Soul Karmas

Chapter 158: No Way, What Are This Prompts His Recieving? Snow Is Greatly Surprised.

"These guys…" Yan Liwei couldn't help but let out a deep sigh while raising his hand to pinch his nose, seemingly feeling headache from their childish actions, while Xion Jian just nodded her head back at the childish men while secretly planning to find a steady, reliable and mature man for her blood partner later on since she was feeling extremely jealous right now to be the only one left that doesn't have any partner in their group.

While Dai Xue was showing a shy and embarrassed expression on his adorable face before murmuring words underneath his breath about needing to teach his wife about how to socialize in a nice way to his Brother Yi lover which has cause Xion Jian and Yan Liwei to abruptly shoot a disbelieving expression at what they have just heard while feeling startled at the mere thought that Tao Xin seemed to be the one that is going to be the bottom of their friends newfound relationship?

The entire time, Snow just silently seat on the chair as he watches the whole actions and interactions of the people before him with a bit of playful mood, however, soon it was Yan Liwei and Xion Jian turn to leave in order to deal their own part of task and leaving Snow all alone at the now empty meeting room.

Apparently waiting for something, Snow continues to stay in the empty room while taking out some fruits on his inventory bag to eat while idling.


Suddenly the sound of a soft gentle cat sound has resounded at the silent room where the munching noise of Snow biting and eating a green apple on his hand the only sound of echoing out before a small figure of an adorable black cat has appeared at the empty room, however, the usually happily swaying small black tail of Flake was currently in a downward position as he appeared to be in a dejected mood right now.

'Snow~ I'm sorry, Flake failed your task."

Snow who heard the disheartened voice of Flake has stopped eating the fruit on his hand, then swiftly throwing the green apple flawlessly to the nearest trashcan with perfect accuracy before tenderly taking the small black cat on his arms while gently petting his black smooth fur in a soothing manner.

"Don't be sad Flake, I won't ever blame you just for failing a task."

Flake that was being soothed by Snow has finally felt the sadness slowly disappear, however, the feeling of failing as all Flake wanted was to be praised and be useful to his host still remains for a bit as he spoke in a grievance voice about what happened.

"I can't get close to Qiu Feng no matter how hard I tried, there is always something that is obstructing me from trying to get closer to him."

Snow that heard the words of Flake couldn't help but inwardly raise his eyebrows as he thought about Flake being obstructed mysteriously.

To be able to stop Flake for investigating and getting close to Qui Feng can only mean that there must be a powerful being blocking them, or the protagonist have some type of powerful cheat, after all, every protagonist has some special power, skill, and ability, so Qui Feng having one or two isn't surprising at all.

Suddenly, Snow remembers the previous world, maybe there might be another God Blessing again for this one?

But then again, Snow didn't see anything on his appraisal panel since he was able to see the one in the previous world protagonist before or it might be because the permanent appraisal skill he has is weaker in power and level so it couldn't be shown for this one?

Anyway, sooner or later he will know about it, Snow just needs to be vigilant from any danger and any surprising situation that is suddenly happening.

"Let's go, Flake, I have to meet someone very important today."

It is already a new day, and the sun will be coming up soon, they all have been so busy that the night was already long over and it's going to be early in the morning.

With Flake on his arms, Snow stood up and left the building where the gathering has happened before driving the car that was already prepared for him to use to go in a certain location.

And as he arrives and finally meets the person that he wanted to see the most after learning its existence, a suddenly prompt resound loudly on his mind causing Snow eyes to widen a bit at what he just heard.


Host Snow meets the Female Protagonist, please decide about what to do with her.

Hearing that information, Snow couldn't help but stare deeply at the uncomfortable, nervous and fearful young lady with long straight black hair and bright yellow eyes standing before him which was currently trying to hide at the back of his adoptive daughter, Jing Ai.

"Come on, don't be scared Shao Shu, this is my father, Zou Yi, he will be able to greatly help your circumstances, I promise you."

Jing Ai couldn't help but gently and kindly comfort the seemingly frightened human girl that is clutching her arm tightly causing Shao Shu to glance at the beautiful young woman race that is kindly speaking causing her cheeks to flush a bit.

Before her bright yellow eyes turned firmer as she straightens up seemingly getting her backbone back as she glances one more time at the blood race young lady to feel at ease, Shao Shu then meets Jing Ai supposedly father which cause her to feel a bit better when facing another powerful blood race.

Snow couldn't help but inwardly took note of the two young women's interaction, especially strangely giving a look at the human young lady called Shao Shu reactions toward his adopted daughter that seemed to be a bit oblivious at the way the other young woman reacted toward her.

However, before he can deeply think more about it as Snow's gaze was on his adopted daughter, there was another Prompt on his mind that has resound once again.


Host Snow meets the Villain, please decide about what to do with her.

What? Can you repeat that once again please?

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