Soul Karmas

Chapter 229: Snow Lip Twitch At Flake Excited Explanation. "This World Is So Different From My

"Snow! Your friends in great danger right now!"

Suddenly, Flake's alarm voice rang in Snow mind stopping his interesting discussion to his older sister and has quickly stood up in order to leave their hideout and quickly helping his friend to whatever problem they suddenly found themselves with.

"'How To Push Your Man And Make Him Fall For You Utterly Helpless, 'Can't Get Enough Of You' and 'One More Time Turning Infinite' is quite good and informative. I'll give you a list of my own later on since I needed to go handle important matters now."

"Really? I'll check it out. So… can I have all Byrone to myself now?"

Feeling satisfied, Snow just nodded his head and completely eliminating the misunderstanding that his older sister seemed to be thinking between Byrone and himself the entire time.

"Isn't he always yours? I got my own man already, besides Leo will kill your lover out of jealousy if you keep speaking that way about us. Byrone is my most loyal and faithful subordinate that is all. He is free when we are all done with our goals."

"Ah! Can't let my man dying from your man now right? But at least I finally know that Byrone belongs to me! Hahaha, I'll go now! Let's discuss our own man later on! He seemed such a thrilling and exciting one."

And with that, Snow watched his older sister happily skip away before turning his attention back to Flake that has been waiting patiently.

"Which one is in trouble right now?"

He has given an order to Flake of watching his friends and family situation the entire time, after all, Snow takes care of his own people as long as they don't betray and disappoint him, especially when his friends in this world are remarkably loyal, caring and faithful on their friendship.

"Its Marc and Shane, they are currently being held captive by Shane cousin."

Shane Cousin? Isn't that the person that Carl was leading on and using her infatuated feeling to get what he wanted?

The person that has created the formula of the drugs of causing severe damage to a person who has mental power in which has led the original death?

"Yes Snow, Shane appeared to have figure something out after studying the drugs that have affected you before and have instantly gone to furiously confront his cousin in person."

So, Shane has the chance of having part of creating the drugs itself, huh, it wouldn't be a surprise just base on the young man's talent and skill, he probably helped his cousin create it while not knowing what it was all about.

Well, this is also good, its time to remove one of the hidden key factors of Carl power, especially when that traitor childhood friend of his is currently meeting Henry and offering his own assistance right now.

"Alright, I'll go deal with it myself." 

And as he walked away, Snow couldn't help but curiously ask the reason why Marc was with Shane right now, only to widen his eyes in surprise while his lip twitching at Flake excited explanation.

"Oh, when they learned of your death and before they figure out that your still alive thanks to Leo confident words, the two of them have gotten drunk from grief and things happen between them during that time. So now, the two of them are trying to work out a proper relationship, but mostly in Marc's side though."

Really, why does this world have more early lovers becoming a pair before him? 

Unlike the previous world when he became the first one among their group of elders to be in a relationship? Is this perhaps a Karma?

"Oh Leader, where are you going?"

When he was preparing a small spaceship with the one with the fastest speed to drive on, a curious subordinate of his couldn't help but ask about what he was about to since as long as there is nothing important or the situation doesn't ask for it, most of their group are kind of open and easy-going, especially when Z wouldn't turn stern about their interactions between all of them.

"I'm going to rescue a pair of lovebirds…"

Snow eye twitches when he saw the way that same person showed a pitying look after speaking those words, he just wants to speak the bitter situation of his currently zero love life while his friends seemed to be getting theirs one after another.

Soon, Snow left they're current headquarter and not bringing people along with him.

"Let go of Marc! Don't hurt him anymore! Please, stop this Ella!"

In another place, Shane has wrapped his arm around his injured friend with a protective gesture while shooting a glare to his cousin that remains quiet despite the ruthless way they are currently being treated by the tall man before them.

He can't believe that this is his usually timid and quiet cousin, how can she be this cold and unfeeling while dealing with him? He has never treated her unfairly and has been offering his help whenever she asked him to.

"I'm just surprised that you have figure out my secret... I only use the drug once!"

