"Master, can he hear me talking like this?"

Xiao eleven nodded.Then I heard Wen Xiu speak:

"Indeed, you gave me this life. But I have changed. The Wenxiu from many years ago still loves you, but now Wenxiu is someone else's wife. Please don't bother."


At this time, Lu Zhe suddenly let out a hoarse voice, and saw him walking over a few steps, so he hugged Wenxiu tightly.

Then he let go, and said to Holly, who fell to the ground:

"Mr. Wen Qi, don't worry, I will take good care of Wen Xiu. I won't let you down. Please believe me."

Xiao Shiyi doesn't care about them. After all, who can tell this kind of thing clearly?But at this moment, there was a strange sound of rattling around.

"Li Zhao, where's the boss?"

Lu Zhe and Wen Xiu were both stunned and looked around.Xiao Shiyi turned his head and asked Li Zhao.

"I don't know, I'm afraid it's in the kitchen, seems to be enjoying it."

Zhao Li shrugged and pointed to the kitchen.

"Forget it, this stupid dog can only eat, just let it go."

Xiao Shiyi couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and then reached out and took it into his arms.

Suddenly, all the lights in the room went out with a slam. Lu Zhe and Wen Xiu obviously did not expect this situation, and they hugged and screamed together.

"You all have to die today, quack quack. Adulterer and whore, it hurts me a lot!"

In the darkness, I could hear the whirring of the wind from all directions, some voices spoke, and in the end it was just a roar, it was Wenqi.

A stench came from his nostrils, presumably from that Wenqi, who died in a car accident that year.

"Suffer to death!"

Wen Qi screamed frantically.


The fire suddenly appeared in the room, and then I heard Wen Qi screaming miserably, and the lights turned on again in an instant, and it was Li Zhao who went to open the switch that had jumped.

He saw that Xiao Shiyi pointed the gun in his right hand at Wenxiu and Lu Zhe about a meter away from the two of them, and the gun was still smoking.Wen Xiu and the others couldn't see it, but Xiao Shiyi and Zhao Li could clearly feel that part of the heavy yin in the room had gradually dissipated.

"The one named Wen Qi, whose only obsession was dispelled, should be sent to Samsara, but he had a strong killing intent towards the two of you, so he turned into an evil ghost. But don't worry, it's all right now."

Xiao Shiyi put away the soul destroyer gun, and walked up to explain.

Lu Zhe and Wen Xiu both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it, and hugged even tighter.

"Lu Zhe, did you see me burning your photo the other day? It was for your own good, because I was afraid that you would be haunted by evil spirits, so I asked for a solution from the goddess. Don't misunderstand."

Wen Xiu raised her head suddenly.

Lu Zhe shook his head with a smile and said:

".' Idiot, how could I have misunderstood you."

But Xiao Shiyi turned his head to look at the room at this time, but he couldn't help frowning. Then he raised his head and said to Lu Zhe, "Lu Zhe, the female ghost wrapped around you has not left yet. Put Dong Qing back on the bed to rest first. Let's continue."

"Ah! Good good."

When Lu Zhe heard this, he couldn't help but startled, thinking that everything had been settled just now, but when he heard it, he kissed Wenxiu's face, then leaned down and carried Dongqing on his back to the room.

"What happened?"

Everyone was standing and waiting, and suddenly they heard someone shouting at the door.

As soon as Xiao Shiyi and the others turned their heads, they saw three or five people standing outside the door that had been knocked open, looking inside in shock.

 (Zhao's) Also, when the door was broken on XNUMXth, the sound was so loud that it was not impossible for people to think it was an earthquake. No wonder these people rushed down in their pajamas and pajamas.

If they didn't recognize the owners of the house, Wen Xiu and Lu Zhe, they would have called the police long ago.

Xiao Shiyi and Zhao Li glanced at each other, then moved aside and let Wen Xiu handle Chuang.

"It's okay, it's okay, the door fell into disrepair for a long time. I'll have someone come to fix it tomorrow. I'm really sorry for disturbing so many people's rest."

Wen Xiu saw this and hurriedly walked up to bow and apologize.

But the neighbors saw that Wen Xiu was disheveled, the house was in a mess, and two men they didn't know came. Even if they heard Wen Xiu's words, they didn't believe it very much.Even if this door is in disrepair for a long time, it can't be pulled down by the surrounding cement, right?And obviously there is a hole in the door, it must have been knocked open!.

Chapter XNUMX: The Woman in Red


An old lady looked at this side vigilantly, she stretched out her hand and pulled Wen Xiu in front of her, and whispered:

"Is it because they robbed the house? Don't be afraid. With so many of us here, we are afraid that the two of them will fail! And we can call the police. Even if they have guns, they won't be able to leave when the police come!"

Wen Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard it. How could this be explained? She waved her hands and said sincerely:

"It's not like this. They are my friends. They came to help when they heard that our door was down. Mother-in-law, go back and rest. It's not too early."

Seeing Wenxiu's demeanor and talking like this, everyone had no choice but to mumble and turn away.

