Soul Evolution System

Chapter 399 Match with Yami 2

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"Well, then let each one take one of these Yami Masters to fight."

"Well... I'll fight the guy with the horse... fufufu, I think I should teach him some manners not to enter a building with such a large animal."

" Apapa~ Apa is fine with anyone~"

"W-Wait, Sakaki! I-I want to fight that Master! "

"Hmn? It's good, no? Just choose another Master"

…These guys didn't seem motivated enough to fight? It does not even seem that they want to try to talk to the other group of Masters to solve this in a peaceful way... Where is the motto of solving things without violence and for peace? The first thing these guys are thinking is to go and hit first and then talk!

W-Well, it is true that it may be useless, but... I feel they discarded that option very quickly, right?

Seriously... these guys are just as violent as the Yami Masters. I feel a bit ripped off by the fact that they try to look like the nice guys...

"E-Eh? I-It's not that! We're just trying to stop these guys from stealing this precious museum, right?!! "

"I-It's true, Alex-kun. It is very bad to steal, you know? We have to stop them... e-even if we have to be a little energetic to do it! "

“ Apapa~ Apa will crush these people~ He will hit them very hard and break several of their bones~!! "


Hups~… it seems like I was thinking aloud. Well, putting that aside, is it more than obvious that what Sakaki and Master Ma are saying are just excuses, right? Also... Apa doesn't even try to hide how excited he is to try to carry out his words! This guy seems to even forget why they are here and is only focused on crushing the other group!!

Tch, the damned Akisame turns away as if trying to pretend that he does not hear my words! I knew it, that guy is quite hypocritical! Like all the Masters here, he was also quite motivated to test his abilities!!

Although… maybe it's true that despite their desire to fight, surely these guys wouldn't take things too far and try to take these people's lives. In fact, most of the Masters here were from Yami's armed division, so they had swords, spears, and bows with them… and they didn't seem like they had any hesitation in using them.

Maybe I should give them a little praise for that. From the words of the Masters while they training me earlier, I knew that to fight against an armed person you had to be at least a few ranks higher in skill to match it... so, without a doubt, fighting these Masters is still quite risky for the group of the Ryozanpaku.

But even so...

“ Instead of your philosophy being called“ Fist of Life ”, isn't it more appropriate to call it“ The Agonizing Fist ”or something like that? "

"" ... ""

“ Hahaha… that brat seems to be quite intelligent and sensible, doesn't he? Very different from that group of hypocrites. Boy, why don't you join our side, I can take you as a disciple "

“…No, I'm not interested in being your disciple. Also, these guys can be a bit hypocritical, but… at least they're stronger than you… in fact, I think even I can beat you, you know? So how could you be my Master if you are weaker than me? "

"Y-You ... D-Damn brat!!"

"... y-you can't deny his words at least a little, Alexander-kun..."

“…I-It's true. Also, thanks to you, doesn't seem now that we are the wrong ones? "


I think that the morale of the Ryozanpaku Masters had dropped a lot because of my words... if I joined these guys now, surely it would then fall to the ground! Miu-chan and Kenichi seemed a bit concerned about that.

Now I feel a little guilty...

No! It's all the fault of the guy who invited me to join Yami and, who by the way, was the one who seemed the weakest of that group!! On the other hand, it seems that even among the Masters it is normal for the weakest to be the one who speaks the most and feels the most important...

That guy hadn't even brought his martial art to Master level… this was at rank [A] and he only had level [104]. I think fighting that guy would be pretty great… he would be a good instrument to prove myself.

"...I-'ll fight that guy... A-lex, you're still a-t the disciple level."

Sadly, Shigure takes a step forward and blocking the anger guy who was walking towards me... well, as I said before, my goal this time is not to fight, so I can only thank her who also seemed a bit annoyed by the fact that this man attack to someone who was not master level.

Although, to be honest, since he is also not a person at the Master level, and is probably only on the edge of that level, it is now unfair for Shigure to fight this guy. Of course, I am not going to complain or worry about this.

My attention must be on my goal. If I also get involved in the fight, the Jujitsu Master may leave before I know it! That would be bad.

" You... woman, wait! Give me back my beloved sword! Getaway, brat!! "

" Tch..."

I had planned to look for an opportunity to talk to that woman, but… when Shigure speaks, one of the people next to her steps forward… or rather, crawls like a cockroach towards Shigure while he had tears in his eyes.

…Man, don't tell me he's a pervert who wants to see her underwear? Fuck! That's so smart… I mean, despicable! I want to do it too!! 

...Either way, I can't let him do that to my woman!!

Also, since Shigure was now facing the other guy, I couldn't allow him to attack her from behind! So I quickly get between them.

This guy was stronger than the one Shigure was fighting now and who had probably only achieved a level 2 soul not long ago, I can't let my guard down one bit.

But... I must say that this guy who was coming towards me was a bit creepy... also, hearing his words from before and seeing the ability that it was at Master level on his head, [Master: Swordsman-C], the fighting style of this person was focusing on the sword!

