Lu Xin glared at him and shouted.

Zhou Xiaohui muttered in his heart, the house in the Human Realm is cool, and it's not that he is not allowed to go back.But he didn't dare to neglect, he quickly stepped aside and looked carefully at Boss Zhang, who didn't seem to know him.

"Zhang, are you in arrears with your salary?"

"Lord Judge, yes."

"Then do you recognize the person next to you, Zhou Xiaohui?"

"I know, he used to work in my construction site."

"Zhou Xiaohui!"

Lu Xin asked a few words, and then shouted again.Zhou Xiaohui hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"I'm here, I'm here."

"Where did you go to me again? Forget it, keep talking, since it's not suicide, why did you come to me again?!"

Hearing this question, Zhou Xiaohui felt a chill in his heart, sighed and said:

"That, my lord, some of our coworkers are going to jump off the building, which really attracted a lot of onlookers. Boss Zhang and the others also came, and they took out their bank cards on the spot and said that they would pay us a few immediately. We were also happy when we heard it, so of course we weren't going to jump off the building, we were going to turn around and go downstairs."

"But at this moment! I was about to turn around, but when I saw the height of tens of meters in front of me, my calf was so weak that I couldn't walk. I was afraid that I would fall off after taking one step, so I called a worker next to him and told him to Help me. I also grabbed his hand at the time, but he slipped and fell to the ground, and I fell straight out. That's how it became."

Zhou Xiaohui pointed to his blood-stained body aggrievedly and said:

"I don't know if he is intentional..."

After all, he was still unwilling in his heart. After all, he had worked hard for most of his life, but he still didn't enjoy it at all. He just asked for the salary, but he didn't expect the fake drama to be real, and he just jumped off the building and died.

"What's the name of the worker who helped you?"

Lu Xin touched the puppy in his arms and asked again.

"I don't know, our workers usually call him Xiaochun."

Zhou Xiaohui answered truthfully.Now that I don't know the real name, even the judge can't call the soul. After all, there are too many people in this world with the incense character in their name.

"Then do you know where he is from? Do you know his birthday?"

Lu Xin frowned and shouted.

"This, I don't even know the name, how can I know this."

Seeing Lu Xin's anger, Zhou Xiaohui quickly sat back on the stool, trembling and speaking.

"Hmph. In this case, you are considered lucky. If you commit suicide deliberately, you will be sentenced to three hundred years not to be reincarnated, and you will experience all kinds of extreme pain in this hell before I teach you to reincarnate as a beast. Since things are now investigated for the time being If you don't understand, I will sentence you immediately, and this judge will sentence you to fall into the realm of animals and be a blood-sucking mosquito, and then add another sentence when it is found out."

Lu Xin said in a hurry, then clapped his hands and shouted:

"The case is today!"

But next week, Zhou Xiaohui was dumbfounded. He worked diligently in his life to get a share of money. What he hated most was this mosquito that sucked human blood. He never thought that he would be reincarnated as a mosquito now. said:


"Lord Judge! I really didn't intend to commit suicide, you have to decide for me!"

Shouting, he was about to rush towards the judge who was about to turn away.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, put me down!"

Zhou Xiaohui was the last ghost. Lu Xin closed the document and was about to go for a drink. When he suddenly turned his head and saw Zhou Xiaohui rushing over with blood all over his head, he couldn't help being surprised, and then shouted in anger.

At this time, ghosts on both sides had already stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Xiaohui who was screaming wildly, hit him with a stick, and dragged him out.

"Hmph. I'm not happy because this officer is off work and drinking. Believe it or not, I'll just take you as a suicide!"

Seeing that Zhou Xiaohui was being dragged out, Lu Xin couldn't help snorting coldly, and then walked back to the back hall singing a ditty.

"No! I really didn't commit suicide. If you can let me live, I will definitely have a good life when I return to the world! My boss just promised to pay us wages, and I haven't spent a penny, how can I do it? Why do you want to die? Why don't you judges distinguish between right and wrong! What do you call a mirror hanging high? What do you call a judge of the underworld! It's all a bunch of melon skins!"

At this time, Zhou Xiaohui was being held and was about to be reincarnated. Although he was beaten with a stick, his anger grew stronger and stronger.

Chapter XNUMX: I don't want to be the ghost of a mosquito

At this time, the ghost next to him was holding his body, and he was almost overwhelmed by his struggle, and hurriedly shouted and cursed:

"What are you yelling about?! You don't even look at this place. Now I'm not asking you to be a mosquito for a long time, but it's just before you can find out whether you committed suicide or was killed. By then, you won't be cleared and you will be reincarnated into humanity. went?"

"Yes. If you are shouting like this and let those big men hear you, you will be wiped out with a single finger, and you will never be born again."

Seeing that one of the ghosts opened his mouth, the other also shouted in a helping voice.

"I don't care! No matter what I do, I will never be a mosquito!"

Zhou Xiaohui heard gritted teeth and struggled, but he didn't obey, and he was about to break free.

This made the two ghosts even more angry, and immediately yelled:

"Okay, you shameless thing. The judge decides whether it is you or me who can control the matter, toasting, not eating and drinking, and today I will show you how powerful the underworld is!"