At this time, Lu Zhe also put Dong Qing on the bed and walked out.

"Let's move to another place. If the door is gone, it would be bad if someone saw it and called the police that it was a cult activity."

Xiao Shiyi said to Lu Zhe and Wenxiu:

"As for Dongqing, he will wake up after a short rest, and he will naturally come over at that time."

In fact, it was mainly due to the use of the Soul Killing Gun just now, which left a faint scent of exorcism in this room. The female ghost was suppressed, and it was basically impossible for her to come out.As for Holly, Eleven sent him a message on his cell phone, and when he saw 470, he naturally understood.

"Well, that's fine."

Lu Zhe glanced at the door that was knocked open, hesitated for a while, but agreed readily.After all, being frightened by that red-clothed fool was so insane, even if it happened that a thief entered the house, it would be better than being entangled.

"Don't eat BOSS! It's time to go."

Xiao Shiyi called the boss, but there was no answer, so he rushed into the kitchen angrily, and came out with a fat dog with a mimeograph on his mouth, the boss saw Shiyi bothering him, and stretched out his paws and pulled him in dissatisfaction. trouser legs.

Soon, everyone left the house and went to an undisturbed open space. There was a construction site nearby, no one would come, and there were no cameras.

Xiao Shiyi asked everyone to wait beside him, while he placed the candle incense and many tributes he bought on the road on the ground.

"Passing by, have a glass of water and wine, otherwise the sword will pierce your chest and you will not be resurrected..."

Xiao Shiyi clenched his hands and chanted the spell on the spot.

But after the set was finished, the candles in front of him were still burning brightly, and the incense was slowly burning, but nothing changed.

"Lu Zhe, you really don't remember the female ghost that haunted you?"

Xiao Shiyi suddenly turned his head and asked Lu Zhe.

If it was an ordinary passing ghost, he would have eaten the sacrifice long ago and left after being so coaxed and frightened, but now the female ghost is motionless, which is obviously unusual.

"I don't know. I really don't know. How could I know."

Lu Zhe frowned and said three words in pain.

"Then let her come out and ask."

Xiao Shiyi sighed, if it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to do it, after all, it was going to damage the yang qi.

"Nine heavens and all things appear in front of you..."

He pinched his fingers and swiped his eyes, and suddenly there was a huge change in the world in front of him.But frowning, no matter how you look, you can't find the trace of the red-clothed female ghost.

How is this going?

He walked slowly and looked around carefully. The spell just now not only opened his eyes, but also called the wandering spirits nearby. Could it be that the female ghost didn't follow?

But just as he was walking to Lu Zhe's side, a dazzling red suddenly appeared in front of him. Xiao Shiyi couldn't help but stop, and when he saw the red slowly turning around, it turned out to be a white-faced female ghost. Followed closely behind Lu Zhe, like a shy girl.

She was wearing a different modern dress with her hair tied in a bun. Apart from her unusually pale face and unusual Yin Qi, she was definitely a beauty embryo.

"who are you?"

Xiao Shiyi couldn't help but ask.

But the woman in the red dress dodged, and hid on the other side of Lu Zhe's body as if she was trying to hide with him.

This can be nerve-racking.It seems that only by letting Lu Zhe talk directly to this female ghost can we know the truth, but it seems that this female ghost does not seem to be the type that will harm Lu Zhe.

He scratched his head and said:

"Lu Zhe, give me your hand."

Lu Zhe heard that although he didn't know why, he glanced at Wen Xiu, who was worried next to him, and still reached out and handed it over.Xiao Shiyi squeezed his right hand into a sword finger, and made a slash on Lu Zhe's palm. Immediately, blood splattered all over his palm.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

Lu Zhe was in pain and exclaimed in surprise.

"If you want to solve the problem, just stand there for me and don't cry out in pain."

Xiao Shiyi glared at Lu Zhe, then took out a small bottle in his arms and filled Lu Zhe's blood.

Then he turned around to find a leaf nearby, and used Lu Zhe's blood to do it.

"...Hurry up like a law!"

Xiao Shiyi gave a light drink, smeared the leaves with blood, walked in front of Lu Zhe, and smeared his eyes.

"Open your mouth!"

He drank lightly, and Lu Zhe did as he did, and reached out and stuffed the leaves into his mouth.

Lu Zhe couldn't help coughing, and he was about to spit it out, but Xiao Eleven reached out his hand and covered his mouth, and then said:

"Turn around and look behind you, don't be afraid. The red-clothed ghost who haunts you must be your acquaintance, if not in this life or the last."

When Lu Zhe heard that his eyes were rounded, he turned around slowly, and suddenly saw that the woman in red was standing tightly behind him.

The woman in red was stunned when she saw Lu Zhe like this. She just looked at him and couldn't say a word.

"Aren't you looking for him? He can see you and hear you now. If you have anything, just say it."

Xiao Shiyi frowned when he saw the situation of the female ghost. Even if the girl was a fool before her death, she would be wise after her death.

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