When Xiao Shiyi heard this, he couldn't help laughing, chuckled softly, and said:

"There's nothing you need to do. I'm just telling you. I've got the phone you want. Come to the convenience store and I'll bring it to you."

Hearing Xiao Shiyi's words, Zhao Li hurriedly laughed and said:

"Okay, no problem, I'll go over there right away. What do you want to eat and drink, I'll ask Holly to get it for you, for free!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Shiyi smiled helplessly and shook his head, this Zhao Li, really, just for an iPhone.

"Aunt Hong, I'll go to the convenience store, you can go home in a while."

Xiao Shiyi stood up and shouted at Aunt Hong.


In the convenience store No. 44, Xia Dongqing had already changed into her work clothes and started working, and Wang Xiaoya, as usual, came to the convenience store early to accompany Xia Dongqing.

"Holly, Asia."

Xiao Shiyi pushed open the door of the convenience store, and what he saw was Wang Xiaoya holding his mobile phone, excited, not knowing what he was looking at, and Xia Dongqing, no matter what Wang Xiaoya said, he was standing by with a blank face, like a It's like something is on your mind.

"Eleventh brother, you are here, come, come, come, show you something good!"

Hearing Xiao Shiyi's voice, Wang Xiaoya hurriedly waved to him and said very excitedly.

Xiao Shiyi looked blank, not knowing what happened to this girl today, but he could only walk over suspiciously.

"Eleventh brother, look who this is!"

Wang Xiaoya looked mysterious, and then handed the phone to Xiao Shiyi.

It's okay not to look at it. Xiao Shiyi couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the content displayed on the phone screen. The person in this photo is Li Zhao!

"I didn't expect it! Haha, let me tell you, Zhao Li is on fire this time!"

Seeing Xiao Shiyi's stunned expression, Wang Xiaoya laughed and said very excitedly.

While he was talking, the doorbell rang, and Zhao Li, dressed in black, walked in. Before anyone arrived, he was very excited and said to Xiao Shiyi:

"Eleven, my good eleven, hurry up, give me your new phone!"

"Ehhh, Zhao Li, don't mention your cell phone, look at this first."

When Wang Xiaoya saw that Zhao Li was coming, he jumped up from the chair excitedly, then put his arms on Zhao Li's body and said.

"What! Men and women can't kiss, take off your arms, and Holly is still there."

Li Zhao frowned, took Wang Xiaoya's arm off his body with a bewildered face, and joked.

"Hate! I won't let you see it! Humph!"

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoya was a little shy, snorted, then sat down on the chair again and stopped talking.

Zhao Li seemed very satisfied with the result, he smiled and walked over, glanced at Xia Dongqing at the counter, and asked:

"By the way, what happened to the gourd baby? Who made him angry?"

"Hulu baby?"

Xiao Shiyi and Wang Xiaoya were both confused, looked at each other, and asked in unison.

"Yeah, look, he looks like a stuffy gourd all day, but it doesn't sound good to say that he is stuffy gourd. The gourd baby can be a little more cute, right?"

Li Zhao nodded, explained a sentence, then looked at Wang Xiaoya and asked:

"Hey, little girl, although I always bully Dongqing, we are a good boy. You can't do anything to hurt him!"

"What are you talking about, Zhao Li! I fought with you!"

When Wang Xiaoya heard this, how could Li Zhao let go so easily?

In fact, as soon as Xiao Shiyi entered the door, he found that something was wrong with Xia Dongqing today. He was depressed and absent-minded.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Shiyi got up and walked towards Xia Dongqing, asking:

"Holly, what's wrong with you? Absent? Sick?"


Xia Dongqing shook his head expressionlessly, then spit out two words, then lowered his head and continued in a daze.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Li quickly and unilaterally stopped fighting with Wang Xiaoya, came over and asked:

"Dear Mr. Xia Dongqing, if you're not sick, what's wrong with you? If you encounter something unhappy, just say it. As a brother, let me be happy too."

"Dong Qing, don't pay attention to Zhao Li. What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Wang Xiaoya also came over, gave Zhao Li a stern look, and asked with concern. After asking, he seemed a little uneasy, and reached out to touch Xia Dongqing's forehead to see if he was sick. .

"I'm not sick."

As Xia Dongqing spoke, she shrank back, then glanced at the three people who were staring at her, and then slowly said:

"I foresee death.".

Chapter XNUMX: Task Rewards Dance Sky Technique

"what happened?"

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyi and Zhao Li couldn't help but feel tight in their hearts. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, they hurriedly asked.

"This morning, I met a girl on the bus. Although we didn't speak, the moment I saw her, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind, she seemed to be imprisoned somewhere. , like a space, she kept slapping the glass, wanting me to save her..."

Xia Dongqing said slowly.

"Death, death foreseen in advance. I've encountered a lot of these situations, and they've asked me for help, but every time I see them, they die not long after, and I'm wondering if it's because of me, because they met me, They just died."

When Xia Dongqing said this, his emotions began to become a little excited. He covered his head in pain and attributed all the reasons to himself.