After shouting, they raised the weapons in their hands and hit Zhou Xiaohui when they pressed them. The weapons in their hands were specially made in the underworld and had a special effect on ghosts. Compared to humans, it was like a red-hot iron.

Immediately, he saw the blue smoke rising, Zhou Xiaohui was crying and screaming, but he refused to let go.The two ghosts were tired from fighting, and this time it was considered to have gained knowledge. I never imagined that there was such a hard-bone ghost.

"What happened!"

Just when the two ghosts were helpless and trying to figure out a solution, they suddenly heard someone coming not far away and asked.

They hurriedly turned their heads and saw that it was a ghost messenger, Murong, with a much higher rank than them, and quickly bowed their heads and asked An Dao:

"Hello, sir. We were ordered by the judge to escort this ghost to reincarnation. Unexpectedly, this ghost is a hard bone. We beat him at least a few hundred sticks, but he refused to let go."

At this time, Murong glanced down at Zhou Xiaohui, who was on the ground, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, then waved at the two ghosts and said:

"Go back first. Just leave this ghost to me, and I will take him to Samsara safely."

"What are you still doing?!"

Seeing this, Murong frowned and shouted loudly.

"Yes! My lord. The two of us will leave soon, and this ghost will make you grow old."

The two ghosts heard that their whole bodies were shaking, and they hurriedly cupped their hands and left.This Murong is really weird, what kind of work is this, and he robs him to do it, and he turns his face and does not recognize anyone, what is it?

Seeing that the two ghosts were far away, Murong leaned down and helped Zhou Xiaohui, who was shivering and gritted his teeth, and said in his surprised eyes:

"I'm Murong, a ghost messenger. Since you are suffering and you meet me again, we are destined. What kind of bad luck has you encountered? Let me hear it, maybe there will be a turning point."

Where did Zhou Xiaohui hear about the ghost messenger Murong, but when he saw that the two ghost messengers were also sent away by this Murong messenger, they must be extremely powerful people, and when he heard that he was willing to listen to himself, he hurriedly told him all the bad things. .

"It's a little tricky."

Murong frowned and pinched his chin.

"Zhou Xiaohui, let me ask you. Do you still remember what Xiaochun looked like now?"

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he turned his head and said something to Zhou Xiaohui.

"Remember! How could I not remember? It was because of him that I died, and I became what I am now, to be reincarnated as a mosquito?!"

When Zhao Xiaohui heard Xiaochun's name, he became excited and shouted loudly.

"Since you still remember what he looked like, can I take you back to find him and ask him clearly soon?"

Murong said with a smile.

"Is it really possible? Nothing will happen this way."

Looking at Murong's smile in front of him, Zhao Xiaohui shuddered and said.He always felt that something was wrong.

"Nothing will happen, so don't worry. With me here, what are you afraid of?"

As Murong said that, he reached out and grabbed Zhao Xiaohui's wrist, and walked forward.

Although Zhao Xiaohui was already suspicious of Murong at this time, if he said that he didn't leave now, he would be caught again, thrown into the animal kingdom of reincarnation, and turned into a mosquito, which would be worse than anything else.

So Zhou Xiaohui gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and followed Murong forward. The shadows around him changed, and Murong took Zhou Xiaohui for an unknown amount of time, when suddenly a large colorful turntable appeared in front of him.


Suddenly, Zhou Xiaohui shouted loudly.Although he had never seen this thing, his intuition told him that this thing was the so-called reincarnation gate.


Murong stood beside him and said calmly.


Zhou Xiaohui shivered and took a half step back.This colorful maelstrom seemed to have a particularly strong suction, and it pulled him in.

"Then let's change the method and take you to Xiaochun. Come with me."

Seeing this, Murong couldn't help laughing, and took Zhou Xiaohui to the other direction.It seems that Zhou Xiaohui has not become an evil ghost. If it is a evil ghost, it will not react to the gate of reincarnation at all.

Soon, Murong took Zhou Xiaohui to the back of a huge gate.This is the gate of the underworld, and out of this gate, it is the other side of the human world on the other side.

"Close your eyes."

Zhou Xiaohui heard Busy clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a bright light suddenly exploded in front of him. He couldn't help exclaiming and opened his eyes. At this time, he saw that the surrounding scene had changed. Disappeared, replaced by the bustling human world.

It was the afternoon now, and Zhou Xiaohui turned his head and looked around in surprise. He never thought that he would come back!

"Go, your time here is limited. Hurry up."

An incomprehensible smile appeared on the corner of Murong's mouth, and he pulled Zhou Xiaohui towards the other end.It was the villa of the foreman's family.

"What are we doing there? Xiaochun is not our boss, he is my co-worker, and he doesn't live here."

Zhou Xiaohui looked around, and had already recognized where this place was. He thought he was going the wrong way, so he hurriedly shouted.

"Your own subconscious tells me that your enemy is ahead. And your original boss Zhang doesn't live here anymore, only your two acquaintances are still here."

Murong said lightly.

Chapter XNUMX: The task of Zhao Li

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