Soul Karmas

Chapter 211: No Matter What, Leo Will Not Back Out. Snow Just Being Himself.

In another room, red eyes have been glancing around in an awkward manner, however, if one where to observed more deeply on it, one can see the swirling madness inside it. 

And Leo who has been desperately trying to look elsewhere couldn't help himself anymore as his eyes has once more went back to the person that was currently standing in the middle of the room, seemingly typing something in that transparent panel of his, thus causing Leo a perfect view of such an alluring and charming sight that makes him go crazy right now.

And despite about his self-control and reason that seemed to be in the brim of breaking apart, Leo gaze has shamelessly remained to gaze up and down at the clueless young man, seemingly unable to choose of which spot his red eyes should be eyeing at.

Despite how Leo tried to desperately remove his gaze away from the oblivious person that has been unconsciously giving him such a sweet torment the moment that he went out from the bathroom with a towel covering his delicate waist, Leo absolutely knew that he was a lost cause as all he can do right now is to openly gape at the person that makes his heart goes crazy.

With wide red eyes, Leo watched in bated breathed as the young man has shifted his body causing the large white shirt on his small frame to shift slightly to the side, thus the beautiful clavicle along with a rounded shoulder exposed on Leo's eyes, causing his heart to skip a bit more faster than ever.

And after a few seconds later, Leo waited as the young man has stretched his arms up in a split second causing the large white shirt to raise up above in which Leo didn't miss to examine the young man delicate waist, looking so flexible and soft just from the appearance alone that has caused his throat to become drier.

After a while of Leo just gaping with a burning gaze, the young man seemed to have finally finished whatever he was doing as those slender white legs that were peeking out under the large white shirt gracefully walked over to where he was currently sitting up.

And Leo knows that all of this needed to stop as his lower abdomen has awakened once more with burning need, and despite desperately trying to restrain it with his mental power, there is nothing he can do while his determination has long disappeared ago making it completely useless.

With that, before the young man can even get close to him, and probably seeing the rather large bulge on his pants that Leo wanted to frantically hide, he has hurriedly stood up and straightly walking over toward their bedroom door in order to leave the room in the hurry.

Of course, not before mentioning about what he was going to do, after all, Leo doesn't want the young man to become worried and therefore coming after him which isn't a great idea right now, Leo was barely hanging to his sanity and self-control from doing something drastic.

Oh, Leo genuinely wanted to just get the young man and embracing him to become his, consequences are damn, but when he imagines a bright emerald eye shooting him a loathsome and betrayed expression because of wrongly trusting a person he thought that he can believe from.

That has been enough reason capable to restrain himself, in which giving Leo enough time to plan and think ahead as he finally quickly left the bedroom.

Which Leo was fortunate enough of still retaining some sort of control on his voice that sounds normal when he has spoken, albeit almost stuttering in a flustered manner, but still normal and isn't suspicious at all.

"I-I forgot to call someone just now. Little Cutie I'll be back. J-Just sleep now alright? Don't wait for me, it might take a long time before I'm done."

"Eh? W-wait Leo?"

Snow raises his hand seemingly wanting to stop the older man which has absolutely move faster than him thus fully unable to stop Leo from leaving, and he can only blink his eyes dumbly when the door has slammed shut in a decisive way, completely leaving him all alone in their shared bedroom.

Staying quiet for a few seconds and figuring out what is wrong this time, since Snow was frankly dealing something important in a few minutes there.

Which soon Snow couldn't help but slowly gaze down at his current attire before a wry chuckle escape his lip while emerald eyes flash in amusement when an idea flash his mind about what the real reason why.

Before whispering something when a another idea flashes his mind which he has instantly shaken off since it was basically pitting himself if he were to do that.

"... it's going to be fun but it's not a great idea to completely show my naked body to him right?"

After all, Leo is already reacting that way when Snow was just wearing his large shirt, while with a comfortable short.

Snow is absolutely sure that Leo will definitely lose all his reason and will pounce on him which Snow isn't ready yet but isn't against it though when he suddenly remembers the amazing body of his chosen lover and as always has cause Snow's tongue to lick his lip seemingly wanting to taste something extremely delicious.

No matter which world, so far his chosen lover has a rather sexy tone body, tall and handsome too, which Snow couldn't help but looking down to observe his current body before an almost childish pout appears on his face because why is his body almost small, delicate and slender all the time so far?

