When the spectator heard this, he couldn't help but stunned, turned around and bowed to the east.

In this Taoist temple, the master of the first view is the master, and it seems that this Taoist temple is a jungle view. No matter where the monks are, they can live here. The characters in Tianshi Hall, unfortunately, failed in the final competition and left Longhu Mountain.

"It's like this, we don't know when our nameless view started, and there are daoists who have disappeared one after another. We thought they were wandering around by themselves, and we didn't care much.

It wasn't until recently that someone saw someone again, but the person who saw him disappeared a few days later, and we didn't realize there was a demon at work. "

The spectator sat back and said with a sigh:

"Anonymous View is just like its name, almost no one in the world knows about it, and now there are even fewer people who have the ability. There are a few fellow Taoists who volunteered to go to subdue the devil, but there is no news yet. We went to the top of the mountain for retreat more than ten years ago, we don't want to disturb us, we just let us know from a distance."

He smiled suddenly, looked up and said:

"Then you are here."

"So that's the case, this monster is hiding in the mountains? Do you know exactly what it looks like?"

Xiao Shiyi thought about it and asked.

"I haven't seen it before, but I heard from someone who had seen the missing Taoist priest before. The Taoist priest who disappeared and came back was pale and expressionless. We are ignorant, and we really don't know what the doorway is. "

The spectator shook his head.

".' Xuan Yuan, is there a little donor named Xiao Shiyi?"

Suddenly, a voice that seemed to disappear in the wind at any time came clearly from outside the window.

"It's the Celestial Master."

The spectator's face showed joy, and he got up and bowed to the window, saying:

"Tianshi, there is a small donor, but I haven't asked the name."

"It's him. I want to chat with this little donor. I don't know if I can."

Xiao Shiyi couldn't help but feel curious when he heard this, what kind of character is this Heavenly Master of Wumingguan, and he could go directly to Hades to talk, and it would be good to meet him.

So he nodded to the spectator who looked over.

"Tianshi wait a moment, the little donor has agreed."

He responded and took Xiao Shiyi to continue to the higher mountain.

The mountain seems to have touched the clouds. There is fog everywhere on the top of the mountain, and it is impossible to see things two meters away. There is no mountain road here.

 (Li Liao's) "Fate Lord, Tianshi wants to talk to you personally, I think there may be some reasons."

The spectator suddenly opened his mouth, and his face looked a little embarrassed and red.

"what reason?"

Xiao Shiyi couldn't help but be curious.

"It's been a long time since the predestined goddess worshipped in Wumingguan, but we grow vegetables and pick fruits by ourselves. This large mountain is enough for us to eat for a long time, so it is not a big problem. But I think that you are not a monk, so you are naturally interested in gold and silver. It is necessary, and this time it is likely to be a desperate thing, and I am also very ashamed that there is no corresponding reward to repay the fate."

The spectator sighed non-stop, suddenly looked up and said:

"Fate Lord, I see that you have a blessed face, and you are a kind-hearted person. Going to Tianshi's, you can get a reward that can't be compared with any amount of gold and silver. I hope you don't dislike it."

"Where, how could it be. It is also my blessing to be able to help you."

Xiao Shiyi said sincerely.

Chapter XNUMX A piece of rotten wood

"Well. I heard from the Tianshi that there is a treasure that was handed down on the top of the mountain. Over the years, many powerful demons have come to steal it every year."

The watcher suddenly got up and started talking about the past.

"But our celestial master is retreating there, no matter how powerful a monster is, it is impossible to succeed. Fate Lord, you may be able to see you last time this time. Well, go up this ladder and you will be a celestial master. It’s a place to retreat, because I still have things to do down the mountain, and the Celestial Master doesn’t like the excitement, so I went down first.”

The Guanzhu saluted, turned around and walked down. There seemed to be auspicious clouds under his feet, and he stepped into the cloud and mist and disappeared.


Xiao Shiyi couldn't help muttering in his heart, this time there may be unexpected gains.So he hurriedly walked up, and through the clouds, he saw a thatched house on the top of the mountain, and a Taoist man was whistling and watering the vegetables in the yard.


He saluted as usual.The Taoist laughed, put down the things in his hand and walked over, saying:

"Master Xiao doesn't need to be more polite. I think Xuan Yuan has told you about the same thing this time, but he is still 520 in the way, and some things can't be seen, so I want to invite you to come up."

"I've been retreating here. If Xuanyuan hadn't told me about it, I wouldn't have known about it. But even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do anything, because when I was looking down the mountain, I couldn't see it in the woods. Clearly, there was a thick layer of fog blocking my vision, and the only thing I gained was the roar of a tiger."

The Celestial Master was also a little worried.

Tiger demon?

Xiao Shiyi silently recorded in his heart that the man in front of him was not at all arrogant. He took two small benches and sat together.

"One more thing is your reward, little brother."

Suddenly, the Heavenly Master laughed and said:

"It's also fate. The treasure actually disappeared a long time ago, but I knew it was still here, so I didn't look for it. And just recently, after I petitioned someone to solve the problem of this tiger demon, the treasure suddenly disappeared. It appeared in front of me again, and I knew it was fate."

"This treasure, I heard Taoist Master Xuan Yuan also talk about it, but I don't know what it is?"

As soon as Xiao Eleven heard this, his whole body suddenly became energized.

"This treasure, um, I'll show it to you."

Tianshi thought for a while, then turned around and entered the room.When he came out, he saw a piece of rotten wood in his hand.This wood seems to have been used to burn it, and it has black marks.It also seems to have been soaked in the water for a long time, and some green moss has grown on both fractures.

