Soul Evolution System

Chapter 401 Match with Yami 4

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As I was going back to where the girls were together, Cockroach- kun... I think I should give him another nickname, this one actually seems quite offensive and, now that our resentments have been forgotten for both, it may not be entirely correct to do.

Well... cockroaches are still pretty amazing insects if you think about it. They are gross but certainly surprising living beings.

As I was saying, while we were going back, I see through the fights of the other Ryozanpaku guys a bit. They continued to fight seriously. No… Apa looks like he was just playing and having fun fighting his opponent. I feel a bit sorry for the guy who wore armor along with an ax.

…His armor now had several dents and he seemed quite affected by Apa blows.

With the others guys, it seemed that they would take longer to finish off their opponents. Of all of them, probably the one in the worst situation was Master Ma! But... I can only respect that man!

It wasn't because he had now practically become my father-in-law and this was for another reason!

Before I started fighting, when they were trying to see who they would fight against, they didn't come to an agreement in the end and so they had no choice but to play rock, paper, or scissors to decide this... a very mature action from them, I must say.

Either way, when it was the turn to see who would fight against a woman who was Master of the arc, Master Ma hurt his arm to earn the right to have a chance to harass... I mean, to fight her!!

So now he was fingering… fighting valiantly against that woman even with an incapacitated arm. Worthy of respect, right?!

"Alexander- kun!"


"H-He won't attack us now, right?"

"...have you switched sides now?"

"Damn traitor!!"

"...I just wanted a good sword and, as he gave it to me and not were you guys, you all can't complain about this"

When we got to where the others were, Miu-chan greets me happily while also checking my injuries, Shigure looks carefully at my new subordinate, Kenichi also seems worried because now he is next to us, and the other Yami guys who were not struggling in the fight complain to him when he answers the Jiujitsu Master's question.

…Well, surely this was an unexpected result for everyone, I can't blame them for their reactions.

"Well done, Alexander-kun! It is worthy of someone from the Ryozanpaku that you can make an enemy change his way of thinking!!"

Probably sensing my gaze from before and hearing the discussion from us,  the Ryozanpaku Masters pay a little attention to this place and Master Ma says that while the others nod their heads and smile.

Please just focus on your fight as it should be quite troublesome in itself that you already have a disadvantage. Besides... if you say that now, then what I'm going to do now will be much more troublesome! 

Kuh! Now I feel a little bad about this...

Whatever, I had to fulfill my purpose of coming here! So after inhaling and exhaling to calm myself, I walked in the direction of the Jiujitsu Master who was not far from us.


She looks at me with a bit of curiosity, and I also respond by raising my head a little to look directly into her eyes... I must say that it is quite difficult to look away from those huge mountains that her suit only seems to cover the third part of them.

"Please make me your disciple..."

"" ... ""

After looking at each other for a few seconds, I sit in seiza and then I tell her that...

Everyone in the place seems to stop what they were doing due to my actions and the place goes a bit quiet! You see, this became very uncomfortable due to what Master Ma said earlier!!

"T-Traitor! D-Damn traitorous brat!! "

The first to react because of my actions was Sakaki... he looked pretty upset and yells that. I feel like if I was near him, then he would have kicked me!

Well… I was expecting this a bit, so I have to clear my name or any misunderstandings there may be.

“How rude… I never said that I shared the same ideologies as your group, right? "


“ Apapa~ Alexander- kun is now the enemy? ~ Do I have to hit him to get him on the right track again? "

Fuck you, Apa! Also, whether or not I was your enemy surely that still won't change the fact that I would be beaten by you!! On the other hand, how can anyone think that they are on the right track if they seem to enjoy hitting others?!!

“Either way… I've never specifically followed something like light or dark! I…"

"" ... ""

" My heart will always be an ally of the beauties!!"

"" ... ""

…Yes, even I know it. I'll probably end up dying there at the hands of a woman one day, right? Well, it doesn't look like a very bad destination either.

[Please at least defend yourself if a beautiful woman attacks you. Remember, if you die, then I too will probably cease to exist]

…Well, I'm not a masochist, Aurora. So, if a beautiful woman attacks me, then at least I will block her blows.

[ Haaa~ Well... at least that's something, isn't it?]

On the other hand, I would like to say that the others were moved by my words, but… most of them were just open-mouthed. They say geniuses are misunderstood, so this doesn't matter!!

"Well said, Alexander- kun! I-I can certainly be proud to have trained a disciple like you… "

Oh, it seems I was wrong... in fact, there was someone who seemed quite moved by my words. Yes, I knew that at least Master Ma was someone with the same principles as me!

[…No, you should probably say someone without principles like you]

T-That's a bit rude, Aurora.

[Fufufu … I'm not criticizing you, Alexander. I'm just telling the truth]

W-Well... that doesn't make me feel much better, you know?

" Apapa~ Should I hit Alexander- kun or not?"

“…It would probably be nice if you hit him, Apa. Besides, also to Ma... maybe that way you would fix their heads a bit "

" least it's better to go after beauties than instead of old ladies, right?"

