Soul Evolution System

Chapter 492 New Monster? new girl? 1

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“Alexander? I am Horo. Horo, Yoitsu's wise wolf!”


Umu, I know… after all, it was the person… the monster I wanted to summon from the beginning. Well, I expected to see first her wolf form than that of a cute girl… although, of course, I'm not complaining. And no, I didn't choose her because I knew she could become a human… or it wasn't the most decisive thing! I swear!!

When I thought that we had to help many people move to safety, the first thing that came to my mind was sheep being herded…literally! If we didn't take care of them, then the giants would come and eat them!!

With that thought in mind, I thought the best thing would be to have a sheepdog to help…or in this case, a wolf. Well, it's certainly a bit curious how it would be the wolf that had to protect the "sheep" this time. But let's not pay attention to the details but to the benefits!!

Horo's mobility in her wolf form must be pretty good! It can surely cover a large area to protect the people we will be transporting to this citadel. Also, I remember that her beast form also had considerable size, another plus point to deal against titans.

…well, this last one still has to be put to the test. Or rather, it's too early to count the chicks before they hatch… if she decides not to follow me into the world where we are, then none of this will matter!

“So… where are we, boy? Why we are here”

“Well… about your first question, I really have no idea. I just know that it's a blank world… and now it seems that only our souls came to this place. 

As for your other question… that one is much simpler, I was the one who brought you to this white world.”


There was no point in lying now only to be found out later, that would surely just complicate things. Therefore, I was as honest as I could with her. Also, up to now, it was different from other times that I've summoned someone... she was quite calm as we talked. I can't notice in her any signs of worry or nervousness during all this time.

She seems to accept things very quickly… at least, I don't feel like she attacked me at any time as Revy did before… dammit, I still remember how that girl wanted to capture me to sell me to a fucking brothel! 

...that's why I've always thought that people are more dangerous than the monsters could be. It is curious how the latter can sometimes be much more rational!

Speaking of that girl… it's been several months since I last saw her… I'm sure she'll be quite angry by now! 

This is bad… I intended to go to that world before all this happened… and that girl is not rational at all and probably, even if I explain things to her, it won't help much… should I start thinking of some kind of gift for her? I think that would be the best… I don't want to wake up one day tied up in a strange brothel!!

“ Ummm~ Interesting… It seems that those things that I heard before appearing here were not an illusion”

Horo's voice snaps me out of those bad thoughts… well, let's cross that bridge when we get there. The important thing now is to solve my immediate problems and not future ones!

As I thought, after hearing my light explanation, Horo's reaction to all of this is quite calm... she seems to be thinking of various things. Maybe that's why they call her the " wise wolf"... or is it something she decided herself? If so, then it's pretty self-centered I must say...

“…You're thinking of something rude, right? I can smell it"

“E-Eh? O-Of course not... How could I? Seeing you, only compliments come to mind~!”


Fuck, her intuition was pretty strong… is her intuition female? Even though it's a she-wolf, does it still work? That's unfair… no, come to think of it, Horo said she smelled it… she can even smell bad and good thoughts? What kind of nose does she have?! That's terrifying!!

“I-It's true! How could I not appreciate such a beautiful girl? Without a doubt you have the face of an angel! Furthermore, also with a body quite…”

Since she didn't seem to believe me, I could only continue to compliment her. I couldn't ruin her first impression of me! After all, this could make or break our negotiation! Though, it's not like I was lying to please her either... she was actually quite an attractive girl. That no one can deny.

The problem is that... when I try to describe her body, I have to bite my tongue! This wasn't because she seemed to dislike my look at her natural gifts…as I said before, she didn't seem to mind this. It was more because…to be honest, Horo was a bit flat! And those words were about to leave my mouth! 

Right now my mindset was focused on being honest after all!!

…thank god I was able to hold myself back before I did. I'm sure If only I had done it, I'd be seeing her majestic wolf form by now! 

“…you're thinking bad things about me again. Also, it seems that this time it is something worse…”


After sniffing the air a bit, she this time narrows her eyes even more as she says that... I could only avert her gaze to avoid making eye contact! Although this might not work with her... it's likely that instead of using her eyes to determine if someone is lying, Horo uses her nose! 

Well, maybe she's just kidding me... in the end, it doesn't seem like she can determine anything using only her sense of smell... or so I hope! Even if I manage to convince her to follow me, it would be quite stressful having to be careful with my thoughts by her side!

No, well… it's not like she makes me think bad things every time I look at her either. There shouldn't be a problem with that. Also, the matter of her being flat can be considered subjective… in my case, if I compare her to the girls in the mansion or the ones around me normally, surely Horo's physique can only be seen as flat.

