Soul Evolution System

Chapter 89 New Conquest and New Companion

I looked at Haruna-san after my confession and waited for her to say something. She takes a few seconds inhaling and exhaling trying to calm down and organize her ideas, then she looks at me and gives me an answer.

"M-maybe Yuriko was right ... Ever since the incident in the pool I couldn't get you out of my head... bbut you should know that I am almost triple your age..."

"Haruna, I don't care about your age… what I care about is your happiness. I will also become a man in the future so you just have to stop seeing me as a child and start seeing me as a man"

When I hear Haruna-san trying to give an excuse, I quickly intervene. I do not want her to keep thinking that our age could be an impediment to that we could be together.

"... Alexander, ever since the incident at the pool no matter how much I tried to see you as a child, I couldn't make my mind to do that completely. It was just my stubbornness that made me deny what I

felt… My mentality from living in the society before the apocalypse told me that my feelings were unreasonable.

...this is also your fault, bad boy... looking for me every moment you could to I spend time with you. I thought I would never fall in love again and only dedicated myself to my children... now look at me… talking about my feelings with someone who could be my own student...

Hmn! Fine Alexander, if this is what you want then I will not deny what I feel... but I warn you, the emotions of a mature woman are very intense so you must be prepared"

After hearing my words, Haruna stops getting nervous and looks directly at me, then with a determined face she starts talking to explain what she felt. I couldn’t help feeling the joy coming from deep inside of me and it also reflected on my face. When Haruna saw me smiling, she puts on a slightly sulky face and snorts after she warned me.

Seeing Haruna acting like she is scolding her boyfriend the smile on my face increases and I even chuckle a little. As a result of this, Haruna blushed and approached me to kiss me with her own initiative.

Haruna probably thought that if she kissed me I would not see her acting nervously because of my happy reaction... her kiss is quiet and short which ended after a few seconds.

"I hope you don't regret this in the future, little one ..."

Haruna tells me in a little insecure tone

"Don't worry Haruna, I've decided not to have any regrets in this life... "

Wanting to calm her insecurities, I held her hand while responding with a serious face, then she smiles and nods after looking at my eyes for a time.


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Haruna) -F] [Completed Qualification: S]

To maintain confidence in a person it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is the greater security will be created.

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 Current: 100

Reward: 1x Coupon for a random object range [F]

1x Summoning Scroll: Soul Monster level 1

Increasing a skill range [Tame]

Additional Reward: 1x Poke-ball-F

4x Limit-break pills (Monster) - H

250,000x Gold

10,000x Crystals

"Emmm... Alexander, I want us to keep our relationship a secret for a while... I may not care what other people would think of me for falling in love with a child but... I am not ready to tell Takashi and Iruka... I need to prepare myself mentally before telling them"

Along with her words of not wanting us to inform others of our relationship, the system notification ringing sounds in my head. I decide to ignore this for now and review it later, at this moment I wanted to focus on what she had to tell me.

I understand what she asks of me, her situation is very different than the case with Saeko, who did not have complications if we both had a serious relationship. Honestly, I had no problems with what Haruna was asking me, but... fuck, this place was full of other women with high ranks. There are even prostitutes who interact with the soldiers... so in a few hours, most of the camp would probably know what happened in this café.

My only consolation is that almost no girls talk to Komuro now ... he may be one of the last people to find out.

"I-it's not because I'm ashamed of our relationship... although it may not be normal, I'm ready for what other people might say about me. The reason for this is simply because of what I said... I'm not yet prepared for my children to know this yet"

"I understand Haruna. I’m fine with what you asked me... I just don't think this would remain a secret for a long time... look around you"


Haruna who saw that I was smiling bitterly misunderstood me and probably thought that I do not approve of what she asked me, so to show me the firmness of her feelings she tells me that.

I must say that her words made me very happy but since she misunderstood my thoughts, I corrected her and highlighted the problem I was thinking about while looking around the cafeteria. While doing so, Haruna does the same and then she realizes how unlikely her request is.

"It may be impossible to keep it a secret for the camp, but your son will probably take longer to discover it... as for Iruka-chan, she may not care or understand much about this situation.