"" ... ""

"A-Alexander- senpai... n-now because of you it even seems that the Masters are going to fight each other..."

“…You can't blame me for that, right? Akisame's hobbies are his responsibility! "

"" ... ""

Yes, I've also heard for a while that Akisame has "special tastes"! I thought it was just a joke between them, but… I thought it was just a joke between them, but… isn't it weird that he's not really the least bit excited to see a beautiful woman? I can understand Apa since he seems like someone asexual... or maybe a little too childish, but Akisame's attitude seems like someone mature, right? So yeah, I find it a bit strange!

“…You still have a bit of resentment towards Akisame-san for breaking your arm earlier, right Alexander-kun? "

"... yes, maybe a little, Miu-chan"

Well, I think I've improved since at least this time I didn't end up throwing a bomb at him! Let's keep moving forward one step at a time.

"...Do you want to be my disciple?"

"Yes! Although... I would not mind being more than that if you want it..."

"" ... ""

What? Why does everyone look at me like that? I had to say it, you know? Sitting in seiza here I can only see those huge mountains when I raised my head! If someone did not think to have a deeper relationship than just a disciple after seeing that, then it would be strange! I am not Akisame, I am attracted to beautiful women!!

"Okay, from now on you will be my disciple"


This was easier than I thought. I was thinking of begging her to hold one of her feet in the next few moments, but... sadly, I couldn't do it! Did she anticipate my future actions if she rejected me? She is someone quite scary...

"Well, it seems that now we have completed our goal… it's time to go."


When she says that, several men carrying all kinds of weapons begin to withdraw from the place... yes, apart from the Masters that the Ryozanpaku guys fought with, there were other men working while they were busy.

“You guys… next time you should focus more on the objects you need to protect instead of fighting the first person you come across… just a tip.

Besides... I would like to know who was the clever one who thought that hiring people who spend their time destroying their own house is good to take care of something like a museum... this person should not be very smart"

"" ... ""

I needed to tell them that before I left… 

Well... it was probably still acceptable that they couldn't stop them from robbing the place, but… I think now apart from losing those things, the owner of this place also has to worry about the near demolition of this museum.

There were holes in various walls, statues and other things broken and shattered on the ground, and even fire was beginning to spread through the place!

Well, that last thing is my fault maybe.

" Apapapa~!!"

" Kueeh!!"

[Crack!] [Pum !!] [ Trashh !!]

"" ... ""

…Well, probably the main person responsible for all this was the dark-tanned man who, as if he couldn't bear to stay longer without hitting someone, returned to attack his enemy aggressively… the poor fellow looked like a soccer ball being dominated by a player and, of course while doing this Apa doesn't forget to ruin the building even more.

“…I think you should stop him. Surely he would end up collapsing the place if you let him continue "playing" with his opponent..."

Seriously, someone please stop him. I feel a bit sorry for the guy with the armor which at first seemed to glow and now doesn't even have a proper shape!

“Then I retire… bye. See you later, Shigure and Miu-chan.

"Hasta la vista, baby"… tururu♫ … tun tun tun ♫ "

"... okay, be careful Alex"



[Affection Mikumo Kushinada 01 (Acknowledgment of existence) ]

"…what are you doing?"

…I wanted to do a scene output style [Terminator 2], so since there was no molten metal here, I try to sink into the Jiujitsu Master's big breasts while giving the others a thumbs up… what? She was the hotter thing that was closer to me after all!

So when I do, I get two big shocks!! First, her breasts were quite soft and they really seemed like I could hide my head in the middle of them!! The second one... this one almost makes me fell to the ground from the impact!! first I thought that the system was informing me that her affection had risen by 1, but... after paying a little more attention, I understood that this was telling me that her total affection was only 1!!

What am I to her? An ant on the road which barely she noticed its existence?!!

Before when she still didn't accept me as her disciple, was I just air for her? Fuck! I am beginning to regret a little about this choice to take her as my Master!! It might be more difficult to be able to get up the 100 of her affection to complete the system mission than with Akisame...

No, at least this time I have a greater motivation than before to do this! It may be difficult, but I won't give up before I even start trying!

“… N-Nothing. I was just a little cold and wanted a hug now..."

" seems you need a lot of training"


I could only tell that while Kushinada is holding me like a cat by the neck of my clothes. But yes, I was not lying, at this moment I was really very cold and wanted a bit of heat! Something to warm my poor heart!!

Well, I think this is normal… when a person treats you like an insect this is what happens!!

[Crashhh !!!]

As Kushinada continued to carry me like a cat while we were leaving, a part of the building collapses. You see, I knew this would happen. Unfortunately, I do not have the spirit to make fun of men Ryusanpaku now.

“ S-Sasaki-shisho and A-Akisame-shisho!

W-What do we do now?"

"...if someone asks, this was all done by Yami's guys"


…Very mature of you, Sakaki. Although I don't blame him, I would do the same and blame others for this. Also, I think others approve of his words since no one says anything...

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