Soul Evolution System

Chapter 437 Kenichi World Tournament 24

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F-Fuck… it was much more painful than I thought it would be!

Besides... wasn't too much blood coming out of the wound? I was beginning to worry that he would hit a major vein or artery! Th-Thinking about it, that possibility was very likely! He should know a little about where he would do a lot more damage in an attack!!

Well, I had prepared myself for this, so I quickly eat a few pills that I kept in my mouth in case things didn't work out... and yes, although I can't say that this was the best scenario I had in mind, it wasn't the worst either.

"... so, do you have any last words, boy?"


As he tried to sink his hand deeper into my body perhaps to worsen the wound, with a big smile on his face since he should think he had won, this Yami Master asks me that.

…Being honest, I couldn't blame him for thinking that. Such a wound probably wouldn't kill me right away, but it would certainly be a major impediment to continuing to fight. Or that should be the most normal thing in such a situation.


But contrary to what he expected, on my face at this moment there was only a smile too... I know what you are thinking, but I really am not a masochist! The reason for my joy was because, as I said, things followed my plans to a certain extent!!

Many of the techniques I learned from Sakaki were to receive certain injuries in the best way and avoid the worst! Well, of course, it is much better not to go through something like that, but sometimes there is no other option. So even though I wasn't very enthusiastic about learning these kinds of techniques... or the art of being a "good masochist" as I call it, it actually turned out to be quite useful.

…Although, I still think that the reason why Sakaki insisted on teaching me these things was mainly because he simply wanted to hit me.

Anyway, thanks to a breathing technique that Sakaki taught me, before receiving the attack, I lift my internal organs! So, leaving the amount of blood that came out from his stab, it shouldn't be that serious!!

No... well ... it's still painful as hell, but at least I shouldn't have damaged organs!

Realizing this, the adolescent-faced old man tries to back away. It is a shame for him that at that very moment I tighten my abs to not allow him to withdraw his hand so easily!

Hell, that only made the pain I felt even worse, but I clench my teeth to bear it. I couldn't miss this opportunity, even though things didn't turn out so bad, surely continuing to fight like this would only be detrimental to me! I had to finish this fight now!!

Also… it's not like I can hold his hand for long. The main reason he couldn't withdraw his hand was that he didn't use much force as probably don't expect there to be resistance, but if he tried harder it wouldn't be difficult for him to do so.

So not wanting to waste even a second more, my knee goes straight towards his chin which was in a low position due to his previous attack...



…Of course, I do it without any kind of mercy and I also use my technique [Futae no Kawami] which after the fight with the old man my mastery in this increased to be able to use it perfectly with almost all the parts of my body!

Curiously I felt that the effect of my technique this time was even greater than other times...  it was not only a sensation of a small explosion that was transmitted when I hitting him, but this time the air around the impact it seems that was expelled by the force of the blow!

Also, most likely, my [Survivor] ability was activated by the wound on my body… I would like to say that it was certainly a pleasant surprise, but… that also meant that the wound was much more serious than I had thought!

Well… I could only worry about it later. Now I had to finish this fight! I did not think that that blow was enough to finish this man !!

[Taiyuken !!]


Although I knew he should be quite disoriented from the previous blow, I don't risk getting a counterattack for underestimating him… his eyes were still attentive to my movements, so I decided to deprive him of this sense too!

I could tell that the effect of the pills would soon disappear, but thanks to the increase in strength by the [survivor] skill which allowed me to surpass the 5th limit of a level 2 soul, the energy inside my body was even higher than before!

"G-Ghuaah !!"

With faster and stronger movements thanks to that, and now also having his vision neutralized for a while, I make rained down a series of attacks with several of the best techniques I had on him!

I continue like this until I don't know if due to the injury I had or because the effect of the pills disappeared my body felt very heavy... it was probably due to the latter since, when I go back a few meters and check my condition, at least not so much blood was coming out anymore.

"Alexander / Alexander-kun / A-lex !!"

"Ha... ha…"

At that very moment, Renka-chan, Miu-chan, and Shigure arrive by my side with rather worried faces. I wanted to say that it was okay not to worry them, but sadly it was obvious that I wasn't… I was trying really hard just to stay on my feet! Besides, I could only gasp from exhaustion!!

"I-Is he alive?"

…Well, I didn't hold back at all this time… so Kenichi's question was quite reasonable. Yami's Master was now on the ground and was not moving ... I had to focus my gaze to distinguish that he was still breathing ... weakly, but still breathing.


[Optional / Hidden Mission "Defeat one of the 3 super-men / Women in this world" - Complete

Range: E

Defeat one of the most important and privileged people in this world in a totally serious fight~! That will certainly be a great help for your development as a martial artist~!!

