Soul Karmas

Chapter 245: Steve Resign Look While Witnessing The Double Couple Affectionate Actions.

Seeing the horrifying realization on Henry's eyes, Snow remains indifferent before letting his older brother handle his younger lover with a nod of his head before turning around and walking toward the spaceship with Leo following a second later since he has never bothered to pay attention to others aside from the love of his life.

"You are innocent, even I understand that a child shouldn't be blamed by their parent sin."

Unless you become a danger or trying to get in my way, then that will be an entirely different matter though.

"When you two are done, follow inside and don't go anywhere."

And without a single glance, Snow has taken a step inside with Leo that has swiftly taken his hand and has slowly intertwined their fingers together.

"Baby, you can always count on me. You know that I won't leave you right?"

"Hm… I know."

With a soft smile on his face, Snow glance at his lover and allowing his hand to be held as they walked side by side.

"Oh by the way… thank you for the protection of my parent."

Snow saw the way that some people has went over and directly taken away the two middle-age people that he has secretly knocked out with his mental power without even ordering it just right after he has started dealing with his older brother, after all, Snow has decided to keep the parent that has taken the original client clueless about the whole order in order for them to live a carefree life.

Although the original client wishes for his biological family to be safe and well-protected while living a happy life for the third wish, Snow comprehended that if there are a fifth wish and regret that has been given for him to fulfill, then the original client would have wanted that family to live a carefree life without knowing about what truly happened.

And despite those two people having a middle-age appearance, nonetheless, Snow understood that they only have a few years to live in this world, so he has decided that certain developments toward them while his biological family receives the complete opposite of them knowing about what transpired.

"Well, I considered their safety after everything that happened especially when I was desperately trying to find out your whereabouts before."

"How thoughtful of you."

Snow praise his lover which has shown a brilliant smile that has quickly turned into a rather tempting one in just a split second the moment that he has glance his way.

"So can I receive a reward?"


Rolling his eyes at the cheekiness and shamelessness of his lover, Snow continues walking without giving any reply to that question which absolutely has certain sensual meaning behind it.

Maybe asking for another 10 minutes? Well… Snow will seriously and deeply ponder about it.

"Baby, can't I?"

"..." Reall, stop tempting me...

Later on, Tyrone who has pacified and calms his guilty and ashamed young lover has carried him into his arms before walking toward the spaceship that his younger brother has gone into, entirely feeling exhausted and drained from everything that has happened today.

Soon, he arrived in the main room where people have been busy ordering their comrade that has been spread all around the place before his dark green eyes couldn't help but glance over to the direction of his younger brother which is sitting on the chair of the Leader without any fear on his face.

"..." At least, Tyrone couldn't help but applaud at that confidence, boldness, and fearlessness that his younger brother has in spade.

And at the same time was being pampered and doted by the Leader himself, which is the person that has been deemed terrifying and outstanding by his young lover, that has numerous power spread around the entire Galaxy.

Suddenly Tyrone remembers the news that Henry has been quickly notified with during his frantic moment of wanting to meet the parent that has taken his younger brother from all these years ago.

From what the Princess of the Empire has stupidly revealed, Leo or rather has been mostly known as Leonard Wolfe was the extremely talented, skilled, and powerful younger brother of the present Emperor that has been deemed dead for years now after a frightful accident that has taken his life along with the late Emperor.

It truly ironic, these two people, who have a similar situation have become together now, and they even have the same perfect match of mental power with absolute affinity with each other.

A truly befitting pair of lovers, a one of a kind which would absolutely remember in the generation that will come by.

Soon, after a few minutes of waiting, Tyrone has finally received the attention of his younger brother that has turned away from the extremely clingy and affectionate man before they discuss a certain topic with each other, at least, he can feel the familiarity of their first meeting in the Main star as they communicate.

Just a simple and normal conversation without those invincible walls between the two of them.

Tyrone no longer feels the ruthlessness, coldness, and indifference from his younger brother which gives him infinite relief and comfort, he truly hopes that they could fix their problem after everything is over.

At least, there was no need for his younger to keep refusing about being family with them later on.

Soon, Tyrone that has been carrying a silent Henry the whole time has turned around and has a destination in mind, which is a private room that his younger brother has given him.

