Soul Karmas

Chapter 290: The Emperor Birthday Celebration Has Finally Arrive.

However, Snow secretly staying in the Palace has finally needed to stop much to his dislike, nonetheless, he still said his farewell to the frowning Emperor along with a teary gaze completely showing how reluctance he felt was to part with him.

After all, no matter what Snow feels at the moment he still needs to go back to the Wen family and couldn't really stay hidden forever in the Emperor's Palace.

Of course, Snow didn't forget to give his lover a long and passionate kiss while ignoring the choking sound of Wen Shihong that has come to secretly get him home, well, Snow could do that but it would be troublesome in so many levels.

However, the two of them were acting a bit dramatic though since they will soon meet each other again in the Emperor's birthday celebration.


"Sister Yao!"

"Ah, my darling granddaughter you are finally back!"

Soon, Snow has secretly gone back to the Wen Residence in which he embraces his Mother that has thrown herself toward him and after making sure that everything was alright with the use of his appraisal skill, which was mostly for the sake of his mission, he couldn't help but thoughtfully gaze at his mother that was tearfully worrying about his well being.

"Yao, what's wrong?"

"Sister, are you still not completely well yet?"

Hearing their concern, Snow has shaken his head with a gentle smile before he once more couldn't help but stare at his mother that was giving him a worried teary gaze, and after a few more seconds of silence, Snow lip has suddenly spread into a wide smile which contains full of happiness.

"Hey Little Yu, it seemed that we will soon have a new sibling! Mother, congratulation, you are pregnant."


Soon, Snow found himself convincing the shocked people around him about the surprising statement he has mentioned, going so far to use his special power to convince them all, especially when it was only a few weeks since Xia Yue and Wen Shihong has been together and for his Mother to be pregnant so fast is extremely surprising.

After all, in the ancient era, women sometimes have a problem getting pregnant really fast, especially when their husband has more wives causing everyone to fight over their husband attention in order to give birth to the first son.

"Really? Hahaha, I'm going to be a grandfather once more!"


Suddenly, the happy sounds have abruptly quieted down because of the unexpected sound before every one of them has turned around in which only to see the fainted figure of Wen Shihong laying down unconscious in the ground causing various expressions to appear on their faces.



"Tsk… how shamefully weak…"

Snow couldn't help smiling widely and at the same time inwardly laughing hard at the unexpected reactions of Wen Shihong that has fainted after learning that he was going to be a father soon and somehow, Snow couldn't help but also imagines if the Emperor will react the same way if Snow were able to give birth in this world.

That is definitely a sight to see, honestly, Snow is now interested to experience giving birth once more in order to see his lover reactions, of course, his lover has to have the same innocent and pureness as the one he met in this world for that to happen.

Shortly, the Birthday Celebration has finally arrived, the time has come when Snow gets to finally meets with the Emperor again, of course it was in secret and somehow causes Snow to feel a bit exciting and thrilling emotion of what they are doing.

"Hey, Love, I know that this isn't the right time to ask a question but… I'm sure you already heard that my mother is pregnant…"

Since Wen Shihong's attitude was a bit ridiculous after learning about it, to the point that he couldn't help but proudly boast it to his closest friends about being a father once more.

"I'm sorry if I can't give you children."

Although it doesn't really matter to Snow if he doesn't have his own children but his lover this time is different, not only did Lou Fang appeared to be genuinely connected in the world he is living with, but he is also the Emperor which meant it was his responsibility of having his blood-related heir to sit in the throne.

"Baby, don't feel sorry. Already having you by my side and living together until the rest of our life is enough for me. I already feel so bless to have met you, how could I selfishly asked for another more?"

The Emperor that has suddenly seen the love of his life showed such a sad expression has instantly taken the young man into his arms before gently caressing his head while making sure to not make a mess out of the carefully beautiful hairstyle of his Baby.

"In fact, I feel that I am the one that should be apologizing because I have caused you to miss the chance of forming a family of your own…"

"No, you are wrong my love, having met you and loving you is also the very best thing that happened into my life. Besides, we don't really need our own children to become a family. Just the two of us are also enough. I'm sorry for suddenly mentioning that matter."

