Her whole body shone with dazzling golden light, and even Xiao Shiyi couldn't understand what incantation she was chanting.

But at this moment, Xiao Shiyi suddenly found that they suddenly became very heavy, and it was extremely difficult to breathe, as if someone was strangling their throats.

Feeling this feeling, Xiao Shiyi wanted to interrupt Luo Sheng's spellcasting with a killing order, but he saw Luo Sheng suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and instantly fell to the ground.

This change caught the three of them off guard, and Xiao Shiyi almost choked to death himself with a mouthful of blood when his mana surged back. When he was sure that Luo Sheng was really unable to act, Xiao Shi kept taking over the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

Chapter XNUMX Luo Sheng's narrative

"Ha ha,"

Seeing Xiao Shiyi put away the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Luo Sheng suddenly sat up, coughing up a lot of blood from the corner of his mouth:

"It seems that this body is really useless."

Luo Shengqiang supported his body, sat cross-legged on the ground, covered his head with his hands, and his body kept shaking.She laughed clearly, but tears flowed from her hands.

Xiao Shiyi couldn't help frowning at her appearance, and the boss walked over and barked at her twice but did not attack her.

"Are you here to arrest me?"

Luo Sheng wiped his tears and looked up at them. Although he was smiling, his eyes were red.

"You can understand that,"

Xiao Shiyi squatted down and looked at Luo Sheng in front of him and asked;

"But I'm more curious who you learned from, and I hope you can tell."

"That can't be done,"

Luo Sheng shook his head and responded:

"I promised him to take this to the grave. If you can find my soul, I'll tell you then."

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng actually stood up slowly, while Yin Shisan and Fatty Shi were still standing behind Xiao Shiyi to guard against her.

"do not worry,"

Luo Sheng opened his arms and said:

"I'm doing my best to be active in this state. You don't have to worry about what I do to you."

"I'll wait for you to return to the underworld or you can take me to the police station if you want,"

Luo Sheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, tidied up his clothes, and walked out of the door slowly:

"But I have a wish, you have to let me complete it first."

When Xiao Shiyi heard this, he didn't stop him. He just watched her go out with a smile and followed after a little thought. As for Yin Shisan and Fatty Shi, they didn't dare to delay and hurriedly followed. Going up, none of the three of them noticed the faintly glowing ring in the corner.

"Yeah, Luo Sheng, you're back~"

When Luo Sheng went out, he directly met the neighbor who lived nearby, and the neighbor saw Luo Sheng hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Luo Sheng's hand.

When Yin Shisan at the back saw this scene and was about to step forward, he was stopped by Xiao Shiyi.

"Yeah, how are you doing, auntie?"

Seeing this neighbor, Luo Sheng also smiled and looked very cute.

After chatting for a while, Luo Sheng said goodbye to her:

"Aren't you following, you won't be able to find me when I run away."

After saying goodbye, Luo Sheng turned to look at Xiao Shiyi and the others, smiled and suddenly ran a few steps, and Xiao Shiyi was always following behind her, even though she was always smiling. , but Xiao Shiyi always felt that she had some secrets.

At the request of Luo Sheng, Xiao Shiyi and the others bought some ingots and gold bricks before going up the mountain. Luo Sheng was humming a song all the way. Xiao Shiyi listened carefully. It was a song in the middle of the night.

"You still heard this song at your age,"

Xiao Shiyi asked with some doubts, he thought that everyone at this age liked those little fresh meat.

"My grandmother likes him very much, but unfortunately, the pressure is too much, but it's a good thing to think about, how can such a perfect person allow him to grow old."

"What kind of person is your grandmother,"

Xiao Shiyi was really curious. She was able to kill those relatives because of her grandmother.

"She is a very gentle person,"

Hearing Xiao Shiyi's question, Luo Sheng's eyes flickered:

"It hurts me very much, and I'm good to people. I'm a lady."

Talking along the way, she always smiled early, the kind of smile that reached the bottom of her heart, and it could be seen that she really loved her grandmother.

After a while, after a few people arrived at their destination, Luo Sheng also quieted down, took the gold ingot from Xiao Shiyi and placed it in front of the tombstone and set it on fire.