"This is?"

But Xiao Shiyi understood that he couldn't look at a treasure by its appearance, so he hurried forward.

"This is a tree that was planted by Daoist Wuheng, the master of Wumingguan at that time, thousands of years ago, and the last piece of wood left behind."

Speaking of this, the Celestial Master's eyes are obviously shining.

"Wuhen Daoist can be said to be the first person in history. Of course, this is just what I did. I have comprehended the scriptures he left for more than XNUMX years, and I still can't understand it. And this piece of wood has been passed down from generation to generation. Another generation of viewers, finally passed on to me, and finally ushered in a person with a predestined relationship."

He handed over the wooden block in his hand and spoke with relief.

Xiao Shiyi heard that he took it solemnly. The wood was neither light nor heavy, about half a person's height and half a fist wide.It doesn't feel like any known feeling, it's very smooth and has just the right amount of stagnation, not too smooth.

"It's a rare treasure."

He couldn't help but rejoice in his heart, and praised:

"Just how do you use this baby?"

When the Celestial Master heard this, he laughed and said:

"I don't know either, but Mr. Xiao, you are its fate. When the time comes, it will be clear."

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyi couldn't say anything, but the wood was too big and it was inconvenient to carry around, so he said with a smile:

"Tianshi, let's put this treasure here for now. When I go to pacify the monster, I'll come back and get it, otherwise I'll be ashamed of it."

Tianshi agreed and took it back.Xiao Shiyi saw the news and was about to go down the mountain, but he suddenly remembered a question and stopped and turned around. The Celestial Master was still smiling and seeing off the guests.

"Do you still have any questions?"

"Yes. Dare to ask Tianshi, why is this Wuming Temple so prosperous in the past, but now it's broken down like this? If it's because it's not famous, go out and spread it, and naturally there will be pilgrims who come to make a wish, about the life of the Taoist priest in the temple. There are also improvements.”

Xiao Shiyi was a little puzzled. Could it be that something happened?

"Haha, Fate Lord, you asked a good question. What do we cultivators want? A place to live, food, and water to drink are enough. Jump into the water when it's hot, and drill into the house when it's cold. Why the Anonymous View has fallen, and we don’t go out to promote it, we can only explain it with a word of fate.”

The Master smiled and said:

"Just like you, the benefactor, people who have fate will come here no matter how far away. And those who have no fate will turn back even if they go to the mountains. We are not lazy and do nothing, but we are not attached to incense."

"Been taught a lesson."

Xiao Shiyi listened to the salute and walked down the mountain.This answer is perfect for a Taoist, but for Xiao Shiyi, who is still living in the mundane world and pays for daily rent and gasoline, it is lonely.

Now that he knew the ins and outs of the matter, Xiao Shiyi planned to go to the jungle to find out what happened tonight. Tiger demons, like tigers, usually act at night, just in time.

After eating the food in the Taoist temple, although there is no meat, but he eats it all at ease.

At night, the moonlight was shining brightly, he bid farewell to the Taoist priests in the gymnasium, took his own dinner guy and rushed into the woods.

Before leaving the Taoist temple, there was already a tiger roar in the dark woods in front of his ears.In an instant, all the birds in the woods flew in terror, and even the whole mountain seemed to be shaking.

Truly a great thing.

Xiao Shiyi snorted coldly, but even this king of the mountain would be planted in his hands.

The surrounding trees were rustling, and it was the little beast who heard the king's roar and couldn't help but scurried in panic. This made Xiao Shiyi frown. After all, it was possible for the thing to jump out from anywhere.

And at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a Taoist man dressed in a blue Taoist robe standing in the middle of the road.

Chapter four hundred and eighty third ghost?

"A ghost?"

Xiao Shiyi immediately felt the Yin Qi in him, this is a ghost.When a tiger eats a man, the soul of the man will turn into a ghost, attached to the tiger's side. This is where the so-called "acting for the tiger" comes from.

The priest heard the call, but did not turn around.At this time, Xiao Shiyi had already grasped the law, and walked over slowly step by step, for fear of disturbing it.

It's not what they wanted, but they were forced to do nothing, and they don't need to be defeated directly. As long as the tiger demon dies, they will naturally be reincarnated~ reincarnated.

What's more, this ghost seems to be the Taoist priest in the nameless temple. Xiao Shiyi is even more reluctant to hurt him.

But just as he walked a few steps behind the leader, he suddenly turned around abruptly, and saw a blurred image, even the eyes, mouth, ears, and nose were indistinguishable. Even Xiao Shiyi was in this scene. Feeling uncomfortable, I couldn't help shivering.


Obviously, the Taoist priest didn't speak, but a majestic voice exploded in Xiao Shi's mind, and his head felt numb in an instant. He hurriedly shouted and jumped to the side. swirling.

The Taoist priest raised his right finger to the sky, and suddenly rushed up with a kick of his foot.But he was staggering, not fast.Seeing this, Xiao Shiyi hurriedly stepped forward, took out the talisman in his right hand, and settled on him first.

But as soon as they met, the flesh and blood suddenly rolled, revealing two white flowers and black pupils staring at him, Xiao Shiyi screamed, his body was extremely itchy as if a hundred insects were swallowing it up, he couldn't take care of his skills, and his feet hurriedly stepped on the face. Fly aside.

"He Hao yin and yang, the sun rises in the east, the commander accepts this talisman, sweeps away the ominous, spit out the water of samadhi, and sees the light of the sun, catches the monster, uses the canopy of the canopy, breaks the disease and uses the vajra, subdues the monster, and transforms into Auspicious, hurried as the decree!"

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