Xiao Shiyi knew that Xia Dongqing, because of the existence in his body, had been able to see these things that ordinary people could not see since he was a child. Because of this, and blame others, but also become loving and kind.That's why Xiao Shiyi couldn't bear to see him look so remorseful.

"Holly, do you know that in a long time ago, human beings, like animals, had the instinct to meet danger, but later due to the advancement of technology, this instinct gradually degenerated, but you didn't, but you were still very keen, so you always It is possible to receive this distress signal."

Xiao Eleven explained in a serious manner:

"But you also need to know one thing, the length of each person's life is pre-determined long ago, it's all fate, car accident, earthquake, illness, murder, these are all self-determined, so even if you receive this kind of SOS, you can't help them either."

However, Xiao Shiyi's sincere explanation seems to have little effect on Xia Dongqing, and he still looks gloomy.

"Hey, look, the internet celebrity is going to commit suicide!"

Just when Xiao Shiyi was worried about how to comfort Xia Dongqing, Wang Xiaoya, who was staring at the phone, suddenly exclaimed.

"I said can you be quiet for a while? Don't be bluffing, didn't you see that someone was unhappy! Go and play!"

Li Zhao frowned, and said to Wang Xiaoya in disgust.

Wang Xiaoya pouted and snorted softly, ignoring him, but leaned beside Xiao Shiyi and said to himself:

"Look, she posted this an hour ago. So many people tried to persuade her, but she didn't reply. I'm reading this, she posted it ten minutes ago."

"Ten minutes ago, the amount of retweets was quite large. I guess it was a gimmick for hype. Now these so-called Internet celebrities, one by one, can't do anything for the sake of popularity."

Xiao Shiyi glanced at the screen and said disapprovingly.

"Oh, she's not the kind of person who does everything for the sake of being popular. Her Weibo is called Xuanjian, which is dedicated to revealing the dark side of that society. Those things that others dare not post or say, she will Dare to write. It may also be because he is too famous, so he was fleshed out by netizens, what name, phone number, home address, anyway, there is personal information, you see, even photos. It's called, what is it called Ding Xiaoyu."

When Wang Xiaoya heard Xiao Shiyi's words, she was a little unhappy, and quickly explained.

"Ding Xiaoyu?"

Xiao Shiyi felt that this name was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally remembered, isn't this the female reporter in Soul Ferry who died because of justice.

To be honest, Xiao Shiyi still admires this girl. She is so weak that she dares to do such a dangerous thing.

"It's her! It's her! Food reporter, Ding Xiaoyu!"

At this moment, Xia Dongqing took Wang Xiaoya's mobile phone, just glanced at it, and said excitedly pointing to the photo on the mobile phone screen.

"What's the matter, Qingzai, do you know her? Ex-girlfriend?"

Zhao Li still said with the unorthodox look.

"No, she is the girl who asked me for help today."

Xia Dongqing shook his head, explained a sentence, and then remembered something, took off his apron, and was about to walk out. As he walked, he said:

"No, I'm going to save her!"

"Hey, where are you going to save it! Besides, how can you save it! It's impossible, you still want to snatch someone from Hades!"

Seeing this situation, Zhao Li hurriedly grabbed Xia Dongqing. After saying this, he looked at Xiao Shiyi again and said eagerly:

"I said, the inspector, what are you doing sitting here? Hurry up and persuade, this kid is going to hinder the normal work of the underworld."

In fact, to be honest, Xiao Shiyi doesn't want to meddle with Ding Xiaoyu's affairs. After all, life and death have fate, and the rich and noble summer, even in the original plot, Xia Dongqing finally went to Ding Xiaoyu, but the ghost Ding Xiaoyu was also found. Now the time is an hour or two earlier than the original time, so I can't go now.

... 0

But who knew that when Xiao Shiyi was about to persuade Xia Dongqing, the familiar sound of the system rang again.


"The system releases the task: save Ding Xiaoyu."

"Quest reward: Dragon Ball World "Dance of the Sky"."

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyi's eyes lit up. After finishing the dungeon of Mr. Zombie, the system rewarded him with the ability to convert mana into any energy. Xiao Shiyi had long wanted to find a chance to learn it and try it out. , Now this task is coming at the right time, and Xiao Shiyi is also very fond of this air dance technique. This is a flying skill.

"Go, Holly! I'll help you!"

Xiao Shiyi hooked the corner of his mouth, got up directly, then grabbed Xia Dongqing who hadn't reacted yet, and walked towards the door.

And Zhao Li is not a vegetarian. Of course, he also knows the tempers of Xiao Shiyi and Xia Dongqing. These two are very stubborn. Once they decide what to do, the eight horses will not be able to pull them back. In this situation, the only thing he can do is to quickly follow them.

So, when Xiao Shiyi opened the car door and stuffed Xia Dongqing inside, he turned around and saw Zhao Li who was following behind. Xiao Shiyi, who wanted to let Zhao Li go back, thought about it, there is no harm in having one more person, and , he didn't think that this Zhao Li came and would stop them, so he didn't say much and got into the car directly.

Chapter XNUMX: The Trace of Ding Xiaoyu

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