Soul Karmas

Chapter 175: Not Only Was It A Pit Missions, Snow Also Has Pit Ally.

Before the barrier could be destroyed, Snow has quickly stored Flake blood in another container to drink continuously later on while gently petting Flake that has already turned into the appearance of a small black cat and giving it for Jing Ai to carry with.

And without any hesitation, Snow has swiftly gone outside the barrier and began to confront the almost crazy Qui Feng, only almost because the male lead still retain his sane mind, probably worried that he will hurt Shao Shu if he really goes wild without any control and restriction on his actions.

The fool, thinking that Shao Shu is really Xiaowen reincarnation which Snow completely knew isn't true at all but for now, he will remain quiet about it.

"Zou Yi! Stay away from her!"

"Shouldn't you be the one staying away from her?"

As the two clashes, they didn't forget to converse with each other despite how one of them is trying to end a person's life, while the other one is trying to make the other person leave the place.

"You killed Xiaowen in the past! You will definitely kill her again if I were to let you stay by her side!"

Snow just remain indifferent from the person accusation, which has certain truth about it since Yi Tingfeng has never completely known about what has led the original Zou Yi to kill the person that has been special toward him and just continue to just dodge the crazy attack of his.

In which Snow has also been continuously blocking the path of the male protagonist that has been trying hard to rescue Shao Shu from his hand and has been making Qui Feng almost demented from anger from being hinder continuously from what he wants to desperately do.

"Die, Zou Yi!!!"

After shouting those words that are filled with overwhelming hatred and resentment, Qui Feng body has sudden bursts out with great power, while thick lightning surrounded his body which made him appear to be the god of lightning just by his appearance alone.

And soon, the dangerous and powerful lightning began to spread all around to the point that even its reaches over the supposed allies of his and dying by his hands that made everyone to become panic once again.

"Run away!"

"DAMN! What kind of power is this?"

Suddenly the group of human and blood races has started to lose their will to fight as they finally have started comprehending how insignificant they really are after watching the fight of the powerful blood race going against each other before them.

These two men that have young appearance are on a completely different level as they can only yield with their head lower down in acceptance about how powerless they really are.

So, one by one, the group of blood and the human race has finally decided to stop and retreat back to safety, as for what will happen after everything is over, the only thing that they could think of was to save their lives from being hit by the wayward elemental power before them.

And Snow has been constantly taking Flake blood to refresh his energy and power the entire time while thinking about the fact that Zou Yi's shadow power is much easier and convenient to use rather than the ice and snow power regarding his current circumstances.

However, Snow eyes have suddenly constricted in extreme alarm because the moment that he wanted to quickly dodge the oncoming attack of the crazy and fierce Qui Feng, a heavy pressure has suddenly descended from the sky which has cause Snow body to become paralyzed, seemingly unable to make a single movement from the powerful strength that seemed to weight tons on his body.

What is this?

When feeling the death is almost hovers around him, Snow has strenuously tried to use his ice power to fight back but only to be able to use a slightly strong powerful ice around his body for protection since the entire time, Snow was unable to use and control his elemental power the way he wanted to.

Especially when all Snow wanted to do was create a wall of ice in order to block the path of the oncoming Qui Feng terrifying assault while giving himself more time to dodge it while figuring out about what is happening toward him right now.

Forcefully trying to move his body with all his strength he can muster, Snow has suddenly heard a mechanical voice resounding on his mind, which has soon made Snow eyes to glint a terrifying chill when he was able to comprehend about his current circumstances.

To fight back at the Pressure: Aura World Blessing 50 point Resistance is activated

Suddenly the powerful weight that has been pressing on Snow has almost disappeared which is enough for him to finally move around, however, everything has been far too late as Qui Feng has already appeared three steps away from Snow and in a split second has critically hit Snow with a body full of destructive lightning.



With a loud sound that is enough to make a person deaf from how loud it was, ice and lightning have once again collided, causing both of the powerful element to affect the people around them.

Which some of them even have their heart-stopping from being hit by a bolt of wayward lightning while the others were pierced by the broken shards of frozen ice.

Soon two bodies flew up in a separate way and quickly pounding violently in the hard ground and leaving a deep hole on it while a cracked appeared around it.

As the collided of powerful attack has finally ended, the people that remain alive can only swallowed hard while their eyes were wide open in anticipation of the outcome of the battle before them.

And soon, a person with messy brown hair has first stood up, looking miserable as shards of ice was pierce over his body as he bleeds nonstop at the new slash and cut that his body has gotten, which was the attack that he has recieve after the split second of hitting Zou Yi that was able to miraculously fight back even during that moment on.

Qui Feng's crimson blood eyes are finally unable to stop when tiredness and pain flash within it because the tole of the ongoing fighting while continuously using his energies that seemed to be endless from the beginning was finally use up from the nonstop confrontation.

