Soul Karmas

Chapter 294: Song Meilin Identity And Snow Conjecture Becoming True.

"Your Majesty… I'm sorry… I couldn't help myself… are you angry at me? I… took care of your long time enemy… I'm sure that you would have loved to be the one to deal with him."

"Baby, how could I be angry with you? Rather, I felt my heart beating so fast that it felt like it was about to escape my chest while I watch your dazzling and brilliant figure when dealing with my enemy. Especially when you are doing all of this in order to protect me. Baby…I keep falling in love with you again and again."

Snow that has turned around with a worried and anxious expression to his lover has suddenly blushed into a crimson color especially when a gentle kiss was tenderly placed upon his forehead and cheeks while those silver eyes burned so fiercely that it felt he might melt by the overwhelming passion it carries.

"You are magnificent and brilliant that I really wanted to hide you away… but how can I dare do that? Although, I feel uncomfortable with other men being able to witness your dazzling figure… but I love and respect you so much to even do in such an unrespectable manner..."

"Your Majesty… I won't mind if you are the one doing it... because I prefer to always stay by your side in every single moment…" 

My love, I have been waiting for the black room play between the two of us the whole time!

While Snow is lovingly gazing with the Emperor burning silver eyes and secretly concealing about the certain fetish he desired to experience in this world Song Meilin standing in the distance has finally spoken after staying silent for a while.

Especially wearing a grim and solemn expression while the young men in her side are finally thoroughly disturbed after witnessing how a strong enemy just got killed so easily like that by the supposedly fragile soon to be Empress of the Emperor.

"... how are you able to kill him…? I… gave him the power to nullify the weakness of his special power... you… you aren't just the usual simple Cheat person I have met so far… there is no possible way…"

Suddenly Song Meilin that couldn't believe what is happening has taken a deep breath while the self-confidence brimming in her eyes along with the furious emotion has quickly subsided causing her reason to have finally become online after all this time.

"You are the same as me…"

Snow that has snuggled into the arms of his lover has turned his head to give a calm smile to the disbelief woman that has taken a step backed while her mouth open and close appearing to be unable to let out the word she wanted to speak off before practically screaming it all to hear a few seconds later.

"A Granter!"

Finally feeling the great danger to her life, Song Meilin has decisively run away in order to prepare the unexpected situation she finds herself with, which was quickly followed by the young men in her sides.

How could Snow let her run away now after speaking the information he has been wanting to hear from her?

So, quickly soothing the Emperor that has showed a contemplate expression, seemingly the only person out of everyone who is capable enough to slightly perceive the words that Song Meilin has screamed in horror.

And despite the fact that Snow real identity might have been revealed a bit, he just showed a calm smile when the Emperor tried to stop him from chasing the running woman out from the Palace and definitely planning to hide for a while in order to deal her unexpected situation.

"My love… I need to deal with her… 

As a fellow Granters in the same mission world, Snow needed to be the one to deal with her, especially when a sudden prompt of the announcement has quickly resounded in his mind, which he knew for sure has also appeared in the woman's subconsciousness.

Great Alert!

The Last Resort Commenting As Both Individual Completely figuring Out The Other Person Special Identity.

Rare Circumstances Appeared, Both Granter Missions Has Suddenly Turned Against Each Other.

Detected: Both Granters Are Showing Sign Of Malicious And Hostile Intentions Against Each Other.

Now Given One Choice For Granter Lily And Granter Snow To Follow Among In The Lists Given For This Special Situation.

1. Whoever Completed The Mission First Will Won The Fight And The Loser Will Have To Leave The World.

2. Eliminate Each Other And The One Who Survive Will Have A Complete Status Even If The Missions Isn't Fulfilled Yet Or Failing After Fulfilling It.

3. Make Peace With Each Other and Discuss A Deal.

Beep… Beep… Can Choose Until The End Of The Special Situations.

Snow who heard everything while chasing the woman that was throwing all her hidden skill around to be able to run away, which he noticed that seemed to be only relating to her vain attitude, for example, beauty and charm rather than ideal skill needed to fight against other people.

Huh… so that is the reason why the woman has been charming the men around her rather than using her intelligence and others cheat skill in the System that the Karam Core definitely has in every Granters.

As for the reason why Snow isn't surprised about another Granter appearance or existence, it was because he wasn't a narcissist enough and have the attitude of being the only special existence out there that the thought of another person being a Granter has become impossible.

It's about relating to Karma of a soul living countless reincarnation reaching the requirement to be able to become a Granter, there are countless souls out there that Snow could easily guess that he wasn't the only Granter that exist.

Although he was quite surprised to meet another Granter and to be against the person herself, however, he was able to quickly get over it since it wasn't an impossible matter.

While Snow also finally figures out why Flake can only feel unusual powerful existence around her that he couldn't get close before.

Unlike Snow who spends an unusual soul karmas energy points to buy numerous skills to Flake, especially during the first mission world, the woman didn't consider the thought of using the Soul Karmas energy points to her special soul and was mostly selfishly thinking about herself.

"I will never allow her to get out of the Palace. Baby… no matter what is happening, as long as she is a great danger to your life… or just because you wanted to remove her… I will help you with all I have."

Suddenly, Snow who has been monitoring at the Game Map while observing that his Appraisal skills are still too low to read the woman's information has turned his head and met the serious and solemn silver eyes of his lover that has been silently running by his side.

Seemingly appearing that they have been gazing for a long time, but only for a few seconds, Snow has suddenly shown an overwhelming loving smile before gently taking the hands of his lover that has chosen to come along in order to secretly guarding him despite not knowing what is truly going on.

"My love... after this is over, I'll let you know everything alright?"

Snow has never really bothered to speak about his Granter status to his lover so far in every world even though there wasn't any restriction that has been given regarding speaking about it since the Soul Karma Core Dimension has already stated that whatever happened will be their responsibility to bear.

Especially when Snow didn't deem of giving unnecessary burden, trouble, or stress to his lover since being Granter wouldn't matter about how he really felt about him one bit.

"Baby, all I care is the fact that your life wouldn't be in danger and we could be together. Although I am curious about what is happening however I don't mind knowing about it if it will cause you uncomfortable or danger."

Sometimes, there is just a secret that needs to be kept hidden, Lou Fang acknowledges and could understand that certain fact.

"I know love, but I am still going to speak about it later on alright?"

"Ok…I'll listen to anything you want to say."

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