Soul Evolution System

Chapter 457 Claiming Rewards 1

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After the tournament ended, Grandparents Delna and Turlok invited us to a great banquet in a shop of a mid-level clan specialized in these things that was located in what is a city outside the sect. Without a doubt they seemed to be the most encouraged by everything that happened today… it seemed that they were the ones who won the fights!

But perhaps this was not entirely wrong... although for me it is not that important, now their faction had someone with the title of the main disciple. Furthermore, the girls also obtained a good rank among the core disciples! So this was certainly a huge boost for their faction.

This was instantly noticed by people in the sect. Several other elders quickly came to congratulate this pair of grandparents during our meal. It was clear that they wanted to improve their relationship with them now. Even individuals from other factions in the sect would probably decline towards their group now. Or at least now they would think twice about antagonizing them.

As I said, aside from the fact that I had now become the main disciple of the sect, the girls' performance was also splendid. They all knew that, if this group of girls was given a little more time, they would probably all occupy the first places among the core disciples.

Because of this, everyone could see that the Delna family faction would rise higher in the sect soon, and it would likely stay strong for quite a while. So it was no wonder these grandparents were the happiest. Also, for the girls this was good, so there was no reason to complain about this.

No, it wasn't just Grandpa Delna and Turlok who were the happiest, this applied to all the other members of this family who also came to celebrate our victories... even several of them repeatedly brought up the subject of my engagement to Cleirsa and Turla as if they wanted to speed up and secure this… several of these people even came over to whisper to me that I should sneak into these two's rooms!

…That was something I definitely wanted and I'm willing to do! And the truth is that I didn't need their impulse for this! Sadly, it was difficult to sneak into any girl's room in the house in the sect!!

I could only smile bitterly since they didn't know about my plight right now… well, at least I could see Turla and Cleirsa acting nervous and flushed-faced from these kinds of conversations that were constantly mentioned during the meal.

By the way, I must say that the food was really delicious. This clan could pride itself on having the best restaurants in this Area!

In the end, dinner ended in a very lively atmosphere and we all returned to our residences happily. It's a shame that this feeling of happiness didn't continue after this for me, and… I ended up sleeping again with the group of warm harpies.

The next day, all the girls left early to collect some resources that they had obtained from their victories in the tournament. Although it was not a big deal, they say that the meat of a mosquito is still meat.

So I was left alone for a while... and with nothing to do, I could only train... or rather it was the only way to calm my mind! The grandparents should come soon to bring me to the place where the sect keeps its techniques and be able to take the one that I wanted.

“Fufufu~ Little one… it's not good to be distracted when you're playing with someone, you know? That is disrespectful to the other person~ "


Well, my moment of loneliness didn't last long. While training for a while, Yulz-onesan suddenly arrived at the place… the reason? To fulfill her promise to me! This excited me a lot, there was no better time for this since the girls had left before!!

…It's a shame that the way she wanted to "play" was very different from how I wanted to "play"! Well, I already knew that things would end this way, I was not so disappointed... it would be very strange if things were like I wanted. And more seeing how my luck was during these days!

The way Yulz-onesan wanted to "play" was to have a practice duel. So, in the next instant, she became my practice opponent.

The truth is maybe I shouldn't complain about this. I wanted to try to fight someone who had surpassed the 5th limit of the second soul level to test my abilities, and she perfectly fulfilled this requirement… besides, she was a beauty that I would be practicing with!

Still, I couldn't help but be disappointed by this a bit… and maybe she misinterpreted my reaction. Seeing me a little sad, as if she wanted to cheer me up, Yulz-onesan told me that she would fight while maintaining the same level of strength as mine.

Well, they say that you shouldn't think insistently about what you do not have and it is better to focus on what you do have and take advantage of this to use it in the best way... with that thought in mind, I should try to get the most out from my current situation!

"Here I go again ~"


Yulz-onesan lunges towards me to attack me. She starts to use her legs to try to hit me… without a doubt, her movements were better than the prince-siscon I fought previously. Even so, I could afford to dodge her kicks without much pressure... thanks to this, I could enjoy and concentrate on various things! Like her big breasts shaking due to her intense movements!!

"N-Nuu… l-little pervert, you're really taking advantage of this onesan, right?"

"Heee~ Why? You sure don't want me to stand still and get hit, do you Yulz-onesan? "

Also, I could see those long and fleshy legs from up close... not only that, while deflecting her kicks or parrying them, I didn't forget to run my hands through them!!

This is only thanks to the fact that she was not fully using her strength. If she did, even though her fighting technique is less than mine, I might not be able to fight her in such a relaxed manner. I would have to get more serious and it probably won't be that much fun!

