn't hit his face at least a few times, for some reason the feeling that I had lost to this guy would continue to bother me in the future!!

On the other hand, even though our discussion and the environment around us were quite calm, Miu-chan and the other girls in this room seemed uneasy as they watched us. I can understand Miu- chan's reason a bit, but… are these girls worried that this man will get mad or something?

…Well, this guy looks like he's not weak. He's got level [90] over his head… plus, [King's Dignity] ability as well… that kind of surprised me. I think this guy was the King of somewhere.

Kenichi had a higher level and fighting skill than him, but if they fought, the [King's Dignity] skill it would probably cause him quite a bit of trouble… well, unlucky for this guy, that wasn't the case for me.

“Either way, it appears that you are prepared to die, commoner. That's good, it would be annoying to have to listen to your begs now.

...Now please die. "


…I thought this guy was ready to fight now since he had stood up, but instead, he stands in the same place and says what appears to be an order while raising one of his hands.

I wonder if this guy is so arrogant that he expects me to kill myself so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty with the "lowly commoner" of me?  

...Can I hit him now?

"U-Umm… ha… ha..."

Reflexively I turned to Miu - chan ... it seems that on my face the same question I made in my mind reflected in my face, and she does not quite know how to answer. Putting that aside, now that I look at her with a more light spot, she had a slightly pale tone and her body was still a bit cold.

… I thought it would improve once we entered this place, but it doesn't seem like much has changed. D-Does she has hypothermia? Do I need to warm up her body?

“T-This… ha… ha… I-I'm fine. More importantly… a-aren't we in trouble? "

" Hmn?"

When I rubbed Miu- chan's hands a little to warm her body, more people started to enter this room. They were big men with well-developed muscles… there were 20 to 30 men who start to surround us when they enter. Also, above his head, I can see that they are between the 5th and 9th limit!

Oh, now I see. That was what he meant earlier with his words… let his guards do the dirty work. This is annoying… now I wanted to finish quickly to let Miu- chan rest.

"Finish them off"

"" Yes, your majesty! ""

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