Is this evidence that the world was showing him that he is destined to be the bottom one in their relationship?

Letting out a sigh, Snow has climbed over to the large bed and has finally laid down deeming it enough to stop from bullying the poor man, unless Snow wanted to make Leo completely lost control of himself.

Shaking his head from those thoughts, Snow has soon slept peacefully while using Leo shirt has started to quickly heal his damaged mental power, although having the man in the same place with him would have worked better.

Although he has lied about the black jade bracelet is an item to use to find his mental match nevertheless it was a bit surprising that the two of them have a genuine perfect match which was 100% one too.

In which would have become the rarest and exceptional synchronization of having geat affinity in the entire history of humankind, too bad Snow has figured it out with his appraisal skill and didn't want to make it important, relevant and serious causing the two of them to suddenly face with problems from persistent people that wanted to figure about how it happened.

And as Snow sleep peacefully with a calm mind, Leo that has hurriedly left the room can only let out a loud groan while leaning his back to the closes door, while half-lidded red eyes turned to look on a certain part of his that couldn't just restrain itself.

"... not good…"

Letting out harsh pants while a whirlwind of desire almost sinks his entire mind, Leo has quickly gone to the other extra restroom on the house to take care of his throbbing lower part because if he doesn't take care of his current problem then he might really be unable to control himself anymore.

And he doesn't want that to happen.

Even Leo knows that no matter how much he doesn't want to hurt the young man while giving him the respect that he deserved but there will be a time that he will truly snap.

And so, as soon as he walks in the extra restroom, Leo has instantly closed the door while making sure that no sound will exit from the outside as he uses his unsteady mental power in the entire room, which a few seconds later, an ambiguous and sensual sound has soon echoed out.

Soon, a few hours have passed by, when a rather tired, exhausted and drain Leo has finally gone back into their shared bedroom, feeling wary of what he might see again and losing control once more, thankfully though, the young man is properly sleeping in the large bed, covered with the blanket while letting out an adorable small snore, though more like the sound of his breath.

And after what he has suffered, Leo has never once thought of just sleeping in the living room to save himself from the sweet tortured, how can he do that when this is going to be the first time that he will be sleeping in the same bed to his Little Cutie?

How can he be afraid just because of losing his reason and control?

Leo is ready to face the consequences of his actions, there is nothing that will stop him from getting close to the person that has taken his entire attention so easily and quickly which he has already wanted to be the person that will be his other half for the rest of his entire life.

With a wide red eye full of possessiveness and obsession, Leo couldn't help but stand up at the other side of the bed while passionately gazing at the sleeping young man.

And after a few minutes later, Leo has finally released a sigh, while a tired yawn escapes his lip, in which he soon has finally climbed up over the bed and lay down next to the love of his life, and just simply sleeping next to the young man has caused him nothing but happiness.

Suddenly Leo has quickly thought that simply sleeping together in the same bed and not doing anything else is also a great thing to experience and with that, red eyes blink slowly while whispering a soft good night to the sleeping young man.

And as he closes his eyes which not a few seconds pass by yet when Leo's eyes have suddenly snapped open wide when the person that has been so docile and obedient has swiftly shifted toward him and practically gluing his smaller body toward his larger one.

Which followed by a small head that has instantly nestled between his neck and shoulder that Leo can feel the warm breath ghosting over his skin that causes his entire body to shudder at the strange sensation before an arm has suddenly draped over his already burning body while those slender white legs entangled with his own leg.

With a deep breath, Leo's eyes instantly turned bloodshot since his mind is in the brink of snapping, especially when he felt the soft body cuddling so closely toward his and desperately feeling the smooth warm skin.

And right now, Leo prayed to god, to any powerful being out there to save him from this wonderful, oh amazing but torturous sweet heaven that he found himself with, and during the entire night, Leo was tested against his restrain, reason and self-control, although his lower part didn't listen and was a lost cost already.

So, with a mantra running on his mind, the words 'don't cross the bottom line even if you want too', 'don't cross the bottom line or you'll regret it' keep painfully repeating like a broken record.

Thus the poor Leo was desperately trying to survive the rest of the night, while Snow has remained clueless at the torture that he was unconsciously performing to his chosen lover, while also remaining clueless about the distinctive danger about his current situation, after all, he was genuinely sweetly sleeping peacefully.

Thus one person was being tortured, and one was being ignorant was slowly pass by the entire night with barely a thin line of certain circumstances that could happen anytime.

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