This is a test by General Bairule to Xiao Shiyi, Xiao Shiyi said:

"Don't get me wrong, we cultivators don't eat meat, and I can't break my precepts. Not only do I not eat it, but the dog next to me doesn't eat it either."

The soldier put a piece of meat in front of the boss, can the dog still not eat the meat? The boss turned around directly and used his butt to face the minion.

This time, Xiao Bing believed what Xiao Shiyi said, and went back to his life with a bowl in his hand.

It didn't take long for someone to send over a few kinds of vegetarian dishes, it seems that this level has passed.That Bairule really wasn't an ordinary person, and he actually changed the way to let Xiao Shiyi stand on their side.

Eating human flesh is a hurdle, and I don't know how many 613 trials there will be in the future.Bairule was eating what was in his hand, and there was a woman by his side.This woman looks beautiful, but thin and dripping.

The woman is not very timid, and is pouring wine for Bairule at this time.The hands that poured the wine were shaking, and Bairule was drinking wine and eating meat.Looking at the woman with greedy eyes, it seems that she is going to devour this woman.

When Bairule saw the bowl held by the soldier, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"What's the matter? That Master Xiao still doesn't appreciate it?"

Xiaobing hurriedly explained it to Bairule. After Bairule heard it, he was thoughtful.

Bairule's eyes suddenly saw the woman beside him, so he said:

"Since Master Xiao doesn't eat meat, you can't help but touch women, right? If you don't even touch women, it would be too disrespectful to me. You take this woman to Xiao Shiyi's house today, and give it to me. Xiao Shiyi is watching closely."

After Xiaobing heard it, he went with the promise.

There are many houses in the village, Bairule chose a few slightly better houses, and then gave one of them to Xiao Shiyi.

Xiao Shiyi knew in his heart that this Bairule treated him with courtesy because the ghost face sore matter needed him.

However, Xiao Shiyi didn't refuse, and as a result, he led the boss into the room just now.Xiao Shiyi felt something was wrong, how could there be someone on this big bed.

Xiao Shiyi took a closer look and it turned out that she was still a woman. Although this woman was tall and beautiful, she was thin and her face was covered in tears.

The woman looked at Xiao Shiyi's eyes, empty and without any emotion.Xiao Shiyi pulled the woman up:

"Girl, what are you doing on my bed?"

The woman was stunned and said:

"Yes... the general asked me to come to serve you."

Xiao Shiyi knew that this was probably Bairule's intention again, so Xiao Shiyi waved his hand and told the woman to leave quickly.Who knew that this woman hugged Xiao Shiyi and said:

"My lord! Please let the slaves stay!"

Xiao Shiyi was so frightened that he almost threw the boss in his arms, what was the situation?

The woman cried: "If the slave and maid cannot follow you, the general will send you to the catering room!"

This woman was indeed going to be killed tonight, but General Bairule used her to test Xiao Shiyi.

If Xiao Shiyi agrees, then this woman will be given to Xiao Shiyi as a gift, and she will be able to live for a while. The woman originally thought that the person she was going to serve was a barbarian. .

Xiao Shiyi pushed the woman away and made a silent gesture.If Xiao Shiyi heard correctly, someone should be eavesdropping outside the window.

What's wrong with this Bairule, so that Xiao Shiyi had to do something unethical before accepting Xiao Shiyi.

It seems that it is time to give Bairule a little bitterness, or else this Bairule will spend his mind on testing Xiao Shiyi.

There are a lot of ghosts following this team of Hu people. These ghosts are very afraid of Xiao Shiyi. Xiao Shiyi can do whatever he wants, and he is very obedient.Bairule did not wait for news about Xiao Shiyi, but waited for the laughter of the ghost face sore on his chest.

Bai Rule rolled off the bed in fright and said:

"Who! Who is talking? Come out, come out for me!"

A cold laughter sounded immediately, and Bairule held a machete in his hand, looking like a madman.

"I'm on your chest! Hahahaha, you killed me and ruined my daughter, I'm going to dig out your heart today!"

Bairule put aside his clothes, and sure enough, he saw that the ghost face sore had grown facial features, and was talking with his mouth open.

Bairule was horrified in his heart, but he still said stubbornly:

" evil, I will definitely cut you with a thousand swords and burn you with fire!"

Instead of being afraid, the ghost face sore moved:

"I grew up on you, and if you want to slash thousands of pieces, you will also cut yourself. If you want to burn me with fire, you will also burn yourself. This is retribution!"

Bairule stabbed the machete in his hand with the ghost face sore, and directly cut the ghost face sore's face.But the ghost face sore only moved from the left chest to the right chest, and blood spurted out from the left chest immediately.

Bairule himself felt the pain of the knife cutting on his body, he screamed in fright, and then sprinkled the golden sore medicine on himself as if he didn't want any money.Belle yelled:

"Come on here! Come on someone, invite Xiao Shiyi to me, hurry up!"

Bairule made such a big movement, but no one echoed outside.The ghost-faced sore sneered at this moment:

"Hahaha, no one answered you, right? Don't waste your efforts. Your group has done a lot of evil and has already followed a lot of ghosts. Now everyone outside should be entangled."

Bairule didn't believe it, so he opened the curtain and walked out with a big stride.The torches outside the door were still burning, but there was no red flame on them.