How thoughtful of him, Tyrone truly needed to prove to Henry that nothing will change between them that he still loves him so dearly, especially when his young love seemed to be having doubt about his affection.

Well he just needs to shower him with love right?

And Steve the whole time that he has been observing despite not wanting too couldn't help but give the two biological brothers a distressed look, not only was the youngest shameless without showing any shy expression as he interacts with Leo, the older one is also being annoying although not as shameless as the other person, but that caring and tender actions the way he treated and handle the person in his arms grated his nerve.

Especially with the expression that the man has given to the quiet person in his arms, Steve is absolutely certain about what will happen next, he is a man too, so he understood what that look in his eyes meant.

Really, it is an absolutely serious and dangerous situation right now, especially when fighting all those people with power and strength that can cause them trouble and danger.

This isn't the time at being lovey-dovey!

Steve wanted to shout those words out, but he knew that it was hopeless, especially when it comes to these two people that seemed to have a steel nerve that doesn't even feel anything about how vomiting their flirty and loving affection is to other people eyes that have been watching the entire time.

Although it seemed that Steve shout and scream of his heart is finally being heard since the lover of Leo has finally deemed that it has enough of his friend's constant shameless actions.

"Go wash and change your clothes. You stink right now."

"...! I stink!? This wouldn't do! Baby, I'll be back soon! Just wait for me alright?"

With a complete scandalous and shameful expression on his face, Leo has practically dashed over to his own room without any hesitation while not even deeming it to confirm the truth if he truly smells bad.

Yeah, this is it, the moment of truth that has been slapping Steve face the whole time, his friends have a negative IQ or more precisely isn't normal whenever he is dealing with his lover.

And wow, this young man sure has such a bad personality, how did Leo fall for this person again? Ah, yeah, Steve almost forgot, because these two people have the same bad personality.

However, enough of that thoughts since he is being stared at by the terrifying lover of his friend with rather scary eyes, but damn it, why does that young man look like he knew what he has been thinking the entire time, wait… since he got the rare Tripple S mental power rank then could he maybe read his mind?

"Yes, I can."

"...!" Am I going to die now from that slight talking badly in my mind that I have been doing the entire time?

"No, you won't."

"..." So scary, I'll be quiet now, no more monologue since he might get angry for real.

"Keep going, I don't really care."

"..." ...I'm done with you guys...

After having fun messing with his lover friend as he watched those dull expression along with the resign atmosphere around him, Snow lip remain curl up from amusement before quickly discoursing about the next actions that needed to be deal with, especially working with his own people.

Unbothered and uncaring about commanding the people that aren't his people in the first place.

After all, Snow has been given full and absolute control over them by Leo who established in absolute seriousness of Snow having the same power and authority of what he has, basically becoming another leader of their group.

Even though Snow can tell that Leo has been ready to hand over all the power to his hand, he appreciates it but it will just lead trouble if he has chosen to do that, something that they need in their present situation.

"Flake will handle the rest."

After speaking that word, along with hearing the affirmative reply of Flake on his mind, Snow has stood up before stretched his body and turning around to leave the room.

"W-Wait! Z where are you going?"

Without glancing back, Snow has to continues walking while feeling unbothered about the words that have come out from his mouth, especially uncaring about the reaction he might get from it.

"To bask in Leo excellent naked body. I might even enjoy it while I am at it."

Are you going to ravage my friend? With bulge eyes, Steve couldn't help but think that thought before becoming speechless once again.

"I might… after all, he is truly tempting and delicious, especially after experiencing those 10 minutes of being with him from before." 

I remember that you know that right?

"..." Damn it!

And soon, in another place, Snow has easily entered the official room of Leo before quickly walking over to the bathroom and entering inside it, causing the wet and naked Leo to jolt from shock and surprise from his sudden appearance.

"Eh? Baby?"

Looking around at the rather wide space, Snow notice about how the bathroom entirely looks like a modern one but with a more high-tech and futuristic appearance. 

"Um, I'll give you the reward now."

With a sensual smile on Snow face along with bright emerald eyes shimmering a predatory gaze, he has slowly walked over to the frozen Leo while slowly removing his clothes in a rather tempting movement.

"Come love…"


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