Soul Evolution System

Chapter 490 Shingeki no Kyojin 10

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(Alexander POV)

After spending several days together with Eren's family, we decided to go out from here to continue and complete the new mission of the system. We had stayed a little time in this place since I had to make sure that Eren's mother's life was no longer in danger... lest the world or the fate still had not given up on that! 

But seeing no abnormality, it seems that there was no problem anymore. So I just waited for her to fully recover and be able to walk without any problem. Eren, Mikasa, and the lady herself couldn't stop thanking me for this… and of course, also for helping them earlier.

…in fact, those two and also Armin, almost seemed to idolize me… no, I can't deny it anymore. In fact, those little ones' eyes sparkled every time they saw me! Although the reason for each of them for this was different. For Eren, I think it was because he saw us kill a lot of titans and help a lot of people… so I think he saw me as a kind of hero!

In Armin's case … he was a curious boy, and so he asked us a lot of things. Above all, what life was like outside these walls... yes, although I didn't tell them the whole truth, I had no reason to hide everything. But it seems that they drew their own conclusions about this, such as that we were people who came from outside this city. So the guy kept asking us about this every chance he got.

And finally, Mikasa… she was still Mikasa! Many times I caught her clasping her hands together while looking at me as if I was praying… t-that really made me feel a bit strange! Of course, I told her that she didn't need to do that kind of thing and, after discussing this with her, I thought it would work out but… it still happened from time to time!

It's as if that had become almost a habit for her… that was worrying, but maybe time will help to solve this. They were still little kids who can be easily influenced, so when they get a little older things may change.

…or so I hoped! Mikasa's affection was already over 500 and yet increasing rapidly... it might be hard to change her mind now.

Well, after the lady was recovered, it was time to leave. Also, it seemed that in the last few days some people have been looking for us… the militia of this city seems to have set their sights on us! And I think it would be more trouble than a good thing to meet them now! It's best to let things settle down a bit for now… after all, some strange rumors have spread about us in the city!!

No, in fact, they weren't strange… and it was rather the truth! But for the people of this world it should be difficult to accept or understand things like the internal energy that is in everyone… let alone objects that depend on it like my cursed sword and Saeko's! 

It seems that they, although they also use it, especially those in the military, it is rather almost instinctive... not because they understood these things! Surely even if I tried to explain all this to them, they would doubt my words. They might want to catch us to thoroughly examine us! And since I didn't want me or the two girls to end up as lab rats, it was best to leave now!

So the three of us go back through the dimensional rift to move a little further in time. When accepting the mission that was pending to do it, it appeared. It would take us a few days before those events happened.

This was important as I have to make some preparations for it! From the information I was able to get from the system about this mission, it would be quite complicated! We had to take more than 15 thousand people to a safe place crossing the territory where the titans could appear at any time!

"Let's go"


...having more or less an idea of what we had to do next, we moved forward into the dimensional rift. There were several things we had to do.



"...where the hell is there a good place to put about 15 thousand people and that they are safe from the giants?!!"

Right now I was alone running around the area inside the 3rd wall... the girls had stayed to look for information about the people we had to rescue. I knew this would be the most dangerous thing to do, so I had to do it myself! 

...and really these fucking overdeveloped things did not give me a break! I couldn't even take a short break in one place without these showing up in less than 10 minutes!

Hell, it really looked hard to get a large group of people to survive in such conditions! My only hope was to find a suitable place for them to be safe or to condition it a bit to achieve this, but… until now this seemed to ask too much!

Well… the problem was how to stop the titans. Creating barricades or ditches was simply a futile effort against them!! Structures at least 20m high and also resistant were needed for this!

…so yes, this seemed impossible!!

“…ha…ha…should I look for another area?”

Also, another problem was that I had to narrow the search location in only one direction. But after killing another giant that was trying to devour me, I could only wonder about this...

The good thing was that on the girls' side things had gone well. Well, it wasn't hard to notice more than 15 thousand people moving together to do something… it seems that right now they just finished building a tunnel with an exit in the area of the 3rd wall. From what the girls have heard, they were given the task of making a base to try and reclaim the 3rd wall.

That was the reason why I had to focus my search in roughly one direction...

By the way… definitely a pretty stupid plan I must say. Of course, if that was really their goal… the truth was that they probably just wanted to get rid of those people… if it wasn't, then there would be no mission, right?

I'm not a saint, so maybe it's not right for me to judge others... but, yes, the ones who decided this are total bastards. And among the three of us, the one who looked the most shocked and angry about that, of course was Shigure. When she found out about this, I had to stop her from charging at the castle that was in the center of the city!!