Besides, you should not worry about what others may think of us... they probably wouldn’t have the courage to express it with their mouths, they probably wouldn't dare to look at you in a bad way... but if that happens, you just have to tell me and I will solve that problem"

"Maybe I am a bad mother for rejoicing my son’s unpopularity with the girls at this moment ... no, Takashi may not have the problem of popularity, his problem is for the path he decided to walk for himself.

I should probably prepare myself mentally as quickly as possible, it is better for Takashi to hear about this through my mouth than by someone else.

Also, Alexander. Although I appreciate your intention, you cannot use your camp leader position to intimidate other people... "

Haruna ... I think it is crueler to doubt the sexuality of your son without confirming it than to be glad that he is not popular... well, we cannot blame neither the mother nor the son for that since the rumors in the camp is surely a topic that neither wants to talk about.

And although Haruna warns me about abusing my authority in the camp, I can see that she got a little happy by what I told her.

"Alexander I have to go fix some things at school... besides, I also have to think about how I will explain this to Takashi and Iruka... I will see you later"

"It's okay Haruna, I also have some things to do in order to prepare for the start of the plan to attack the zombies in the city "

Haruna says goodbye with another brief kiss and left the cafeteria accompanied by the cries of the other girls. When I lost sight of her, I proceed to ask for the cost of what we ate, then the owner of this cafeteria runs out of the kitchen...

"Don't worry Alexander-san, you don't have to pay anything. I'm happy to just cook for you... I wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of my life, you know?

You can come whenever you want to eat here... although I would like it if you didn’t bring anyone to accompany you... "

...I feel a dangerous aura coming from her, so I said goodbye to the owner of the cafeteria quickly and left without looking back. She is not an ugly woman ... in fact, I think she is attractive, but since I do not think our paths would cross too much it, would be wrong of me to give her false hope. Besides, she seems to be somewhat possessive, even surpassing Kurisu... so my instincts tells me that she is a dangerous woman to have a relationship with, especially if I don't intend to make her my only woman.

After leaving the cafeteria I went to the laboratories of Kurisu and Shisuka. My next objective is to try activating the transmutation parchment that I have in my interdimensional storage. As both girls asked me to be present when I do that I must inform them about this, otherwise, they will scold me for doing that without warning them.

"I always believed that things like transmutations were just fantasies of alchemists from the ancient era

~ It would be very interesting to see the process of creating a person's body"

"Without a doubt, this goes beyond the limits of normal science... although it is not the first time that I was involved in strange and unusual things like this I still find it difficult to believe, but like you said Shisuka-san, I think this will be very interesting and I will try to investigate what I will see for future researches"

"Yes ~"

After meeting with Kurisu and Shisuka, the three of us headed to the mountain behind the park where the wild boar came from, I don't know how alarming it is to activate the parchment so it is better to get away from the camp so wouldn’t attract too much attention.

Both girls seem a little excited to see the transmutation, I also have the same feeling... although it may be for reasons very different from theirs.

We quickly reached our goal and walked along some trails. When Yoshioka sent groups to investigate this area to see if there were more dangerous wild animals or see if it could be used as farmland, the result were somewhat discouraging.

On the animals, it seems that the wild boar was an atypical case since they couldn’t find much fauna in this place. When I saw the wild boar I thought that perhaps we could have a constant source of meat, but unfortunately, it was not the case...

As for using the place as an arable land, it was concluded that although the ground seems to be fertile, it would be too much work and would need some time before we could have any crops from this place, so that idea was also discarded.

"Alex, what are you creating here? ... the last time I reviewed some of the documents Yoshioka-san gave you, I saw that there was a group of people working in this area"

With Kurisu's question a smile instantly forms on my face. As she says, this mountain was not totally a waste and useless. That time when the men sent by Yoshioka investigated this area, they found a very interesting installation that was half-built. So when he told me about these facilities, I put that as a priority.

For this reason, as Kurisu says, there are several groups of men working to complete it and for the reports that Yoshioka has given me, it should not take long before we can use this.

"It's a surprise... no doubt most people will like it"

"…I get it"

Well, what other people think about this doesn't matter to me… I just want to be able to enjoy something that the girls haven't let me do for a while.

