Soul Evolution System

Chapter 444 Surprises When Returning To Gaia 3

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We all gathered around the bed where the harpy eggs were. And as Vrana had mentioned, it looked like they would soon break apart! They were agitating giving hints that we would in shortly see these little newborn monsters.

…Seriously, the first day I arrived I almost had a heart attack! 

When I found out that I was apparently jumping to conclusions and it was all a big misunderstanding, I again felt my knees go weak and threaten to give way to send me to the floor! Of course, this time it was because of the relief I felt upon hearing the explanation from all the girls.

While I don't have any fetish or feel the need for a girl to be a virgin to love her, I wouldn't complain if she was either. Well, I think most of the men wish they were the first man of the woman they like.

Changing the subject, the reason why most of the girls who stayed in the sect advanced their soul level, was because of the reason that triggered that misunderstanding.

Saeko along with the others seems to have taken a little trip to gain some experience, and that's where they ended up finding several eggs in a harpy nest! Most of these were traded in the sect for merit points... or rather, at first her goal was to exchange them all, but... Vrana ended up holding on to these 3 eggs and refused to part with them, so with no other choice, the other girls could only please her.

Well... I think they also practically had no other choice! 

Now Vrana reaching level [146] was stronger than all the others!! Due to the great shock of seeing her holding those eggs, I didn't realize it at first. But without a doubt, her strength advanced by leaps and bounds during this short time!!

Certainly that trip was very fruitful for all of them. Saeko's level is [112], Turla [110], Clerisa [111], Scythe [132], Mary [124], and Rei reached the peak of the ninth limit of a level 1 soul! A great improvement I must say!!

But even with their newfound strength, if Vrana got rebellious and caused trouble, calming her down probably required the 7 main elders of the sect to intervene! Or they would even have to call the Sect Master!!

…So they could only let her do what she wanted and wait for my return to sort things out. Yes, they practically pushed the problem on me...

Well, I can't blame them for this, Vrana has been my responsibility since she is my tamed monster, right? Also, even though I think this time I received an even bigger blow than when Yami's old man stabbed me with his hand, things ended well.

As for what to do with the eggs, I saw no reason to separate Vrana from them.

…Seriously, it's not that I'm scared of her too now that she's at the 4th limit of a level 2 soul… she probably wouldn't point her sharp claws at me. Yes, I am sure of it!

Also, if I remember correctly, Vrana had the ability [Leader], so having some subordinates would surely help her develop this one! You could say that he would now have a small air squadron, right?

...sure, we should wait until the harpies about to be born develop for that.

What I am sure of is that without a doubt the expectations for the development of these harpies are not a bad thing at all. From what the girls said, these 3 eggs were the ones that were deepest in the cave where the nest was, so they probably belonged to the harpy matriarch!

This gave the girls who fought against it a hard time, and even though they tried to soften their experience of what happened there, I'm sure it was something quite dangerous!

…I have mixed feelings about this. Even though I know that it is inevitable for girls to expose themselves to danger in order to become stronger as well, my heart can't help but race thinking that I might end up losing them!

When I saw the marks on Rei's armor, I couldn't help feeling her everywhere and trying to undress her to make sure she was completely okay!

…Thanks to my actions, even though I had no ulterior motives… not many, I ended up getting hit while she called me "pervert brat". To improve her mood, I had to buy Rei a new outfit since the one she was wearing had some torn parts. Since it can be said that I am quite rich right now, I was able to do it with a big smile on my face and without feeling a stab in my pocket.

The truth is that I wanted to buy new and higher-ranking equipment for everyone, but… after considering it for a while, I refrained from doing so. It's not because I am stingy! I just think that giving them items of a much higher rank than what is seen in this Area, instead of protecting them, would surely end up being counterproductive.

Returning to the previous topic, the reason why the girls also undertook that trip to the mountains was because of me. Since they knew that I wanted one of the main techniques of the sect, as a countermeasure in case I could not win it in the tournament that would be held shortly, they decided to get several merits points for me!

While it's hard for me that the girls put themselves in harm's way, I think it would be bad to ignore their good feelings too. So I ended up reliving many merit points to my name thanks to all of them and I could only thank them for that.

Also… strangely I also received a pillow!

When Saeko gave it to me, I thought it was some kind of hidden meaning… for a moment I thought it was one of those pillows with the words "Yes" or "No" on it! Sadly, it looked like an ordinary pillow.

…No, I think categorizing it as an ordinary pillow was wrong. It was quite smooth and with a pleasant aroma.

But since it would be quite strange if they gave me a normal pillow... and seeing how she and the other girls had their faces flushed, I could only think that it was really a hint to telling me that she wants to accompany me to bed or... that it did not was a normal object.

