Soul Evolution System

Chapter 87 Meeting between camp leaders (Part 2)

Chapter 84 Meeting between camp leaders (Part 2)

Many of the leaders frown and others get nervous with my words. It seems that most did not like the idea of starting a total war against zombies... well, I cannot blame them because the risk involved is not small.

The guy with glasses is the first to give his opinion.

"... Alexander-san, I'm looking for a way to respond without offending you, but I think it just sounds crazy. I understand your point and the risk of letting zombies continue to evolve, but I don't know if you know the total number of the population of this city ... "

"I understand the point where you are going Shiro-san and we know very well that the total population of this city almost exceeds the 500 thousand, but-"

"Then you must understand Yuriko-san... if we consider that 95% of this city turned into zombies, then it has about 475 thousand of them... counting the survivors of all the camps gathered here, maybe we can reach 10,000 hardly. Of all these people, the total numbers of combatants from all of our groups are fewer than 2,000 men, then you want that number to face 475 thousand zombies? Excuse me, but I can only see that as crazy "

Apparently the guy with glasses’ name is Shiro. He and Yuriko-san start discussing numbers ... Listening to them really discourages people a lot... just look at the rest of the leaders who started to sweat when they heard those amounts, I think they almost shit in their pants.

I’m not so naive to think that an army with lesser numbers will prevail against a larger one... this is not the same as the 300 Spartans movie... It was certainly a great movie and it makes the blood of any men boil, but ... was it necessary to show guys in loincloths?

Returning to the subject… The situation is not that bad, we may not be like those 300 who were trained to kill, but in no way that amount of brainless zombies will be equal to soldiers.

Besides, we don’t only have swords and shields. The firearms that we have were created to balance numerical differences, so with those ideas in mind I return to the discussion.

"No doubt hearing such numbers is very discouraging, but you forgot that most of those 475 thousand zombies are just creatures without brains. The only merit they have is their large amount, but there are many ways to counter that... I do not intend to go directly against them as they would only surround and overwhelm our soldiers."

When the leaders hear those words they calm down a bit

"First, it is necessary to prepare many things before we can attack them... why don't you explain a little about our idea, Yuriko-san?"


I speak to Yuriko-san to reveal our plan. It is better for everyone if she explains it because I might miss some things.

Yuriko-san took a city map and unrolled it on the table, then she looks at everyone and said.

"The places with the largest concentration of zombies are these two, the city center and the port." Yuriko-san points at the marked areas in the map.

"The City Center probably has about 250 thousand zombies since this was the busiest and most populated part of the city. For similar reasons the population in the port is around 150 thousand people and the remaining 100 thousand are scattered around the city.

Our groups have reduced the scattered 100 thousand as we always encounter them each time we move but there are still a lot of them left.

Our plan is divided into four phases… First phase, we clean the areas at the edges of the city so we would have less problems on the second phase. Second phase is to prepare these three main streets so that we can take care of the downtown zombies"

While speaking, Yuriko marks three streets with 3 straight lines which are connected to the city center. After she sees that everyone understood what she explained, she continues.

"Once we complete the second phase, we will move on to the third phase, we will divide the number of our men into 3 parts and use each street to lure zombies as much as we can from the city center towards the edges of the city. It will be somewhat risky, but we really have no other choice. When those three streets are full of zombies we will implement the second part of the third phase.

The last phase will be to attack the port, with the reduced number of zombies in the city, we won’t have to worry about being surrounded and attacked on both sides making it easier to deal with things on the port."

After she finished speaking, silence fills the meeting room and only the sound of some men swallowing their saliva is heard. Shiro stares at the map for a while, adjusts his glasses and talks.

"You may have planned some things, but the risk is still very high... it would be better to simply abandon the vicinity of the city to avoid zombies"

"Do not play dumb, everyone here knows that we cannot leave the city, or at least in a large group. If you could, the majority here would have done so long ago, but unfortunately, the food is not enough to support a large number of people.