But, being more biased, she was a girl with an athletic body. In fact, she was much more gifted than Vrana. So it certainly cannot be considered flat!

“…I-I was just thinking that your ears are quite cute… and your tail has a quite beautiful fur too.”

“ Hooo~ Umu, you seem to have figured that out~! I'm proud of my wonderful and beautiful tail~!! ”


In the end, trying to change the subject, I search for something else to talk about... and the first thing that stands out in her... or rather, right now it was the only thing apart from her beautiful wheat-colored skin, are her ears and tail wolf. 

Unexpectedly, this works out much better than I had anticipated… her attitude totally changes and she starts talking about how splendid her tail is.

…although I certainly feel a bit curious and want to touch this one a bit, I wasn't a connoisseur on these matters either! I could only repeatedly nod at everything she said while it seemed to make her quite proud!

" all this, why did you summon me here?"

“ O-Oh, right! 

This… Horo -san, don't you want to follow me to the place where I came from? ”

"…follow you?"

After Horo talked about her tail for several minutes, she seemed to realize that I couldn't quite follow her on this topic… or maybe she just remembered where we were now. Anyway, now that her mood had improved quite a bit, it was time to bring up the main issue for discussion!

…I could only be direct about this, I think she could quite well assess the situation and decide.

As she watches me, I let her calmly think about her answer… even though anxiety was eating me up inside with every passing second, I try to stay as calm as I can on the outside.

“…I refuse”

Then finally something else comes out of her mouth! Unfortunately, not the words I wanted to hear… and these were like receiving a bucket full of cold water on a warm and comforting night while you sleep!

“W-Why? Can I at least know? 

…there is something that binds you in the place where you are”

Well, things weren't totally lost… when she heard my words, I could see for an instant that her eyes sparkled! No doubt these had managed to move something within her at least! If not, we might have already been kicked out of this place by now!

…I had to try to convince her, that was the least I could do!! Otherwise, my pocket would end up suffering when leaving here!! Something that I was not very willing to happen!

“Well… for two simple reasons. The first, as you say, although it is not exactly where I am, there is still something I wanted to do… I want to return to my birthplace.

And the second reason, I'm tired… tired of being alone…”

“This… I can't do much about the first thing you said, just tell you that the place where you will accompany me is quite vast… they say that there is nothing like home, but perhaps it is not impossible to find something similar there.

As for the other thing… that wouldn't be easily solved if you follow me? I swear I'll stay with you all my life! We can make a contract for that, I don't care! ”

“No, you don't understand… even if you accompanied me all your life, how much would that be? 50 years? At most 100 maybe? That to me is practically just a blink! Besides, wouldn't it be more painful to be alone again after that? 

…you don't know the number of people I met, talked to, lived with, and... finally they all became just bones! Going through something like that again is only worse!! ”


All the happy mood she had from talking about her tail was now gone. In her eyes, I could only see melancholy, sadness, and of course loneliness... great loneliness! Her eyes moistened, she tried to resist the tears flowing perhaps because of her pride, but finally as more words came out of her mouth they inevitably rolled down her cheeks.

“…the world where I come from, is very different from where you come from, you know? Even though I am human, my life expectancy is not limited like with the other people you met. I won't die so fast! At least time won't kill me so easily!!

In that world there are even gods... gods who should live a long... much longer than you have! My goal is to reach that level! No, surpass the gods!! That's why I won't die for something like time, I can assure you!! ”


This time she is the one who remains silent as she watches me closely… I just hoped she would believe my words. No, I should do something to make her believe me! But I could only think of one thing to achieve this... and I don't know if it would work in this place! But there was no alternative but to try to do it!


Putting my hands together and fingers spread just a few inches apart… I begin to concentrate as I did before on making my energy concentrate in one place. This was the only thing I could think of to do to prove to her that I was not the same as the humans in her world...

She curiously watches my actions, and her tears stop when suddenly a small glow appears in the center of both of my hands… thanks to my energy control skill having recently leveled up, doing this was easier. Although it was still very impractical to use this during a fight.

"…W-What is that?"

Well, the important thing is that it had caught her attention! And she certainly seemed a bit surprised by this! Or at least, the sadness in her gaze was gone by now.

“This is the energy that runs through the body of every person, monster, living being, and practically everything. Where I come from, you learn to control this… and with this, people can abandon mortality! ”

“…Abandon mortality?”

“ Well… it's also a long way, but what I say is not a lie!

Now that you know that I won't die so easily… then would you accompany me, Horo-san? ”


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