Soul Evolution System

Chapter 477 Abandoned City 6

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I was a bit surprised that the cobra spit flames like some kind of flamethrower, but at least it was much better for me than it would have been acid or poison! That would have been more problematic without a doubt!

Probably this had to do with its dragon lineage… after all, two small horns could be distinguished on its head which was undoubtedly because of this! Furthermore, also the hardness of its scales should be because of this! And this just complicated things for me even more!!

I don't know what was more depressing, that the [RPG] only caused the cobra a little injury, or that this one didn't understand my previous reference to the little wizard from Hogwarts! It's a bit sad when your words just hang in the air without anyone understanding them...

No, the most depressing thing about my situation right now was by sure that I now had my way blocked! I had to find a way to make that cobra move away so I could follow the girls who had left here now!!

…unfortunately, this did not seem easy at all! 

No, perhaps there was a way to distract this huge snake! Or maybe that can only make it angry and make things worse… either way, I didn't see any other solution, so I could only implement the idea in my head!!

“ Shaaa~ Damn invader! I will slowly melt you in my mouth and then eat you!! Shaaah~!!!”

"...That seems quite painful, so I'll have to refuse!"

Well, the fact that I hurt this one already has pissed it off very much... so it didn't matter to take the risk of making it mad a little more!

[ Tsuuun !!]

Having realized that the fire was not that effective against me, this time a large green spit shoots out of its mouth! That was disgusting, but... I couldn't worry about it right now! Like other snakes before, it was surely a highly corrosive acid! Furthermore, there was a strong possibility that it was even more powerful than the other enemies we fought so far!!

…I couldn't afford to see if my armor was still effective against it! On the other hand, with that amount, my entire body would be bathed in that green mucus!! 

For various reasons my body shuddered at the thought of that happening!!

The good thing is that thanks to the effects of the pills I consumed beginning to show their effectiveness, I could now more easily follow the movements of the cobra. Almost at the same time as the spit came out of its mouth, from my hand, a BIM is released creating a black hole in front of me swallowing its attack!

So, having evaded that attack, I start moving around the place a bit. When my target enters my eyes, I launch another BIM of the same!

“ Noooo!”

I was not so stupid to start a game of cat and mouse with the snake, surely I would lose if I did! So instead, the place where I dropped the bomb that created a black hole was where the [Great Cobra] had come from the first!

Since I arrived at this temple, I had felt two reactions of life in my domain… one, of course was this cobra. The other… I could make out an egg about the same size as an ostrich's that was next to a crystal of a monster!

It was risky since this snake didn't seem to care much about its offspring before, but…since it seemed to have been taking care of it since before the three of us got here, I wanted to bet that egg was different!

Looks like this time I won the bet! Seeing my actions, the cobra stops following me to quickly go behind the BIM I had thrown in a desperate attempt to stop it!!

…I wasn't going to stay to see the outcome of this, so I take the opposite direction of the snake to run towards the dimensional rift!

“ Noooo!! My crystal, Shaaa~!!! ”

" Hey, worry a bit about the damn egg at least!!"

When I was running and I heard the cobra scream worrying about the crystal, I couldn't help but turn my head a little in its direction to complain about the poor ignored egg!!

Well, it's true that I threw that BIM at the egg, but... at this point, I was a bit desperate! If I could, I wouldn't want to target a creature that hasn't been born yet!! Also, it was too sad that the one who should be its mother or father didn't give a damn about this one! I could almost see two tears running down the shell of the egg!!

Of course, even though I complained about the coldness of this cobra, my feet never stopped! Or they didn't do it against my will!! When I was halfway to reaching my goal, a huge pressure suddenly fills the entire temple!!


It seemed as if the whole place was vibrating… for a moment I thought that something had changed in that cobra! That maybe I had totally infuriated it and this one then losing all control of its own strength, but… I quickly realize that wasn't the case!

The snake was also affected by this pressure, and this one couldn't even raise its head now! It was rooted to the ground as if it had met its oldest ancestor! And maybe that was precisely the case!!

Where the egg and that crystal were, a barely distinguishable image was projected... but I could definitely see the shape of a Dragon there! A Dragon that, although it was not very different from the size of the cobra, its imposingness and presence made it seem like a small snake to this one!!

I could see that it had the shape of a western dragon with bluish-white scales… and with lightning emanating from its body!!

[ Don't stop and keep going to get out of here, Alexander! That is just the remaining intention of a Dragon! That crystal must be the core of a dragon... and this is probably the reason why this snake has reached that strength and awakened its dragon lineage!

Surely the image of the Dragon cannot remain for long… and once it disappears, then that snake will be able to move again and focus all its attention on you again!

That projection must have been activated to protect that egg… perhaps instead of belonging to that snake, it is related to that dragon. Good thing it's just an intention... otherwise, you'd probably be dead by now! You wouldn't have a chance to escape just like with that big cobra! ]

...well, what aurora was saying seemed quite reasonable! 