"I think it should be fine to use the scroll here"

We arrived at a part of the mountain that was somewhat flat with enough space for my purpose. While observing the area, I proceed to take out two scrolls from my storage.

The first is scroll is for human transmutation, the other was a suggestion from Aurora... it was not cheap, it just cost me over 60 thousand crystals. Its name is [Auxiliary Re-Energization Scroll], I bought it because it covered a defect of the previous one.

Well, it is not a defect of the parchment, but a disadvantage. If I use the [Human Transmutation Scroll], the body that is formed will not exceed the first limit, and although the homunculus can be strengthened like the rest of the people, the scroll I bought will save us a lot of time for it to level.

What it does is something simple and beneficial. It can use the energy of the crystals to strengthen the body... but a good amount of crystals is needed to do so. The good thing is that at this moment I have no shortage of them, so being able to make our new partner stronger from the beginning is good.

First I place the [Auxiliary Re-Energization Scroll] which is larger, on the ground, on top of it I place the other. I take the materials I had previously requested from Shisuka from her laboratory and place them in the right place of the scroll.

Both girls from the side are looking with interest at everything I do. Finally I take out the DNA and crystals with the amount indicated to use the two scrolls ... the expense is not small, I probably spent about 250 thousand crystals in everything.

"Everything is ready... so let's start this"

I put the crystals on the indicated parts of the two scrolls and then I step back... in the next second a glow began to emanate from the scrolls and the materials that were placed on top of them seemed like they came to life, they moved and mixed between themselves creating a single deformed mass.

I could not help but be a little worried that the result will be a chimera... then the brightness of the scrolls began to increase gradually until it was so intense that the three of us had to cover our eyes with our hands.

Time went on and while a drop of sweat ran from my temple to my chin, the brightness slowly fades and we can see a silhouette of a person covered with the smoke produced by the reaction of the materials used.

The wind blew the smoke and we saw the characteristics of the person. At first glance it could be distinguished that it was a woman... in my memories, she did not have such a large chest, it must have been that the green vest she used, hid those large mounds really good. These may not be at the level of Shisuka, but they are between Kurisu and Saeko...

She had straight sky-blue hair and eyes of the same color. Her slightly inexpressive face was constantly moving as if inspecting around the place. When she put her gaze on the three of us she started walking towards where we stand.

...she didn't seem to care about her nakedness. She walked proudly, allowing me to see her secret garden that was the same color as her hair. Yes, it was beautiful, but what caught my attention the most was her fleshy legs that were around this one... She’s probably the girl with the thickest legs I've ever seen and also the one with the most toned body...

All her muscles look very well trained, they are not bulky but each of them are well marked, even above her secret garden ... maybe not so secret anymore, I can see that her abs are divided into 6 small squares that were not bulky but only distinguished.

"Master... tell me what I can do for you"

She talks while I continued examining that my new partner's body had no defects... I had to make sure that the transmutation was a total success and no matter how much I look for them, couldn’t find a defect...

Maybe I should try examining her with my hands... people say that any disease detected in time can be cured easily.

When her voice is heard, the two girls also get out of the trance of seeing the use of the transmutation scroll for the first time.

"Alex! Stop looking at her and give her some clothes!"

"That is correct, Alex-kun ~ She'll be cold if she stays in that way ~"

"…I do not experience cold"

"It doesn't matter, you can't stay naked like that!"


... it seems that it is impossible to inspect her with my hands now, I will leave it for another time. I take out underwear, boots, a jacket and a military-style pants of nano-tubes, if I remember correctly the original also wore clothes similar to these. I also take out some H rank Kukri knives that I got from redeeming a weapon coupon that the system gave me.

She took the things and dressed in front of us 3 regardless of whether we are watching her. It seems that she does not like her body being completely covered with cloth since she left the jacket open, showing the dark green sports top that I gave her and exposing her waist.

"Then to end this I should give you a name..."

"That would make me very happy, master"

As I would name her the same as the original so that she could gain some skills from that person. It’s also a good thing that I won't have to kill my brain just to think of a name. I speak using my ability [Will of the Worlds].

"You will be…"


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Hello everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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