At this time, the whole of Shanghai was in chaos.

Many people saw the amazing scene in front of the Japanese military hospital.

Fujita Yoshimasa personally called the United Front Headquarters and reported this incredible incident.

And he is now very sure that the affairs of the 161 Brigade definitely have something to do with Xiao Shiyi.

If it had been before today, he would have sent a military police team to hunt down Xiao Eleven, but now, he did not dare to act lightly.

Instead, he made a phone call to United Front Headquarters.

After waiting for half a day, he received an order from above, telling him not to act rashly for the time being.

Fujita Yoshimasa was also relieved to receive this order.

to be frank.

As an imperial soldier, although he is not afraid of death.

But seeing Shuten-douji, the king of ghosts in Japanese legend, and seeing Shuten-douji's huge monster body and unparalleled power, his heart was very shocked.

What shocked him even more was that the Huaxia exorcist named Xiao Shi was able to fight against the legendary Shuten boy, and even subdue the powerful Shuten boy!

Such a person, I am afraid that the entire gendarmerie is not his opponent.

Sending people to search for them is simply a senseless death sentence.

In case of angering the other party, it may bring a devastating blow to the Japanese army in Shanghai.

Now that he was ordered to suspend his actions by the peak, Fujita Yoshima was relieved.

But at the same time, he also knew that the ambitions of the Israeli military's top management could not be given up.

They are not taking action now, they are investigating and analyzing this time, and sooner or later a plan of action will be formulated.

At that time, in Shanghai, he must be the vanguard of the action.

"That Xiao Shiyi is Minglou's friend." Fujita Yoshimasa recalled the investigation results reported on No. 76.

After hesitating for a while, he picked up the phone and dialed the number of Minglou.

At this time, Minglou is in the Ming family mansion.

What happened today was so shocking that his previous plan to blow up the Sakura was affected and had to be suspended.

After the battle at the entrance of the Japanese military hospital, the Sakura train, which was scheduled to leave for Shanghai tomorrow, was canceled.

The train was full of senior Japanese officials and wealthy businessmen, so naturally it was impossible for them to come to Shanghai at this time of turmoil.

Although the action was cancelled, Ming Lou's mind was not on action at all.

What happened today had a huge impact on him.

Compared to what I saw today blowing up a special Sakura train?

Blowing up the Sakura train was nothing more than killing a few high-ranking Japanese officials and wealthy businessmen, and a little blow to the momentum of the Japanese army.

Next, we have to face the crazy counterattack of the Japanese army.

And Xiao Shiyi's actions at the door of the hospital today.

It completely deterred the Japanese army in Shanghai.

So far, he has not seen any action from the gendarmerie and No. 76.

This was simply impossible before. When such a serious thing happened, both the gendarmerie and No. 76 were silent.

It is enough to prove that the shock and deterrence of this incident to the Japanese army is unparalleled.

Let them not even have the courage to act!

220 This strike is the most powerful and effective!

Unfortunately, after the incident in the hospital, Xiao Shiyi lost contact.

I didn't go back to Ming's mansion.

He called the Navy Club and learned from James that Xiao Shiyi left the club with the Japanese Onmyoji who was also full of mystery and disappeared without a trace.

The phone on the desk rang.

Mingtai, who was standing next to him, answered the phone.

After putting down the phone for a while, Chao Minglou said, "It's Fujita Yoshima."

Minglou smiled slightly: "I expected him to call."

Mingcheng said, "He invited you to the gendarmerie, and he was very polite."

"Not surprisingly."

Ming Lou smiled and said, "He got information from Wang Manchun early in the morning and knew that Xiao Shiyi was my friend.

Friends, it is not surprising that you are polite at this time. "

"Then us?"

Ming Lou got up and picked up the coat hanging on the hanger, and said, "Let's go, go to the gendarmerie. It just so happens that I also want to know more detailed information from Fujita Yoshima."

When the two went out, Mingjing urged from behind: "You two, be careful today. I heard people say that it is not peaceful outside, and that something very strange happened."

"I know eldest sister, don't go out these two days."

After that, the two got into the car and went to the gendarmerie.

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-four chapters inquire about information

Along the way, did not see a few pedestrians.

It seems that what happened outside the Japanese military hospital has spread, and everyone is panic and dare not go outside.