Also, if you are thinking of escaping to the mountains or something like that, let me tell you that zombies are not the only beings that are becoming stronger. Animals do too, it's just that the city has always been human territory and there aren't many animals here, so you haven't been able to see it yet.

On the other hand, we are not asking you to help for the future of humanity or other philanthropic things. The main reason we asked you is to prevent zombies from getting stronger. There will also be benefits for the groups that participate, you will not work for free "


"Hahaha, you should have started there. What are those benefits you say, if it's something attractive then my group is willing to help."

Shiro only smiled and looked at me,

He probably wanted to get more advantages from us and the young leader and the others sitting around the table are now encouraged, to prevent them from getting too excited I intervene.

"Once the center of the city is cleared of zombies, our group, the police and Rina will not take anything that is there, you can take what you see and distribute it to your own groups. Also, we will give you 1% of what we get from the ports, the groups of the police and Rine will get 5% of the ports each and we will take the rest "

Everyone is silent again and the leaders look at each other. After a while, one of those who had not spoken yet takes the floor and speaks nervously.

"I-isn't 1% too little for us?"

"5% is not much better, why do you monopolize a higher percentage?"

"While the amount of resources at the port is large because these things are not only distributed in this city but also in the small towns around. Maybe the 1% is not a small amount, but isn’t the distribution still unfair? "

Rina and the type of glasses talk respectively complaining about how to distribute the resources of the port, seeing this I can only smile for several reasons, the first is because it means that most are now thinking about participating in this plan, the second for how greedy they are...

"Let's be honest, your groups at best would just be a workforce or support for the execution of this plan. I think I'm being quite generous giving them a part. Don't forget that our group will be the one that will play the biggest role since we are armed better than you. For every zombie you kill our group probably kills more than 100, so I think how the resources are distributed is fair enough.

Besides, although Rina's team and the police have weapons, their ammunition is not infinite... with you two, I can negotiate the percentage. You can choose, whether you use your own bullet reserves and increase your share from the resources, or you can keep the percentage I said and we will provide you the necessary amount of ammunition to implement the plan, you decide "

The leaders begin considering my conditions. After a couple of minutes they nod to accept my proposal. Rina and the police captain are now discussing the zombie elimination plan.

"Well, boy. Our group will accept the 5%, but don’t be stingy when it comes to providing us with ammunition or else our agreement is canceled."

"Like what the lady said, we also accept. If we can manage to clean the city of zombies or at least reduce their number, the survivors who are still there will have a higher chance of being rescued."

"If you keep your word and leave the resources of the city for the other camps, my group will also participate in the plan... the resources in the center of the city is also not a small amount, although it will be a bit more tedious to pick them up part by part since they are scattered over a larger area"

The one who speaks after them is Shiro and after hearing what he said, the other leaders also express their approval to participate.

With this, the almost 30 leaders present here ally to fight the zombies of the city. Without anything more to say, Yuriko-san, Soichiro and Yoshioka continue the meeting to give more details about the plan and to organize things to implement it as quickly as possible.

After spending an hour informing everyone about the plan and improving it with some ideas from the other leaders, the meeting finally ends and everyone started to get up and leave to announce to their groups the things we talked about here.

"You, wait a moment. I need to talk to you about some things ..."

When the young leader also prepares to leave, I remember some things that I was curious about, so I call him to see if he can solve these doubts of mine.


"Yes, you, I need to speak with you, privately"

"T-this ..."

"You brought this on yourself, you can't blame anyone for this."

Putting my eyes on him, he gets nervous and even trembles a little while pointing at himself with an expression that says he hope it wasn't him whom I need to speak with. We wait a bit for everyone including my group to leave, now that were finally alone, I speak to him again.

"Don't worry, I don't have anything against you. I just wanted you to answer some questions for me, once we’re finished you can leave like the rest of the leaders"

As the atmosphere was a bit awkward I try to reassure him. The result is very good since he seems to relax while sighing in relief.