When the BIM I threw earlier activates, it is repelled by the force of that projection!! Damn it, it wasn't even a real Dragon and it already had that strength! Now I really don't want to meet a real one!!

Even though I wanted to follow Aurora's advice to get out of here, my feet wouldn't move! But I was still a little thankful that it was just a projection… at least the image of that dragon hadn't unleashed its fury on me for attacking that egg! Probably the only reason it appeared was to ensure its integrity.

…couldn't feel any emotion from the image of that Dragon. That calms me down a lot.

“M -Move!!!”

While it was all very interesting... and that crystal and egg could be a great treasure, I had no intention of fighting that snake for them! Or at least not now! Now I just wanted to get out of here so I could come back another day!!

With that thought in my mind, I retract my entire domain around me to try and withstand that pressure from the dragon! If it wasn't for this one, my knees would probably be on the ground right now! This had already helped me enough with this, but… I had to do my best to move even if it meant straining all my abilities to their limits!!

[ Beep ]

[Skill [Emperor Domain] rank up]

I finally take a step onward... it was really the hardest step I've ever taken, at this moment I felt a mountain on my shoulders! But it seems all of this helped my skill level up!

I don't pay attention to that, because although this helped me a bit to lessen the pressure I felt on myself, it was also compared to removing a rock from a mountain! In the end things did not change so much!! 

So I also focused on circulating my source energy throughout my body… this had also helped me to continue taking more steps forward!

[ Beep ]

[Skill [Ki Control] rank up]

…another notification appears in my head, but…this time I think that this pressure only helped me advance this skill that I had already felt was about to reach the next rank because of my daily training a little. This didn't surprise me that much.

“F-Fuck! First a huge snake and now a dragon! How come my luck with reptiles is so good?!! F-Fuck you two, I'm not going to die here!! ”

[ Beep ]

[Skill [Hero] rank up]

...well, that really surprises me a bit. 

I wonder if this is because it's usually the heroes who fight Dragons that's why I level this skill? Or maybe because of the mentality of not giving up?

Not that it matters though... and in fact, I don't know how to feel every time that skill levels up... not that there are many changes to this one because of it! The only thing different is that the skill related to it, [ Limit -break], increases its usage time by a couple of seconds! It certainly doesn't seem like a very significant thing!!

No, well… certainly that second in which time seems to slow down can mean the difference between life and death… but the increase of just a few seconds every time I level the [Hero] skill I think was still something quite minimal!

“ You won't escape, damned invader… shaaa~!!! ”


Suddenly, just as abruptly as the pressure of that dragon intent appeared, it disappeared! Most likely is that after fulfilling its purpose of protecting the egg, then it already not had another reason to remain to show itself here!

The problem was that… since me and the cobra had stopped halfway to where we were going because of this, it ended up benefiting the latter! Just as Aurora predicted before, feeling its body released, it springs towards me!!

“S-Stop it!!”

I knew it would reach me before I could enter the dimensional rift, so I turn around for a second to throw a red and white sphere while screaming. 

The cobra hesitates for a second… probably thinking it was one of those BIMs, but as if determined not to mind taking some damage, it continues to advance towards me at full speed!

Yes, what I threw was nothing other than one of the poke-balls I had.  In the next moment, the poke-ball creates a glow of light throughout the temple!! And as I asked, my Venus at the instant it materializes begins to wrap its vines around the great cobra! Also, it shoots needles and spits poison from its many mouths!!

…unfortunately, these last things are ineffective against it. The needles bounce off its scales, and the poison doesn't seem to bother it one bit! But at the very least, the vines bought me enough time to continue my dash towards the dimensional rift! 

The only thing that worried me a bit was that, while it struggling to get free, my Venus couldn't help but get a little hurt… this was inevitable, after all, it still has a 9th limit of the first soul level!! Its effort was already commendable!!

"Came back!!"

At last, when I am a few steps away from my destination, I turn to return it to its poke-ball … and just in time before the cobra unleashes its breath of fire!! 

I didn't mean to abandon it to survive after all... putting aside that this one is a treasure for alchemists, it was my monster that I had raised since it was a small plant!! It would be quite painful to lose my precious Venus!!

“ F-Fuck, you're persistent…!! ”

While waiting for my Venus to return to its poke-ball, the cobra makes its last attempt to attack… it stretches out its entire tail in order to hit me! I could only resort to another BIM to protect myself!!


“ Kuhh!!!”

…perhaps because I was thinking of defending myself from its tail, this time I chose a BIM that created shields… a bad choice I must say! It only resists the impact for a few seconds and then the barrier breaks allowing its tail to hit me...

“F-Fuck!! Damn snake, I swear I'll come back to find all your [ Horcrux ] and kill you completely!!! ”

As I feel how several of my bones creak from the blow, I don't forget to curse that cobra! My only consolation was that I was pushed into the dimensional rift through to the other side...

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