"Grandma, I've been fine recently. I ate on time and went out to play. You know, the places you mentioned have changed a lot..."

Luo Sheng kept talking, but tears kept streaming from his smiling eyes, and his nose was red.It turns out that she has been to so many places in the past few days.

And after finishing speaking, Luo Sheng squatted there, the back of the whole person looked very distressing, Xiao Shiyi frowned and had a feeling in his heart, maybe this child is strong and unimaginable.

After a while, Luo Sheng approached the tombstone, pasted the words engraved on the stone tablet, and said in a low voice:

"Goodbye, Grandma"

"I still have a place, and I have nothing to wish for another trip."

After saying this softly, Luo Sheng turned his head and said another word to Xiao Shiyi, then continued to walk up the mountain, and soon saw another stone tablet.

".'Grandpa, I just saw my grandma and told her a lot, and I'll tell you too, I've been to a lot of places, you don't even know..."

Luo Sheng was sitting on the ground dancing and gesturing, his whole person was lively and cheerful.After saying those words, he repeated the actions just now.

"Let's go,"

After everything was settled, Luo Sheng came over and looked at Xiao Shiyi and asked:

"Should I go to the police station or the underworld?"

"It's not urgent, I just want to ask you why you killed them."

Xiao Shiyi has always been curious about this question, after all, she is not that kind of rebellious person.

And Luo Sheng didn't show any surprise when he heard Xiao Shiyi raise this question, he just sat on the edge of the cliff next to him and said:

"Actually, sometimes I really hate money."

She didn't directly answer Xiao Shi's question, but recited slowly as if recalling the past:

"Actually, I won that lottery ticket. I was very happy at first, but then things changed."

"I was very happy that those relatives came back just after I took out the money at that time, because they never came to see my grandparents and came back all at once. I think both of them are also very happy."


Thinking of this, Luo Sheng's expression suddenly became terrifying:

"They just came back for a few days, and they all revealed their true colors, clamoring for their grandparents to give them money."

"Grandpa was hospitalized several times by them. I couldn't help but bought a villa in my grandpa's name."

"I thought I could get rid of them, but I don't know what happened, they were found, and they became even more crazy when they saw that kind of villa.".

Chapter XNUMX Luo Sheng jumps off the cliff

I saw that at this moment, Luo Sheng's mouth suddenly brought a hint of mockery, and his hair fell down to cover his eyes:

"Just a month ago, when they were making a fuss, they pushed my grandfather, and then nothing happened."

"I didn't know how I survived that month. I was thinking of selling the villa in two days, with enough money to live with my grandmother."

"But, but those beasts,"

Having said that, Luo Sheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red, his eyebrows were drawn together, and his silver teeth creaked.

"Even my grandmother refused to let go. My grandmother had a heart attack. After they made trouble, it was completely gone."

"I hate it, I hate it so much,"

At this time, Luo Sheng's eyes were full of hatred.

"Why do my grandparents and grandparents have been quiet for a lifetime, but they are ruined by these beasts?"

"At that time, I lived in the villa by myself, and I left at night after watching them come to ask for money, but at that time a man suddenly came."

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyi thought to himself:

"It seems that this man should be the one who taught her the forbidden technique 393."

"He asked me if I wanted revenge, and he told me the method. I paid a certain price for the same, but I don't regret it, never."

"So you tortured them to death using several different methods for those seven people."

Seeing the madness in Luo Sheng's eyes, Xiao Shiyi suddenly smiled and asked.


Luo Sheng smiled and nodded:

"But it's not like I killed them, I just found a few evil ghosts to scare them."

"It was them who had hallucinations and thought what was wrong with them. I just helped them."

Xiao Shiyi can probably think of what kind of torture and fear he experienced that night, and the little girl in front of him...

"Oh, right."

At this moment, Luo Sheng seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He flipped through his bag and took out a stack of thick photos and handed it to Xiao Shiyi:

"You are from the underworld, so can you give these photos to my grandparents?"

Xiao Shiyi took a look and found that they were all photos taken during travel. Luo Sheng stood alone in the middle of the photos, smiling brightly.


Xiao Shiyi carefully put away the photos and asked Luo Sheng's grandparents' names and the time of their death, and then agreed:

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