…the good thing is that she calmed down a bit after I told her that our goal was to rescue those people.

“No… doing that would just complicate things more, Haaa~”

From what I could see, there were two main problems with being able to complete this quest. The first one, which I was trying to solve until now, was to find a suitable place to keep so many people safe. And the second, which was probably not easier and rather just more complicated, was to protect those people during the journey to that place!!

So to facilitate the latter, it was best to stick to their suicide plan... it would be great if I could find a place close to the path they intend to take. But as I said, unfortunately, all my efforts these days have been useless!!

"Fuck! Leave me alone for a few minutes!! 

Ha… ha… well, if I can't find a suitable place, then… then I can only create one!! ”

With no other choice, I could only resort to my last alternative, the system! More precisely, a magic scroll!!

...I didn't want to get to this, but I had no choice! No, it's not that I like to complicate my life, you know? I just wanted to save some resources a little!! Is that wrong?!!

But since the time for this was running out, now my own pocket had to suffer!! Why is this the one who has to bleed when it hasn't done anything wrong?!!

“Then… I should find a suitable place for that. Well, I think I have the perfect place in mind…”

Finishing extracting another crystal from another annoying titan that had appeared, I move in a direction following my memories of what I had explored so far. Then almost an hour after running, I arrive at the place.

It was a small hill... from here, I could see the second wall in the distance... it is not difficult since it is also about 50m high. So I went down in the opposite direction of it while navigating the system to get what I needed.

The reason for choosing this place was not because it had some kind of natural defense. In fact, below the hill was a plain… a place totally opposite to what I was looking for before, totally unprotected. 

But I had chosen it precisely because of this… this flat and desolate place was ideal to create the citadel. Also, thanks to the hill, what I intended to do here would be hidden from the view of the people of the city.

…if they found out, then there would only be trouble. So it was better this way.


This time my groan was not due to a fight against a titan… it was because of the large digit that is deducted from my wealth when buying the scroll I needed!! A staggering amount of 500BG… yeah, well, that number didn't seem very big, but… it meant 5,000,000,000G!!

…I-It's to save many people's lives, so it's okay… I-It's okay! My tears are for having done something so selfless and humanitarian! P-Pure happiness and pride!!

[Citadel - E]

The scroll creates four 20m high walls surrounding a temple where at least 30 thousand people can easily live. Walls have the following effects:

[Restoration - E] [Hardness - E]

…It was one of the most expensive things I've bought so far, and the truth is that it didn't seem like a big deal... just a big scroll was all I got for all that money! And its description was also a bit disappointing... I hope I'll at least be a little surprised when I use it.

Without wasting time, I feed it with the necessary crystals for its operation... another huge expense for my Pocket! 250RC!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! It wasn't enough to make my soul bleed once, but twice!!

As I clenched my teeth and complained… the scroll starts to light up. In the next instant, several pillars begin to rise until they slowly take the shape of a temple… similar to those made in ancient Greece. Yes, I must say that the details were a bit surprising, but…fuck, don't tell me that's all?

When the temple seemed to be finished, I started to worry… it doesn't matter if you piled them up as much as you could, it was impossible for 30 thousand people to enter this place!!

Then, almost on the verge of complaining more, in the distance I could see how the walls began to rise slowly… umu, that was much better. In all 4 directions, creating a large square or rectangle, a secure settlement had been made!!

…well, it was more of a temple surrounded by 4 walls, but this worked! It's a simple thing, but I can't be that picky. At least it seems that the walls have adequate resistance to withstand several attacks from the titans. And also, according to the description on the scroll, they should be restored from damage to a certain extent.

In fact, there were [Citadel] scrolls of higher ranks. Those possibly included housing and other more advanced features than the one I just used, but…they cost much more! 

"…what's this?"

In the center of the temple, I discovered what looked like a small altar where I could see several runes... and on it was a red crystal glowing. I thought that the scroll had returned one of the crystals left over from using the scroll, but…

[ Core magic ]

To maintain the citadel (without using the restore function) you need 1RC per month. If it is damaged, consumption is higher.


…when I try to take it thinking that one red cristal was better than nothing, I discover that! Damn it, even crystals are needed to maintain this structure!!

No, well… I think that's reasonable… and it's not that expensive either.

"Well... let's recover some of these expenses"

Examining the surroundings, I realize that the place was still not as safe as I had thought. Some titans must have been trapped within these walls, so it was best to take care of them.

…I could get some more crystals, and also vent my suffering on them! Now I didn't dislike seeing these titans, they were perfect for this!!

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