"No, Baby, it's my fault… I didn't consider that such matter will cause you to worry…"

Snow that was hugging his lover just gently shake his head before basking on his presence with a close eye, in which he was completely oblivious at the thoughtful expression that the Emperor is making, along with the sudden thought that appeared on his mind.

Soon, the two of them needed to be separated once more since the Birthday Celebration today is an extremely important day for the two of them, it was the reason why the Emperor and Snow didn't get to meet all these days because his lover has been carefully handling today matter.

"Oh, so this is Lord Wen's oldest daughter? Hello, young lady! I'm a close friend of your father!"

"Stop, I know what you are thinking. I'm will not let my daughter marry your son."

"Hahaha, Lord Wen is finally experiencing the problem of fatherhood!"

Snow that was about to be introduced by the young man standing by the side of his father's friend has just let out a gentle smile, completely ignoring the blushing face of the young man that was completely oblivious at the disaster that he almost experiences.

Before inwardly smirking when Snow saw the way that Wen Shihong was giving a warning gaze at the oblivious friend of his that has almost receive the wrath of the Emperor after figuring out the man of wanting to engage his son.

Although, Snow still believes that his so easy to be extremely jealous lover will react one way or another after hearing what almost happened.

Nonetheless, Snow who was finally seated next to his Mother has shown a soothing gaze toward her, after all, Xia Yue already knows what his relationship with the Emperor was in which she was still reeling about the fact that her child has somehow caused the Emperor to become so infatuated in love with him, especially after knowing about her children real gender.

Well, what can Snow say? He was the one doing the seducing and doing all the work to his lover this time.

And while the people mingle around, Snow has finally turned his attention toward the people around him that have attended the Emperor Birthday Celebration in the Palace, especially to the extraordinary people from the other Empires who have sent their Prince and Princess to attend the celebration.

It completely showed on how much they really admire and respect the Emperor of the Moon Empire to even sent their Royal member and not their high officials.

Of course, there will always be people who don't feel the same way and was just doing it for a show.

Although, Snow has finally turned his gaze at the invited Princess Lei that has been staring in his direction the whole time, long enough to cause some of the perceptive people to also stare in his direction, some having a questioning look while the other has the certain flash of understanding appearing in their eyes.

In which has once more turned those gazes into a heavy and pressing vision, nonetheless, Snow who receive all kind of gazes that carry their own pressure has just given a respectful nod and a gentle smile, completely unaffected at the attention he was getting along with the hidden pressured and weight of their gazes.

Of course, he didn't forget to give a more genuine respectful manner to the Head of the Ministry of Justice, which was the person who has taken great care with the original client's family.

Speaking of the Su family, Snow didn't even deem to show them even single attention causing a certain ex-father face to turned crimson color because of shame and anger, in the first place, the man sure has a thick face to attend the event despite remaining the gossip that continues to spread around the entire Capital.

"His Majesty, the Emperor has now arrived."

Soon, the high pitch voice a eunuch has declared the arrival of the Monarch causing the entire celebration hall to instantly quiet down while everyone has stood up from their chair before giving a respectful bow as the Emperor appeared while majestically walking toward the most respected chair.

Although Snow didn't miss the heated gaze that has a glance on his way causing him to lower down his head more, showing an appearance of being shy and embarrassed that cause the Emperor to show a quick smile.

However, when everyone heard the Emperor telling them to sit down on their sit after finally sitting on the Throne has cause everyone to show various expressions in their faces because usually, the people on his harem was supposed to have been declared next to enter and show appearance.

And Snow who knows the entire reason why has causes his expression to turned gentle and warm, after all, starting today, those people will no longer have any relationship to his lover.

Although Snow still felt the ex-wife is a glaring fact, nonetheless, since those women didn't really feel anything toward his lover then he will let them go and it was evidence enough that they have survive for so long in the harem since the dark curse didn't affect them.

Snow will be a thoughtful lover and will stop the urge he got of killing them for the sake of his lover that has already done enough, well, it also the fact that there is also the list of women that he will deal in secret.

It was those people who have certain motives toward the Emperor or more precisely fearing to lose the power that they hold.

Soon, the Emperor who has been silent the entire time has opened his mouth and declared a determined declaration that causes a great uproar. 

"We now found my Empress, just like we promised to the people in my harem. Their responsibility and job are now fulfilled and will now be released to live the way they please along with my protection."

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