"Do you like me?"

Xia Dongqing blushed, lying on the table, Wang Xiaoya said:

"I know you have low self-esteem, but you also need to recognize the gap between the two of us. I'm a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens, a fairy. What about you? Humans are not human, nor ghosts, so you can barely be regarded as a zombie. ."

The last thing is that Gardenia has seen Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing confrontation with his own eyes.At that time, it happened to be off work time, and it was already night. As soon as Gardenia walked to the exit, she saw Xia Dongqing guarding a chair and said:

"I said can you let him go? He's still a child at such a young age."

Zhao Li took the gun and said:

"He is still a child, and this sentence is inappropriate to use here. He is a ghost, and he has fallen into the realm of evil spirits. If he is not killed, he will do evil and endanger the world!"

Xia Dongqing turned around and hugged the chair tightly:

"No, no, if you want to beat him, beat me to death!"

At that time, Gardenia thought that what she had encountered were three neurotic diseases, but then she thought that Xiao Shiyi was a master of catching ghosts, and this matter could only be trusted, not trusted.

After listening to these three things, Xiao Shiyi felt dumbfounded.Zhao Li, Xia Dongqing, and Wang Xiaoya are also really, so blatant, they don't know how to restrain themselves.

However, there is no underworld treaty in Kunlun. As long as the fairies don't like mortals, don't reveal the secrets, and don't say their names, there is no problem.

As a matter of fact, people in the underworld and heaven generally turn a blind eye when it comes to revealing their identities, as long as they don't cause large-scale disturbances.No one will take care of it, Wang Xiaoya said:

"Then you were really happy and accepted the setting..."

Gardenia hesitated for a while before saying:

"Actually, I encountered a thing and needed your help, and what I encountered was something that could never happen at all."

Xiao Shiyi hugged the boss and said:

"What do you think."

Gardenia took out her mobile phone, and didn't know what she was looking for, and then handed it over.Xiao Eleven saw a piece of news on the phone, and the news was released a year and a half ago.

It is written that the fishing boat has mysteriously disappeared for half a year, and the life and death of the female passenger in this country is unknown.About this news, Xiao Eleven had indeed heard of it.

It is said that the sea fishing boat was specially used for passengers, and there were a lot of people on it, but it suddenly evaporated overnight and could not be contacted.

For this matter, a lot of marine police were specially dispatched.I couldn't search for nearly a year, and there was no news at all.This incident was already two years ago, and everyone began to forget it. I don't know why Gardenia suddenly mentioned this news again.

In this report, there is a photo posted. The woman in the photo is looking forward to radiance, her eyebrows are affectionate, and there is a beauty mole on the corner of her right eye.

This kind of woman's appearance is very feminine, even Wang Xiaoya couldn't help but praise after seeing it:

"This girl is so beautiful, who is she? What a pity."

Gardenia pursed her lips and said:

"She is my sister Rose, she came back yesterday and the dead come back."

Xiao Shiyi suddenly thought of the visions Zhao Li said yesterday, and the seaside suddenly became foggy, accompanied by a strong sea smell.

However, what Gardenia said is not necessarily in exchange for what happened yesterday. The incident of the disappearance of the fishing boat has something to do with the legends of several time-space tunnels.In XNUMX, a train disappeared in a tunnel in the Russian Empire, and two people survived.Then in XNUMX, he appeared again in Poltava.

Since then, there have been many people who have studied this train, and some paranormal scholars have even jumped on this train, but have not been seen since.

There is also the legend of the Bermuda Triangle at sea, saying that there is a sea of ​​death, there are countless planes, and ships lost contact from there and never appeared again.Or disappear from Bermuda, appear elsewhere, and disappear again.

As if to know what Xiao Shi was thinking, Gardenia said:

"I know what you want to say. I also hope it is a time-space tunnel, or a supernatural event. That is the final ending of those legends. Will someone come back? And not only that, there are some strange things."

It turned out that yesterday, when Gardenia saw that the strange woman wearing a hat was her sister, she returned to the house.

Not being carried away by joy, Gardenia has always been a very calm person.After Rose came back, it became very strange. She didn't say a word, and didn't answer a word, as if she knew Gardenia.

When Rose came back, she began to take a bath.Gardenia found that the clothes that Rose took off had a strong sea smell, and even the shoes that Rose was wearing were full of water, and when they fell, there was even sea sand in them.

But Lin Chong didn't seem to be able to smell the fishy smell of the sea. Gardenia felt that something was wrong, so he asked Lin Chong:

".' I think something is wrong with my sister. She... how did she come back? After so many people disappeared, she came back alone. What happened to her?"

Lin Chong shook his head, his eyes were red:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! The important thing is that it's not a dream! She's back, my rose is back."

At this time, Rose came out with a bath towel after taking a bath.Then she walked to Lin Chong's side, she looked at everything around her with her eyes until she saw the huge (Qian Wanghao) portrait.

Lin Chong said, "Rose, do you remember? This is the portrait I painted for you. We met and fell in love through this painting. I have been thinking about you for the past two years. I love you, Rose."

After hearing this, Rose began to undress, taking off all her bathrobes.

Gardenia turned her back and said:

"Sister, you are..."

Lin Chong there had already hugged his rose and walked towards the bedroom.Gardenia was speechless, but when she looked up, she saw that Rose smiled at herself, a creepy smile.