Suddenly Ella that has been feeling that there was something wrong about the entire situation has finally figured out what is wrong, causing her hands to tremble of such a possibility happening.

"NO! NO! NO! This wouldn't do! He is still alive? Carl… I need to tell Carl about it."

Shane that has taken Marc into his arm and pulling him away from the two people before him as he tried to take a safe distance away from them couldn't stop the numerous thought that flash on his mind with the broken information that he was listening with, in which has seemed to almost complete a certain clue and puzzle on his mind.

"Ella, these people definitely know about it." 

Ella that has been in a great panic swiftly turns to her cousin after hearing David's word and with her wild flustered eyes gazing at Shane, she has allowed David to use the other young men to threaten her cousin from revealing about what they wanted to desperately know.

"Tell me where did you get the clue about the drugs? Did you perhaps meet Z? No, I'm sure you definitely did because, among the people that we have targeted, he is the only person capable enough to survive after taking that drug!"

Z? Drug? Isn't that the famous criminal leader of the well known Black Space Pirate criminal group that has died a few days before?

No… that couldn't be… but when he thinks about everything that is happening, the time of Z death, the appearance of Dalle, the mental problem damage, the terrifying combat skill during the drug situation, and the current chaotic situation right now… somehow, everything was being connected in a completely unbelievable way.

"Argh! Cough! I-its alright… S-Shane…Cough!"

However, all of those thoughts and conjecture were quickly thrown out of his mind, when he saw the way that Marc throat that was being grasped tightly and practically being given a slow and painful death.

And at that image, Shane couldn't ignore the way his heart twist in something deeper anymore, and the feeling was not only because Marc was his closest friend.

No… He doesn't want Marc dead…especially when he remembers that certain accident that happened between the two of them in which Shane has been refusing to admit that he felt something more between them.

Because when the two of them regain consciousness of what they have been doing halfway of another round of being so intimate that the two of them decided to continue on of what they have been doing.

Shane's eyes couldn't help but let out desperate tears, especially when Marc still tried to tell him not to cry despite his current situation, Shane will not be stubborn anymore…as long as they live in this situation, he will accept Marc's offer of them trying to be together.

Please… anyone give us another chance… 

"Speak, or your friend is going to die."

"... Ah…." Marc or Dalle, he needs to choose between them? Even if Dalle will turn out to be Z… but Shane's conscience doesn't want to betray him because Dalle is his friend no matter what happened but Marc will die… so what does he do?

How can Shane choose?

"Cousin! Speak Up! Tell me where is Z right now!"

"Hmph, no need. Let me kill this guy and torture him to get the answer, that will be faster and easier."


Shane's eyes widen so much that it felt like it was about to pop up from its eyesocket while shouting so loudly that his throat felt so raw at the mention of Marc dying, but he can only desperately try to save Marc only to receive a strong kick on his stomach causing him to land hard in the ground while letting out a cry of pain.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the tall ruthless man that wanted to crushed the young man's throat was suddenly shot on his elbows and knees, completely stopping his movement while falling down in the ground along with the person that he has been holding the entire time.

Surprise gasp, painful wheezing, and a cry of pain before a soft voice soon echoed out at the supposedly guarded and well-protected room that they are currently staying at while a calm and steady footstep echoed out softly that cause everyone to gaze on where the noise has come from.

And before everyone eyes, a young man with brown hair and dangerous dark eyes seemingly appearing out of thin air.

"Sigh…. So stubborn. No need to worry and just chose Marc alright? After all, I can protect myself from them. But then again… it's one of the reasons why I really like you guys."

Shane that was still on his moment of despair as he touches his painful stomach while Marc that has been coughing nonstop while grasping his almost crush throat has stared at the new person that has suddenly appeared while Ella's knees tremble from fear as she completely recognizes the identity of the person before them, her throat seemingly has locked out unable to form any words or sounds.


Snow who has arrived and easily infiltrated the hidden underground hideout of where Ella study and create a complete drug that she was still trying to perfect from, has shown a bright smiled while his entire features as Z change to his true appearance, revealing his soft platinum blonde hair and bright emerald eyes.

"Hey there… you guys truly got yourself into troublesome situation huh?"

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