Objective: Defeat or Kill a person with the skill [Super-man / woman]

Failure: Death

Rewards: 25 million x Crystals

250 million x Gold

10 x [Limit-Break Pills-E

Additional rewards: All fighting skills increase in rank

A rank E Monster Summon Scroll]


[Since the Fighting Techniques: Mue Tai, jiujitsu, Kenpo, Karate exceed rank B, they agree to create the skill [4 Fighting Styles Domain - B]]


…Are you OK?"

"... I've been better, but I don't think I will die from this."

Hearing the system notification, I relax a bit. I still had a bit of concern that Yami's Master would get up... so hearing that the mission had been completed, I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders and, along with this, so does the strength that I still had in my body.

I was about to fall, but before that happened Shigure's arms were around me and she was holding me. Haa~ If it weren't for the chainmail that covered her upper body, I felt like I could fall asleep right away just by laying on her soft breasts!

…Well, it was still quite nice to be in her arms, only it's a shame that I just feel the cold and harsh touch of the mental!

"How are the others?"

"S-Several from them have finished fighting... but it seems that others are still having difficulties."

Without being able to enjoy the moment 100%, I could only ask about others. As I do so, I direct my vision to places where some of the Masters of our group were still fighting. Damn... I wish that those who finished fighting before and now also only observed the others had decided before to help me or change places with me and take charge of my opponent... mainly the Ryozanpaku elder!!

...if it weren't because I understood a little that his and Miu-chan's attention was mostly focused on Colonel S *** er's fight and the one who seemed to be the son and father of the two of them respectively, I would think not he cared if I lived or died!

Well, the second one at least do it after she checked that I was okay... or that my life was at least not in danger. Finishing checking my condition, Miu-chan turned her eyes to that fight again. This one was certainly one of the most striking among those that were happening now.

Although… it wasn't just her who cared about a relative, I could also see Renka-chan worried about her father who was fighting against Yami's Master who acted as a commentator for the tournament. Only that she can relax a bit after my fight is over since he manages to defeat that guy too.


...although it must not have been an easy fight. I could see that he had quite a few injuries on his body! Well, at least it looks like he was in better shape than me… now I couldn't even move and could only depend on Shigure! Seriously, the fact that my head was between her breasts was because of that... so I would like Master Ma to please stop looking at me with eyes full of envy when he arrives where we were.

"... I can't move, so please stop looking at me like that... Kushinada"


Also, he wasn't the only one who was looking at me with a rather penetrating gaze… when Kushinada also approaches here, I have no choice but to speak as the atmosphere around her was quite uncomfortable.

…As for her, it seems that most of the opponents she had to deal with were not of a very high level. I'm glad she didn't seem even a little hurt, if anything, she just looked a little agitated. Maybe the only bad thing for her is that she attracted quite a few little fries guys… although, I could understand those men, even though she was undoubtedly one of the most dangerous Masters here, I would definitely prefer to fight her than another guy from here.

…Although to no avail, I'm sure all her opponents tried to get slight advantages from her.


When we watched the fight that the Furinji family was concerned about, suddenly something unexpected happens...

It is not that the victor between them was decided, but that ... both types change their appearance! Yes, they both seemed to have used some things to hide their identity!!

The strange thing was that… the guy who looked like Colonel S *** er, now looked exactly the same as the person he was fighting looked like before! As for that other person, he just looked totally different.

…It was no wonder that this came as a surprise to most of the people who watched their fight. Seriously, what they did was no longer classified simply as dressing up as someone else… it was more like they transformed into totally different people! It was something so radical that I even checked to see if they didn't have some kind of skill for it… and yes, I can't find anything like that. They seem to be only very good at dressing up.

Well, for me and the old man this made a lot of sense or clarified many things... that was the reason why Colonel S *** er fought using the Furinji style. I didn't know why they both had to switch identities, but it didn't matter that much to me either.

…Besides, I don't think I had to worry about the end of that fight anymore. Even if that other guy acting as Yami's leader defeats him, there were still several Masters on our side who had emerged victorious. In fact, it appears that most have.

"Kushinada... please take care of restraining that guy, I still have some unfinished business with him."

"E-Eh? A-Alexander-senpai… a-are you still thinking about torturing him more ?! "


…I wanted to answer that that was not the case, but… remembering what happened last time, it seems that Kenichi's assumptions weren't entirely wrong. Surely the guy I fought with would suffer a little more...

I have earned a lot for all this, but... why not earn a little more?

"Okay, I'll take care of the dwarf"

With that thought in mind, I ignore Kenichi and Kusinada and I look at each other for a while until she accepts my request. With her taking care of that, then I could rest easy. Also, it seems that she had certain grudges with him... surely she would paid enough attention to prevent him from causing more problems.

After finishing taking care of everything that was worrying me right now, I feel like I'm starting to lose my consciousness… I was actually quite tired this time...

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