When passing by the battle scene, Minglou and Mingcheng specially stopped the car and looked at the ground outside the hospital.

The ground was cracked and charred black, as if it had been bombed countless times by bombers.

This extraordinary power is amazing!

No wonder Yoshimaa Fujita has not taken any action so far.

"Let's go." Ming Lou waved his hand.

The car continues to start.

When he arrived at the gendarmerie, Fujita Yoshimasa had been waiting for him at the office.

Seeing Minglou coming, he took the initiative to get up and nodded to him: "Thank you very much, Mr. Minglou, for taking the risk to come to the gendarmerie after such a terrible thing happened."

Ming Lou heard the temptation in his words, smiled and said: "Mr. Fujita is very polite, as the deputy director of the Secret Service Committee, I have the responsibility to cooperate with the gendarmerie to maintain the public order in Changhai. I am also very sorry for what happened today. Shocked, but now it's calm outside and we're not taking any chances."

"Okay, Mr. Minglou, please take a seat." Fujita Yoshimasa nodded politely at him without trying anything.

After sitting down, Fujita Fangzheng asked again, "I wonder what Mr. Minglou thinks about what happened outside the Japanese military hospital today?"

Minglou shook his head and said, "I'm really sorry, I wasn't there when the incident happened, but I don't believe the rumors outside. The education I received at home and abroad told me that there are no ghosts and gods in this world, only ghosts and gods exist in this world. people's hearts."

Fujita Fangzheng shook his head: "Mr. Minglou, it's a pity, although I didn't believe in ghosts and gods before, but this time, I personally saw that battle, I saw the king of ghosts in the legend of our Great Japanese Empire, wine Swallow the boy."

"Mr. Fujita isn't joking?" Minglou pretended to be surprised.

Fujita Fangzheng shook his head and said, "I'm not kidding, not only I saw it, but also the soldiers of the gendarmerie, the person on No. 76, and many people in Shanghai have seen it~¨."

"This has a great impact on the security and stability of Shanghai. Now many people are afraid to go out and only dare to hide at home."

Minglou nodded and said, "No wonder I saw almost no one outside when I left."

Seeing Minglou's unsympathetic appearance, Fujita Fangzheng finally couldn't help but say, "Mr. Minglou doesn't seem to know yet."

"Know what?" Ming Lou pretended not to know.

"When the incident at the entrance of the hospital happened, a friend of Mr. Minglou was also there."

"My friend? Who is it?"

"Xiao Shiyi, Mr. Xiao."

"He, how could he be there?"

Fujita Fangzheng shook his head and said, "This is what I want to ask Mr. Minglou, do you know your friend?"

Minglou replied: "Xiao Shiyi is a friend I met when I was studying abroad. I only know that he likes to travel everywhere. As for the rest, I don't know more than you."

"Is that so?" Fujita Yoshimasa frowned.

"What's the matter, what did my friend do?"

Fujita Yoshimasa took out a portfolio from the drawer where he was working and handed it to Minglou.

"Mr. Minglou, see for yourself."

Minglou took the portfolio handed by Fujita Yoshimasa and opened it.

There are many photos in it.

They are all photos of the scene taken by some citizens outside the Japanese military hospital, and some are photos taken by No. 76 and the gendarmerie.

The Shuten Douji, who was as tall as a hill, and the young man fighting against him were clearly photographed.

It was Xiao Shiyi!

Even when he was driving the swordsmanship, the scene of ten thousand swords flying in unison was filmed.

If you put it now, it will definitely be regarded as PS.

Ming Lou carefully looked at each photo, the surprise on his face was not fake.

Previously, he and Mingcheng were watching from a distance, and did not see Xiao Shiyi's battle process.

After all, compared to the huge body of the Shuten boy, Xiao Shiyi is really too small.

Looking at the photos now, he drives various mysterious forces to fight against Shuten Douji, and the shock in his heart is no less than that of Fujita Yoshima.

"Mr. Fujita, I have to say that these photos really shocked me and broke my perception for decades."

Fujita Yoshimasa understood: "When I saw this scene at the scene, I felt the same as Mr. Minglou. Mr. Minglou has such a powerful friend, and he doesn't even know his abilities at all?"

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