Soul Karmas

Chapter 198: Snow Client Wish And Regrets Causing Him To Be More Serious This Time.

While the Spaceship peacefully travels with the fastest speed, Snow is currently standing up in front of his reflection while observing his current appearance after stopping the device that has always been covering his real appearance, the once brown hair has change into a soft platinum blonde hair, eyes turning into bright emerald color along with a slender body and ivory skin color, which is a mixture of Asian and Western look.

Showing a smile, Snow appearance appeared as a youthful man with a fresh and clear atmosphere around him, seemingly playful, sunny and full of vibrant life that every normal youthful people have, completely entirely different from the dangerous, terrible and dark atmosphere that always show when appearing as Z to his subordinates.

With a wide grin, Snow features have become merrily boyish and when it becomes a serious expression, he suddenly has the atmosphere of a young adult that can be trusted to perform the proper and right thing to do.

Basically, Snow's current appearance can easily fool the people around him just by changing his expression, which he rather likes.

After a while, Snow Spaceship has finally arrived on a small planet that has been officially written to be a private own belonging to a rich business owner in the Wolfe Empire.

"Your alive… good! Good! I know you won't die so easily! You are his son after all! There is no way that you will just lose and get yourself killed without fulfilling all of our dreams! My Boy, I know we can count on you!"

Snow secretly grimace when he felt the pang of pain on his heart, something that the client's soul felt and not his as he faces a man in his forties who has a long gash of a scar on his left cheek, and one among the loyal and faithful subordinates of Z late father.

The reason why Carl isn't informed about these people was that Z has never told anyone his true identity after being separated by his biological family at the age of 5 years old after his father has saved him in an emergency shuttle when they were suddenly attack and targeted during one of his father bonding time with his entire family for much-needed bonding time.

Which fortunately for all the family, but unfortunate for the young Z since the tragedy happens when it was only his father, guards and him alone outside that they got attacked, while the young Z has been targeted because of having an S mental power from their hit list because unlike Z older brother and sister who has less potential that leads them to be ignored for their potential danger.

Especially, when the enemies are smart enough to know that they couldn't completely eradicate every single member of Z family if they don't want the situation to become more completely serious to the point that the other in power will have to be force to investigate the entire events that will lead more trouble to Z family enemies.

And Z who was far smarter than what his age has been was given a list of old contact for the young Z to keep and contact if he needed help later on since it has been all his trusted friends that have stayed hidden and lay low so the enemies don't have any idea about them.

Then Z father has died with that attack while blowing the space ship that they have been riding with while the young Z was secretly launched in an emergency ride who has known all the entire secrets 

And then arriving, completely undetected on a small planet which has been less high tech with poor people living on it with few numbers that were spread wide all around.

One could say that Z was fortunate to be found by a simple family that has been grieving the loss of their only son that when he has acted like a person who has lost his memories after his shuttle has crashed into their planet that the couple has lied and taken him like he was their departed son that they just lose, making Z take the identification of Dalle, a perfect disguise for his new identity.

After all, Z has known that he couldn't use his real identity anymore unless he was living in one of the unlawful planets that he needed to create a fake or new identity to be known later on.

Although, the couple has treated him extremely well after figuring out with deep shamed of what they have done after they have finished grieving the loss of their son, which they have never truly told the truth about it when they completely believe that he has definitely lost his memories, thus treating him as another true son of theirs.

Regardless that they have lied to him, Z has treated them well too, after all, he was also lying to them and has used them to lessen the pain of not being able to go back to his real family. 

Which no one really has figured out in the end that he really wasn't their real son, especially when the people around them don't really bother each other, so no one ever doubted it.

As for why Z has never gone back to his real family because he perfectly knew the danger of him going back to them while comprehending that at least his family will cease being targetted and will be safe for at least for a few years unless they have shown to be a danger while also knowing that his father has secretly left some of his people to watch over them if he was gone, giving Z great relief to do what he has to do.

And the most important part was that he was also one the enemy target because of his mental ability and intelligence that they wanted to snuff out his potential before it bloom, and well, Z is also a daddy boy.

Yes, Z has greatly cherished and idolized his well-known respected father, and for his father to die so unjustly and knowing what truly happens, for Z that has a mature mind on his early age, then it wasn't surprising that he has chosen to get his revenge and deal the people that his father has trusted to inform him about it.

One could say, Snow, can see 80% of his old self in his original life with what happened to Z early childhood, minus the slightly righteous dream since one of Z wish has been to purge and eradicate all the wicked, evil and corrupted nobles that continue to plague the current Wolfe Empire Galaxy along with those people that have power too.

Snow felt a bit fortunate that the Royal family isn't a corrupt one this time and just needs to deal with all those aristocrats that almost has the power over the Empire and essentially already getting their hands at the current military power.

Anway, Snow has shown a solemn and serious expression on his face when facing the older man as he nods his head, speaking and reacting what Z has been doing after that fateful day of his father dying and having been separated by his family.

"Of course Uncle Tad, I will not allow myself to fail before I avenge my father who was killed and change the entire Wolfe Empire Galaxy to a better one. And if I need to remove the helpless and weak Royal family to do it, then so be it."

And everything he was speaking is the second wish of Z, another kind of purge, completely making the Wolfe Empire to a better one, eradicating those greedy, ambitious and selfish corrupted aristocrats and those people in power in the Empire, a revolution one could say.

As for the first one, well, revenge for Carl betrayal, making him feel the same helplessness that Z felt during the moment of his death, breaking the hope when he was just a few steps away from fulfilling it, wasting all the hard word and suffering he has experiences and feeling the supposedly close person betrayal.

As for the third, making sure Z biological family safe and well protected, make them live a happy life.

Fourth, doesn't matter what kind of life it will be, at least live a happy and content life after everything is over.

Base on the amount of wish and how the hard level of it, Snow was pretty sure that there will be a lot of Soul Karmas Energies points for this 3rd Mission.

o taking it more seriously than usual, Snow has turned to speak about what happened to the older man, about the betrayal of his friend, what he wanted to do after this and to take care of the rest of those people in the Space Ship while he was away.

"Uncle Tad, I'll be going to the Main Star of the Wolfe Empire, for now, I want to stay low and heal well at the same time. And I'll sometimes contact you while I live there for as long as I can."

As for choosing the main star, well, that was the best place to find his lover to figure out if he is in this world, while Carl will not be able to stay in that place for a long time even if he visits it because of his criminal record while definitely being busy in order to handle and take absolute control after becoming the new leader of the Black Space Pirate.

Besides, based on the future memories that he has received, Henry is the name of the man that Carl has fallen in love with to the point that he has betrayed Z and that person lives in the Main Star.

Carl wants that man right? Well, now that Snow is here, there is no way in hell that he will let Carl get what he wants.

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