Soul Karmas

Chapter 112: What Is This I Am Hearing For The First Time?

Pitch abyss eyes calmly stare as Qing Ye family began to introduce themselves one by one after finally getting their bearing back as they seemed to have seen a scary ghost as everyone watch the two of them.

Hmmm… what is this? Snow was just interacting with his lover the way he usually does, so what is so shocking about it?

He couldn't help but shake his head, these poor people seemed to have never seen a loving couple, though almost, openly act intimately.

Since Snow will be staying in this house for a while, should he lessen it in order to save their weak heart?

Nah, Snow will continue on, how could he just stop because of others, they will get used to it soon anyway.

So as the Qing Family introduce themselves, Snow couldn't help but curiously use the appraisal skills each time a person addressed themselves.

"Hello, Nice to meet you Zou Yi. I am the oldest child in the Qing family, Qing Qiang."

A mature handsome man with a steadfast and calm aura spoke first since Snow lover mother seemed to be in shock at the moment.

"Hi! My name is Qing Cai! The second child of the Qing Family and Third Brother Ye second brother!"

The person standing next to the oldest son of the Qing Family spoke next which currently has a happy and friendly smile on his handsome face while showing a curious gaze.

Qing Cai couldn't help but stare at the mysterious blood race that his younger brother has been crazily looking for and has fallen in love with, before wondering about how can his brother called this blood race an adorable and lovely person a few minutes ago?

So, love is blind is real.

That famous quote about love seemed to perfectly fit his Third Brother Ye at the moment, after all, this blood race look normal with a bit of gloom and darkness emitting on his entire body, especially with those expressionless face of his.

Qing Cai doesn't really get how his devilishly handsome younger brother has fallen in love with this man, although there wasn't malice thought about it, he was really so curious however a sharp gaze was suddenly directed on his body causing it to shudder as it felt so dangerous.

And as he turned his gaze toward where the danger was coming from, fierce purple eyes filled with a deadly warning and strong possessiveness enter his vision.

Fuck… Third Brother Ye… that is a very scary possessiveness you have there… 

Soon, Qing Cai eyes have never tried to gaze at the blood race for longer than 5 seconds, then the dangerous sight leaving his body causing him a great relief before the sound of his mother introducing herself enters his ears.

"... Hello… I'm Mo Chenguang, Qing Ye Mother. If you don't mind, please call me Mother Cheng."

A beautiful woman in her thirties smiled gently, and despite the fact that she has been so surprised and shock about the scene that she has just witnessed, great relief was something that swells up within her.

Never before has she seen her youngest son's eyes so bright and dazzling in her entire life, there was a life in there that her youngest son has never have before, that hidden darkness that she has sometimes seen when she gazes at Ye in the past was gone.

So, even if this person is a blood race and a man, as long as she remembers the scene of seeing her youngest son happy with no more emptiness feeling on his eyes, Chenguang can accept anyone.

For more than a thousand years old blood race, Snow couldn't help but slowly blinks when he heard the woman gently asked him to call her 'mother' before inwardly shrugging his shoulder as he decides to call her that later on since he was still being 'chase' after all.

Since he was being treated nicely and gently without any hostility and rejection from his lover mother, then Snow can be respectful toward them.

However, when he was thinking about how to treat these people later on.

A sullen voice full of refusal tone soon echoed in Snow ears causing him to turn his attention at the only person that didn't introduce herself yet which was the younger sister of Qing Ye.

"Hmph! I'm Qing Mei, for a blood race to even dare to come into the Qing Family, aren't you looking for death? Base on your normal appearance, you are definitely one of those weak and average blood race that is looking for someone to protect their pitiful life. So tell me, what kind of spell did you cast to my Third Brother to make him fall for the like of you?"

Full of rejection, insults and disdaining words soon spilled out from that young lip, causing everyone face to turn aghast, especially the two brother's faces turning dark, eyes turning sharp and fierce as they shoot a look at their younger sister, as they open their mouth to speak, Mo Chenguang has instantly expressed a pleading look on their way before turning to softly reprimand her youngest child, the older woman expressing embarrassment, guilt and remorse as she glanced at the silent blood race once in a while.

Qiang and Cai really wanted to give a lesson to their younger sister, but when they saw the expression of their mother, the two of them can only keep quiet while sighing inside and turning their head away, because what can they do?

After the accident in the past of their father dying in the accident, their mother severely injured while their younger sister being kidnapped for many days, Qing Niu has been spoiled and treated like a princess the entire time that she has grown up, thus her personality was a bit troublesome and has caused the family problem from time to time.

However, the two brothers know that she was going too far this time, especially when this is about their third brother, after all, they can give some face toward their mother since all of them still felt guilty and sympathetic toward their younger sister which they almost lost in the past.

However, there is one person who will never give anyone a face, especially with the way their younger sister was trying to find fault as she insults and humiliates a certain someone special person.

"Shut your mouth! What give you the courage to speak to my Baby like that huh?"

Qing Ye that has been happily listening as his family introduces became furious his devilishly handsome face twisting while the arms that have been embracing the smaller man tighten a bit, while one hand seemed to start caressing his Baby soft black hair in a comforting manner.

"Eh…? B-Brother Ye?"

The young lady pale yellow eyes seemed to widen in surprise and shock from the words spoken by her third brother, seemingly not knowing how to react while the older woman, couldn't help but start to speak softly to stop the sudden situation that is turning dangerous.

"Ah, I apologize… Ye, please let your sister go? She is still young and doesn't know what she is talking about."

"Hmph! Mother, in the past, I never really cared about what you do. Spoiling her rotten and always giving to her demand while blocking and protecting her faults but in this entire world, no matter who they are, even you mother, no one can treat my Baby like this!"

When those purple eyes became indifferent while overwhelming darkness seemed to brim within it while speaking those ruthless and cold words without any single ounce of familial love within them as he spoke to his own mother without fluctuation of emotion has cause the silent two brother to tense up so much while they warily and nervously gaze at the currently furious person before them.

"Qing Mei, apologize right now!"

Damn girl! What are you doing making our Third Brother infuriated beyond reason?

Even we won't be able to protect you once Third Brother made a move! Right now, that blood race is obviously his bottom line, and those words you have spoken have just crossed it!

Mo Chenguan paled while sorrow and pain appear on her beautiful face because even if she has known about the coldness of her son, but seeing it right happening now has given her a big blow causing her body to weakly sway, while the surrounding servants that have been silently observing couldn't help but shiver in fear and terror, after all, Qing Ye faulty personality about having no care and attachment to anyone is widely known.

This person is born indifferent, no one has been able to enter his heart, even his family couldn't enter it! But now a special person has appeared!

And to think that their young lady has spoken those words, isn't she seeking death?

While Qing Ye become dangerous and was about to make a move against the youngest child in the Qing Family without any hesitation and mercy, Snow has been deeply staring at the panel of Qing Mei, the insult and humiliating words don't affect him one bit as he was far more interested about another interesting matter.

However soon, his attention was gotten back to what is currently happening before him, as the words spoken by the youngest child next have caused him to be stunned with a bit of a surprise.

"Brother Ye, w-why are you reacting this way? I am just helping you open your eyes! After all, Brother Ye is together with Big Sister Niu already! She has been your fiance and will be getting married together! Obviously this weak blood race is getting in the way of your relationship!"

Together?... Fiance…? … Married?

Huh… Did I miss something?

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