"You gave me a big scare ki-… Alexander-san, I thought you wanted to kill me and take all my girls.

What do you want to ask me? If it's something I know you can be sure that I'll tell you"

"If I wanted the girls on your side I wouldn't need to kill you, it would make me look like a coward, I'd rather earn their love and take them away ... I'd like to see what face you’ll make if that happens"

"Hahaha, well said!"

I thought he would be angry at my words, but strangely he shows me his playboy smile and laughs loudly, then I also smiled a little and continued the conversation. I don't want a strange rumor about the two of us staying alone for a long time, so it would be better if this were brief.

"Let's get to the point, I've heard that you have a lot of girls... besides what I saw outside, they seem to get along very well with each other, so I wanted to ask you if you haven't had problems with them becoming jealous or angry because you have several girls with you"

"Oh, I see ... so it was that. Surely you are trying to go the same way as me. Let me tell you that the girls you saw have always gotten along with each other so even when we formed a relationship, they overcame their jealousy with their friendship, but...

Since you want to follow this path, let me tell you that it is inevitable for some women to get jealous... and even get a little aggressive. "

He puts a serious face and started walking towards me while speaking. With him approaching, I got up from my chair and put myself on guard, although I have a higher level I cannot lower my guard.

He stops a meter from me and suddenly puts a hand on my shoulder. As I didn’t feel any bad intentions I did not avoid it, I just kept listening and observing him, but then he starts to lift his shirt.

I immediately backed off upon seeing this, but I quickly stop when I saw two scars... no, a wound… it looks like it was resentful, wondering why he showed me that, he continued to speak and explained himself.

"I have been slapped... hit on the crotch ... bitten ... as you can see, they have also stabbed me twice... even on some occasions I thought that some girl would eventually cut my balls"

He turned his head to the side, looking at the void as if remembering those things... I can only swallow my saliva loudly as I listen to him, a moment later another question came out of my mouth.

"… Was it worth it?"

"Of course! These wounds are the same as medals of honor for a soldier... it's 1 million times better to die for something that the girls did than being devoured by zombies."

He puts his eyes on me again and then with the most serious face I've seen him do since we met, he spoke with great conviction, without any hints of doubts in his tone.

"… what is your name?"


I need to know his name, he was someone who walked the path of a hero trying to fulfill the dream of many men...

[... no, he just walks the path of a pervert... haaa, he's just another fool]

Heroes and geniuses are people misunderstood by most people. After listening to his words I now have another goal to fulfill, so please help me do it Aurora!

[... I'm afraid to ask what it is, but I must do it. So tell me, what is that goal, Alexander?]

"... I need to get a body that can resist or be immune to stabs or cuts ..."

[I must say that this is a splendid goal ... I'm just a little dissatisfied with the reason why you want that. If you want to have many girls at least choose those who are not crazy or too jealous please]

... I can hear my brain asking me the same Aurora, but unfortunately, I cannot get my heart and soul to accept that.

[Do not involve your heart and soul into this Alexander. The problem is what you have in the middle of the legs ...]

"You have a difficult road ahead of you, Alexander-kun... can I call you Alexander-kun? As I said that is a difficult road, but I know you can walk it ... you must strive, I've seen the girls by your side and even I envy your future "

Listening to Aurora's complaints, the two of us left the meeting room. Tanaka-san asked me how to address me so I just assent him in response, I have no problem with that, he has become a person who has earned my respect.

With his words of encouragement towards me, I watch him go... Tanaka-san, if you die for a woman you can be sure that I will make a statue in your name... or at least make them record in your grave "He died trying to follow the path that men yearn for, and surely at this moment he’s continuing to do it while chasing the angels of heaven "


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Hello everyone!!

Sorry for the delay, Vyrphax had some matters personals but here is the chapters, We hope that you liked it.

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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