Thank goodness I didn't see any sword with him! So, he probably can not show fully from his strength.

Then, when he got a few meters close to me, his long arms were moving like whips at a speed with which I could barely react! If he now had a sword with him, fighting against him would be quite scary!!

" Hmn? I don't have my sword, but... I'm still surprised that you were able to dodge my movements."


Haa~ really, I do not know whether to rejoice enough to call his attention enough to not disturb Shigure more, or depressed because now I had to fight and so don't being able to speak with Master of Jiujitsu.


" Senpai !!"

…Honestly, if I didn't use weapons and other things, I didn't have the confidence to deal with this guy even though he also had a disadvantage. So I can only be a little glad that Kenichi and Miu-chan are standing next to me now to help me.

"Well, first I'll get rid of these brats and then I'll chase that woman..."

"You two, be careful..."


I don't have the luxury to say something like I would take care of him by myself, so along with the two of them, we began to fight... or try at least to defend ourselves against those arms as whips of this guy.

" Kueh!!"

" Hyaa!!"


Each of us uses our advantages to fight him! Miu -chan quickly moves around him and jumps attacking him with kicks from above. I also try to find an opening through which I can attack him with my best technique, and that Kenichi… well, he becomes our meat shield receiving several blows of this guy!!

…His specialty was taking hits, right?

"H-Hamtaro-san... a-are you okay?"

“…Y-Yes. A-Alexander-senpai… please don't hide behind me! Also, I think you once held me so that he hit me and you could escape!! "

"…it's your imagination."

"... no boy, you actually held him down so you could escape."

"...tch ."

"I knew it!!"

"How can you believe your enemy?! It is obvious that he wants to destroy our teamwork!! "

"E-Eh? I-Is that so? "

No, not really, he was telling the truth... but who likes to get hit if you can avoid it or have someone else get hit for you? I will only receive blows at the cost of a woman!!  

“Either way, don't let your guard down. Miu-chan, keep attacking him and I'll find a way to try to defeat him in one fell swoop! Kenichi, you… you keep blocking the blows with your body for us! "

"A-Are you going to use that ability? T-That's... "

"Yes, Alexander-senpai! W-Wait, what? "

“Don't worry, Miu- chan. He will surely be able to resist that ability. "


"W-Wait, Alexander- senpai! W-What do you mean to I need to keep getting hit by the two of you?!! "

After convincing Miu-chan and ignore Kenichi, we prepare to attack again this guy! Unfortunately, it seems that things have gotten more difficult for us now!!

“ Well, I'm done playing with you brats… I want that woman to give me my sword back!! "

"" ... ""

That man takes a... a stick. Yeah, it sounds pretty stupid, but... t-the aura from this damn guy completely changes and that was not a joke at all! The bodies of the three of us stop for a second just by feeling that pressure!!


"Sh-Shit! The meat shield was him, not me!! W-Why do you choose me-Kuuuh!! "

"Alexander- kun!!"

"Alexander- senpai!!"

"...I must praise you again for dodging the first attack"

…His already extensive reach by his long arms has now almost doubled! And his hit was really not a joke! I almost felt like it broke me in half… and with a damn stick!!

" Kohon! Kohon! Kohon! "

I try to steady myself as I roll, but eventually, I drop to my knees with one hand on the ground supporting me and the other holding where he hit me with the stick. All while coughing up some blood! I feel like that hit even moved my internal organs!!

…Well, it seems I was stupid for trying to hold back against this guy and I ended up paying it badly!

"Step aside... you two back off, I'll take care of that man on my own."

"A-Alexander- kun?"

"S- Senpai?"

When Kenichi and Miu-chan come to my side worried, I push them away while walking towards my enemy! I was truly a fool to put her in danger… if he had chosen to attack her, then she probably would have suffered for it. Thinking about it really makes me mad!

As for Kenichi… well, I certainly did let him take several attacks, but no these didn't seem very dangerous. Now it's different, the aura around that guy looks pretty dangerous... I don't want him to be beaten half dead either.

"Okay, now let's fight seriously."


Ending with my words, I make two BIMs appear in my hands which I throw behind him! In the next instant, I threw another one but this time directly in his direction!!

I must admit it, the man has good instincts. When he intended to block or hit the BIM towards him, he quickly backtracks back from his movements. His choice was the correct one, since the moment he takes a few steps back, a black hole is created in the place where he was going!

[ Tsuuuun ] [ Tsuuuun ]

Unfortunately for him, his path to retreat is also hampered in the next instant by two lines of flame!

It was a bit surprising that despite all this, his face didn't look very surprised. His reactions only last a second, and he refocuses on what may happen next. Certainly someone at the Master level.

Even so, thanks to those little seconds that achieves to distract him, I had arrived right beside him! Then when he noticed me, I was already preparing for my next move. I release my [Domain] and fully focus on him. This time, it was not only the surprise that affected him, his body looked stagnant for a moment.

And that moment is enough to make two short swords appear on my hands and attack him!!

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