When Gardenia said this, she couldn't help but say:

"That's definitely not my sister's smile. My sister doesn't smile like that, and my sister isn't so open. However, in that situation, I had to leave first."

Xiao Shiyi was thoughtful, Xia Dongqing said:

"Listening to you, this thing is quite scary.".

Chapter nine hundred and twenty seventh nuanced

Gardenia looked tired and listless.After saying this, he worried:

"I really think this thing is really weird."

Gardenia returned to see her sister Rose the next day.

As soon as I entered the elevator, I met a woman with a pet dog.The woman and Gardenia took the elevator together, and the dog in the woman's arms moved irritably.After all, a dog's nose is much more sensitive than a human's, and then complained loudly:

"What is the smell in this corridor? It really stinks."

Gardenia also asked, and then said:

"It's the fishy smell of the sea. I guess someone bought the fish and ate it."

The woman holding the dog listened, muttered a few words, and nothing happened.

But when Gardenia arrived at her brother-in-law's house, she realized that something was wrong. The fishy smell of the sea on the tenth floor was the heaviest.

This smell came from her brother-in-law's house. Gardenia felt bad, so she immediately entered her brother-in-law's house.

At this time, the home has been completely new, and it is different with a hostess. Everywhere is clean.Lin Chong smirked at the person on the table. After seeing Gardenia coming to 863, he said:

"You're here, hurry, hurry up, the dishes that your sister cooked. It's been two years, and I haven't eaten this kind of dishes again. I really miss it."

Gardenia sat over, and the one on the table was Rose's previous specialty.Rose was busy in the kitchen at this time, while Lin Chong and Gardenia were in the living room.

Gardenia said, "How is my sister? Have you spoken to you about where she has been in the past two years? How did she come back, and what happened at that time?"

Lin Chong was unhappy and said:

"As you know, your sister just came back. She may have suffered a lot and suffered a lot. I don't want to force her. Don't ask about this."

Gardenia was choked, and Lin Chong continued:

"Actually, when I woke up this morning, I was quite scared. I was afraid that it was all just a dream, but it turned out to be true! Rose is back."

Lin Chong's expression was a little crazy. Now Gardenia was not only afraid of Roses, but also worried about Lin Chong's mental state.

At this time, Rose came out of the kitchen with soup.Lin Chong hurried to help and put the soup on the table.Then he took out the red wine and poured a glass of gardenia and rose.

Lin Chong took a bite and said:

"It's still the same as before, it hasn't changed. Gardenia, try it out, is it the same?"

Gardenia took a bite, and it was indeed the same as before.The person in front of her is Gardenia's sister. She eats more of this specialty dish than Lin Chong, so how could she not be able to eat it.

Lin Chong raised the cup in his hand and said:

"Rose, today we are celebrating. Gardenia and I are celebrating your return. Rose, this is your favorite red wine before, try it now."

Then the three clink glasses together, and Gardenia takes a sip of red wine.As soon as I looked up, I saw that Rose drank the red wine in one go, and then suddenly picked up the wine bottle on the table, lifted it up and drank it like that.

A whole bottle of wine was drank a pound in a few minutes, and Rose was not at all intoxicated.

Lin Chong laughed twice, and said to the stunned Gardenia:

"Your sister is happy, and you will drink like this when you are happy."

Gardenia took a deep breath and decided that this was not her sister. Rose's drinking capacity was not that good at all, and she didn't get drunk after drinking so much.

After Gardenia finished talking about this matter, she was all decadent, and then sat down on the table.

Xia Dongqing said: "Could it be the burning rhinoceros and the ghosts? I remember that I encountered such a thing once before?"

Wang Xiaoya said: "Then her sister Rose is definitely not a ghost. You can see her, and your brother-in-law can also see her. And she can also drink and undress. So, there must be something strange about this matter."

Gardenia also knows that this matter is not clear at all. If she could, she would have wanted Xiao Shiyi to go see it with her.

The wind chime at the entrance of the cafe suddenly rang, Xiao Eleven raised his head, it turned out that Zhao Li came over.

Li Zhao said as he walked: "I just went to do maintenance on my car. After Xia Dongqing gets off work, let's go for a ride together? Ugh? Is Eleven here?"

Xiao Shi Shi waved his hand: "Yang Yansi is here."

Li Zhao teased and said, "Hey, I really can't compare with you. I even assigned you a senior secretary to drink coffee here in your spare time."

Wang Xiaoya pulled Zhao Li and said:

"Come here, someone here is asking for help. The few of us don't understand what's going on. Come and listen and think of a way."

Now that Zhao Li is here, let Zhao Li follow along to analyze this matter.Zhao Li was pulled over like this, and then a few people probably told the story to one side.

After eating, Gardenia was surprised to find that Rose didn't move at all, watching Gardenia and Lin Chong eat.Lin Chong thought that Rose didn't like to eat these things, so he quickly took Rose to buy some things to save.

At the market, the roses didn't go anywhere.Just went to the place that sells aquatic products, here are scallops, shrimp, crab, and some plump grass carp.

Rose was lying beside her, watching motionlessly.Gardenia grabbed Lin Chong and said:

"Did you smell it! The fishy smell of the sea on her body is even heavier than the vegetable market."

Lin Chong kept pushing Gardenia away.Then he said:

"I didn't smell the fishy sea smell you mentioned, all I know is that my rose is back."

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