As he let out a tired pant and gasp, his bloodstained lip couldn't help but raised up while a glint of joy and delight flash on his crimson bloody eyes, after all, his attack just not has accurately hit the body of Zou Yi which has definitely recieve severe damage.

And as Qui Feng watch with hard eyes at the person that still remain lay down in the ground, he couldn't help but take a step forward while feeling hopeful and gleeful to finally arrive on this moment on where he can finish off the friend that has betrayed him once and for all.

However, before he can even take another step, a soft and weak chuckle has suddenly echo out at the eerily silent place causing Qui Feng to stop, while his heart seemed to palpitate from some unknown danger causing him to become alert in an instant while warily gazing at the person that has stirred up while slowly standing up.


Letting out those soft laugh that doesn't contain any emotion within it, Snow has finally stood up, looking entire miserable more than the current appearance of Qui Feng as his entire body seemed to almost burned which even some smokes seemed to emit from him while twitching once in a while by the lightning effect.

And one of Snow's arms has been broken as it hangs limply on his side.

With half-lidded eyes that have been emotionless from start to finish despite laughing, Snow was currently staring at the transparent blue panel before him and ignoring his current appearance and circumstances.

Not only did Snow has a pit Mission, it seemed that he also has a pit supposedly ally.

That heavy pressure that has stopped his movement has come from the power of the unconscious world rule that was in a deep sleep at the moment while completing its birth.

Right now, Snow was quite sure that the male protagonist's power was given by the world rule will of this world which was so ridiculous that it isn't funny one bit.

Such irony but when Snow comprehends all the information and memories that the original Zou Yi has failed to notice, it was a bit understandable why the world rule has favored this Yi Tingfeng.

Because the barely intelligent world will that was being born has greatly blessed and favored a certain person a thousand years ago, and that was Xiaowen which has been used to become the vessel for the Book Of Origin in order for it to be made, and if Yi Tingfeng was Xiaowen lover then, when Zou Yi has killed him, this stupid world will have use his power to Yi Tingfeng.

That world will that has went to deep sleep with no consciousness and was only using his instinct after the Book of Origin was created, has definitely made sure to reborn the male protagonist in the future where its birth is almost finished.

And for the reason why Yi Tingfeng was born in this current era, well, Snow has an idea about the reason for it.

It is just that the world will is probably clueless about the fact that the male protagonist that he has bestowed favor of because of being the most love person of Xiaowen will one day use the power and strength he has given to destroy its birth that was almost finish.

Really so extremely ridiculously that Snow couldn't help but laugh about it, which soon has stopped as he began to spoke in another mysterious language causing a certain object that has been hidden in the property of the Qing Family to glow brightly before it has suddenly appeared to where the fighting has been happening causing everyone attention to turn toward it, which has the appearance of the glowing golden orbs.

And the people that can feel the pure power coming from it have instantly widened their eyes in recognition.

It was the key...the object that most of them have been wanting to get the entire time.

Soon, everyone that has been ambitious and greedy for power couldn't help but forget the fear and danger of their lives as they selfishly become determined once more to get the item back, especially when the two powerful blood race is currently in a weak state that has caused their will to sore high.

"... you…" what are you trying to do? Qui Feng that has wanted to speak was suddenly cut off when he saw the way the glowing golden orbs have suddenly move and has gone pass a certain cracked barrier and merging in the hand of a shocked young human girl, which is Shao Shu.

The entire time, Snow just smiled in a chilling manner, which the Qing family and Jing Ai were unable to see, but Qui Feng was able to catch a glimpse of it causing his eyes to widen in shock before it turned furious, finally knowing what Snow was up to.

Even though Qui Feng is allied by the group of people before him, but once a person is greedy to get the unimaginable endless power in their hands, they will unquestionably betray their friends, families, and allies undoubtedly without feeling remorse about it.

And right now, Snow can tell that the people remaining right now is someone that isn't a complete follower and subordinate of Qui Feng, and right now, let this person become a trouble to protect and keep Shao Shu safe from the people that will definitely target her for having the key at this moment on.

As for what Snow has done, he was quite sure that woman will not die, especially when there is a knight in shining armor that has a delusion that Shao Shu is the current reincarnation of Xiaowen.

"Zou Yi!!!"

Now then... Snow took the last bit of Flake blood which has instantly cause the lively but weak Flake on Jing Ai arms to finally lost all his vitality, turning cold with no breath from him anymore.

Soon, Snow has finally decided to lose his reason which is the state of a blood race in a dangerous state, no consciousness as he rampages with every power he has because everything is about to become crazier than ever.

Snow just hopes that he can wake up after this... soon, Snow has completely lost his awareness before his body move in an instinct manner.

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