The good thing is that even though, as she says, I was getting a bit of advantage of this fight to become more familiar with her body, Yulz-onesan keeps her word and maintains a strength level equal to mine. She seems to be a girl who keeps her words.

“Fufufu, well… I think I can't complain if you have the ability to take advantage of this~ But you should be careful... if you are careless because of this, I will have no mercy, you know? ~ "

"...well, if I'm careless, then I can only blame myself~"

"Fufufu ~ It's good that you know that~"

…She was probably not joking, each kick from her had a considerable concentration of energy… it would surely be quite painful to receive one of those kicks directly! Still, one could only say that the benefit-risk ratio was adequate... no, surely the benefit was much higher!!

“If you want to touch my legs so badly, then I'll help you with that. Take this, little one~!! "

"Whoo~ Onesan, you are so aggressive~

Have a little mercy on me, please~ "

A shower of kicks from her falls on me ... this time I have no choice but to activate my [Seikuken] to deflect and block these. So, while dodging some of these, I get closer to her body, place one of my hands on her narrow waist holding up this one and get behind her to prevent her from keep attacking me with her feet. we are in a very compromised situation with me at her back while I hug her waist. She actually smelled good despite being sweaty a bit… besides, when she tries to turn to me, she can only rotate her upper body a little bit due to the increased strength of my grip. As a result of that, now my head is hit by those soft breasts...

"M-Muu... little one, how long do you think you will be holding me!"

"Heee~ But if I let go, onesan will attack me again~

I don't want that~

By the way, Yulz-onesan... can I ask you something? "

"E-Eh? W-What is it? "

“…Why does your fighting technique seem to be incomplete? It seems like you are missing something in this one. "


Since I didn't want to part with her so soon, being in this position was quite nice after all, I could only try to distract her. That is why I ask about this... the truth is that wasn't me who realized this, but was the system had indicated it to me before when I saw her status. It said that her technique was not complete... so I was a little curious about this.

My goal is achieved and she stops fighting in my arms. While this makes me happy, it is also a bit regrettable as due to her movements, her breasts and body were rubbing against me.

Yulz-onesan seems a bit hesitant to talk about this, but in the end, she makes a sigh and starts talking.

“Haaa… well, if you've noticed this, then there's probably no point in trying to hide it. Do you know why the three strongest families in this area have been fighting each other for so long? "

", the truth is that I don't know anything about your family and the other two"

Yes… I didn't have much interest in these at first, and in fact, if it weren't for Yulz-onesan, I probably wouldn't even care about these at all. But it seems that I will have to know a little about them now...

“Well, about a thousand years ago an incident happened that caused most of the influences in this Area to mobilize… what looked like a star fell from the sky. So not long after, exactly the place was found and a great number of people gathered together thinking that it was a treasure.

One of those people was my ancestor... and indeed, in that place he found something. Or rather, he and two other people found it. "

" mean that what your ancestor found was an incomplete technique?"

"No, it was not incomplete... the problem was that my ancestor and the other two people fought to obtain the technique, in the end, neither could completely defeat their opponents and each took a part of this technique to their respective families."

"You mean…"

“Yes, those three people were the ancestors of our three families. Although they were unable to obtain the full technique, the part that each of them obtained was still a piece of an earth-level technique. That helped them lead their family to the top of this Area."

… So something like that happened. Now I understand why after such a long time these families continue to fight… probably none of them have given up on being able to obtain the other parts that the other families have.

But there is something that caught my attention... I think it was the first time I heard it... or maybe I forgot about it?

"Earth level tecnique? What do you mean?"

"Hmn? You do not know? Techniques also have ranks. These are:

1.    1st Generation Techniques

2.    Millennial Techniques

3.    Earth Techniques

4.    Sky Techniques

5.    Celestial Techniques

6.    Divine Techniques "

…I think I had heard a bit about this from Aurora. If I remember correctly, the techniques of the Kenichi World Masters, most of these would be classified as Millennial techniques. The 1st generation techniques, it was practically techniques... if they can be called that, made by anyone... they were more of inherited knowledge. Like the vast majority that contains the scrolls and books in almost all the stories of the sect library.

[That's right, Millennial techniques are probably the most important things of any sect, family, or organization in Areas similar to this one. Like the other technique that was next to the one you wanted that belonged to this sect's master's family.]

…Well, I really think that technique is still deficient compared to the ones I learned in the world of Kenichi.

[Well that's true. The techniques are also classified in 4 degrees within the same realm of these. Low, medium, high, and peak levels. The technique of this sect is probably somewhere between the low or medium-level at best. On the other hand, the Ryozanpaku techniques should be at a peak level... even being low-ranking earth level techniques would not be impossible.

…Besides, the combination of various styles on your part could probably only increase the level of these techniques.]

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