So, to rule out the second possibility, I could only quickly assess it.

[Vigor Revitalizing Pillow - G]

Pillow created from the most important feathers of a harpy.

[Restoration of stamina-G] [Increase in sex drive-H]

…That's what my eyes saw after evaluating this one! 

I did not know what to think about this... I wanted it to be a normal pillow and to have a hidden meaning, but... what the evaluation information said could no longer be considered a hint and was more something that was pointed out directly!

Although… it also led me to think that maybe Saeko… or other girls weren't satisfied with my performance in bed! If so, then I would take a hit harder than when I saw Vrana hugging all 3 eggs!! My pride as a man would be totally shattered!!

I had to defend my pride... no, show them that I didn't need something like that! I thought about attacking Saeko so much that she couldn't get out of bed for several days!!

Unfortunately… it wasn't as easy as I thought!

Every night, all the girls would stand at the doors of their rooms while they watched me attentively while saying good night! Although it seemed that they were giving me the option to choose one of them to spend the night with, things were not so simple!!

The problem in this was... if my feet were heading in the direction of Saeko's room, while I could see a bit of embarrassment and expectation in her eyes, the looks from Renka-chan and several of the other girls were like stabs! Also, the worst thing was Kushinada's aura!!

That reaction of all of them was practically the same regardless of the room of the girl I was directed to!!

Well... when I approached Miu-chan's direction, she with a totally flushed face quickly turned around entering her room and closing it tightly behind her. Clerisa had a rather peculiar reaction... she began to murmur in almost inaudible voice things like "W-We should get married to be able to do something like that..." or "Since we are engaged, t-then maybe...". 

Honestly, since Kushinada was the scariest, it seemed like she was the best option... or at least I think that if I ended up choosing her I could continue to maintain my life for longer!

But I was naive… you shouldn't underestimate the collective pressure from all the other girls gathered!! It seemed like they were teaming up to defeat a powerful enemy.

In the end, I could only end up walking in the direction of Vrana's bedroom… it seems that her room became a safe and neutral place for everyone. While this girl may get carried away by her instincts, all this time she has been focused on taking care of her precious eggs. All the other girls seemed to understand this.

I had the option to go to my own room, but it was even sadder to sleep alone! So I had no choice but to help look after the eggs all these nights.

…Seriously, I don't know why even though I had already had sex with several of these girls in this house and, therefore, I should be able to vent my lust more easily, this is not the case! It seems that it has become even more difficult to be able to spend a passionate night now that there should be more sexually willing girls around me!!

…When I had only done it with Saeko and Kurisu there didn't seem to be any problem, but now with Renka-chan and Kushinada joining this group, things got complicated!

Well... I certainly think it was also because usually both of the first two had different routines and most of the time they were each doing different things. It was easier to find time alone with one of them.

Now… with several eyes on me, this seems quite difficult. Unless I want to cause a carnage... where mainly I would be the one affected, then I could only repress my sexual desire!

...I really should start looking for a way for girls to be a little more open about these things or else my sex life instead of enviable would be one that causes pity!!

Fuck! I should have taken advantage of my time a little more when I was in Kenichi's world! Because I spent all the time after the tournament in bed and later I was busy preparing things to my return, I couldn't enjoy my time with Renka-chan and Kushinada!

…Should I be the one to give the girls a pillow with the word "Yes" or "No" now? Should I be more forceful and not pay attention or care what happens after that? At least if I die that way, it will be because I am faithful to my desires, right?

"E-Eh? W-Why did the eggs start to glow? "

"I-Is that okay?"

"I-I don't know either"

A sudden flash and the words of Rei, Miu-chan, and Renka-chan bring me out of my thoughts. As the first one says, the glow was coming from the 3 eggs on the bed! Damn, what are they? Pokemon?

"…that's fine? It looks as if they are going to explode. "

"U-n ... I can feel a lot of energy coming from them"

I understood Kushinada and Shigure's doubts, the eggs began to emanate quite considerable energy! So like them and me, several girls who were now more adept at feeling energy also show concerned faces and even take a few steps further from the bed.

"That glow means that the monsters from the eggs are about to hatch."

"Yes, this is how some monsters hatch from their eggs."

Even for me it was the first time seeing this, so when the girls turn their eyes towards me to search for answers, I could only smile bitterly since I also had no idea if this was normal.

The good thing is that Turla and Cleirsa who seemed more informed about this reassure us. Then along with their words, something begins to change in the eggs... its shape distorts and it starts to adopt a new one! Slowly it is seen how the light takes on a humanoid form!!

Seriously,  now I'm almost listening in my head to the song when a pokemon evolves!!

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