The flames on the torches were all blue, and they turned out to be ghost fires.

Bai Rule was screaming and shouting, hoping to get a response, but strangely, the whole village was quiet, and there was no voice from a soldier.

Bairule suddenly thought of something, and immediately went to Xiao Shiyi, he said to himself:

"Xiao Shiyi! Yes! Master Xiao will definitely be able to save me.".

Chapter XNUMX A silent camp

Over there, Xiao Shiyi quietly walked to the window, opened the window, and saw the back of a soldier fleeing in a hurry.After Xiao Shiyi made sure that no one around him was eavesdropping, he called the woman to his side and asked:

"Where are you from, what is your name, and how did you come here."

Although the woman didn't know what Xiao Shiyi meant, she still answered obediently:

"Slave Chen Shi, who was originally from Shuzhong, was kidnapped by the Hu people and survived today."

Girls in ancient times were euphemistic, and Xiao Shiyi asked again:

"Is there anyone else with you?"

This girl Chen's eyes turned red, and then said:

"There are more than XNUMX people who have followed the slaves. So far... there are less than a hundred people left. They were all regarded as those two-legged sheep and were eaten by the Hu people."

After Miss Chen said these words, her entire face turned pale.Apparently, something bad happened to her, and she was frightened.

Xiao Shiyi knew that he had uncovered the sad part of this girl Chen, but Xiao Shiyi didn't want to, but in order to be able to catch the soul-eating person, Xiao Shiyi had to ask -.

"Then have you seen them eat people-?"

Miss Chen pursed her lips and nodded.

"Is there anything strange about that?"

"Isn't it weird enough to eat people?"

Miss Chen asked back, and her expression was even more sad.

Xiao Shiyi touched his nose and said:

"Cough! Well, there are some old people and children in this village who are hiding in the back mountain."

Miss Chen was a little surprised after hearing this, and hurriedly said:

"Adults are also human beings. The slaves and maids have never heard of the matter of the old man and the child, and the adults have never said anything about it."

Xiao Shiyi praised: "You are a kind-hearted person, don't worry, I will not tell Bairule the news of someone here. It is estimated that the old people will come back once this team leaves, and you will call the remaining women. Children, wait here. The old people in this place are very smart, you should be filial, as for the future, it depends on your good fortune. "

Miss Chen was immediately stunned, not knowing what Xiao Shiyi meant.Miss Chen thought to herself:

"Could it be that this adult surnamed Xiao wants to save himself?"

Miss Chen's eyes on Xiao Shiyi changed immediately, and she almost wrote on her forehead:

"You are a great man!"

Xiao Shiyi has already given orders to the ghosts who follow the barbarian army, so that these ghosts can toss the barbarians in the entire village tonight,

As for how Xiao Shiyi was able to do it, it only required a few small tricks.It is said that there is a yang fire on each person's head and shoulders.

This yang fire is to make ghosts shy away, and people with weak yang fire will easily encounter any unclean things.What Xiao Shiyi did was to put out a yang fire from the people in this Hu people army.

This group of Hu people were originally bloody and strong, and the bloody aura on their bodies was also in the air, and the yang fire was even more prosperous.Ordinary ghosts dare not approach at all, and can only follow from a distance.

If Xiao Shiyi puts out a fire tonight, this group of people will probably see some unclean things.

Xiao Shiyi motioned for Miss Chen to follow him out to have a look, but Miss Chen stopped Xiao Shiyi and said:

"Sir, don't go out, that General Bairule is using me to test the Lord. If the Lord is not obedient, Bairule is afraid that he will do something to hurt the Lord."

Miss Chen is kind, but Xiao Shiyi doesn't have so many concerns.I immediately took Miss Chen out. All the torches outside the door turned into a faint blue color, and even the guards turned them lazily aside.

Miss Chen noticed that these guards all showed the same expressions, and they were all terrified, as if they were encountering something.

However, Xiao Shiyi knew that this was a ghost's ability, that is, dreaming.Through dreams, people fall into the stories woven by ghosts in their sleep.Some of those evil ghosts will even scare people to death directly because of their dreams.

Miss Chen carefully followed behind Xiao Shiyi and said:

"What's going on with this group of soldiers, my lord?"

Xiao Shiyi smiled: "Ah, I'm probably having a sweet dream."

At this moment, a figure went crazy and came straight at Xiao Shiyi.Before Xiao Shiyi could make a move, he heard Bairu Le on the opposite side say:

"Master Xiao, save me! I'm dying, Master save me!"

At this time, Bairule's hair was disheveled, his eyes were crimson, and the veins burst out in his hand holding Xiao Shiyi.

Xiao Shi Shi expressionlessly pulled Bairule away, and then asked:

"General Bairule, are you afraid now? You have done a lot of evil, murdered and silenced, raped and looted, did you ever think about today?"

Bairule was stunned when he heard the words, and then he became furious and pointed at Xiao Shiyi, and said:

"It's you who did it! It's you who did it, right!"

Xiao Shiyi neither denied nor affirmed, that demeanor was there.

Bairule took the machete, and when he came up, he wanted to stab Xiao Shiyi's heart.Xiao Shiyi flew and kicked the machete just now.Bairule is no longer conscious now, and he is not Xiao Shiyi's opponent at all. Xiao Shiyi beat this guy to the ground in a few seconds.

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