Soul Karmas

Chapter 305: Snow Slight Glimpse Of Client Noel Memories.


Snow that remains floating in the air despite almost half of his feather has fallen off in the ground has just casually stored all the black feathers inside his inventory skill before a huge figure of a white tiger with a graceful black stripe on his white fur has finally appeared in his location.

Soon, an ominous crimson color eyes with a black color usually in the white part has swiftly gazed upon Snow flying figure before letting out a loud terrifying roar one more time, which has caused Brian and Ange in the far distance to run away in a faster speed since it is well known that fallen creatures are a stubborn existence once they decided on a target.

Particularly the fact that the odor of their scent left in the scene can cause a Fallen animal to continue chasing their target until they got hunted down.

"Great job Flake."

Snow that saw the disappearing red dots of Brian and Ange in the Game Map has finally let out a sigh of relief before his floating body has slowly fallen down causing the white tiger with a slight black stripe to quickly catch his weakened body.

"I'm happy to be able to assist Snow all the time! And I really love my body this time! Hehehe, it is far stronger and powerful than the last world. Snow~ Do I look majestic? Its remind me of Daddy Emperor~"

After what transpired in the last world, Flake has wanted to upgrade his physical body skill and choose a powerful and stronger random body to use after what happened when dealing with the Vain Woman Granter, in which Snow has unhesitatingly purchased the upgrade skill for Flake Skill when being asked about it.

And right now, Flake having a fallen body was extremely useful in Snow dangerous situation a moment ago, although other existence just like the client Noel would be a preferred one, however, having a physical body that is the main living creatures in the world are harder to randomly choose.

At least, Snow is finally seeing some luck when Flake was able to become a Fallen existence in this world, even there is a high chance that Flake's life will be targeted base on Ange and Brian's reactions.

And if Snow needed to upgrade Flake skill in another level that could definitely choose a higher chance to have a human body will absolutely cause more Soul Energy Points to spend, although Snow doesn't mind using the points if it's for Flake sake but has changed his decision after Flake has decided to be thoughtful and responsible in the use of Snow SKP.

"... yes… my Flake is really majestic… and adorable, just like my love…"

Snow lip couldn't help but bent up in a bittersweet smile when he remembers the Emperor that he has left behind in the previous world since all of his entire emotions have remained after arriving in the mission world.

An extremely important matter that has also save Snow in the nick of time.

Or else Snow heart would have been taken away by Ange if he didn't have a stronger emotion than the original client, although, locating and getting his heart back is going to be a pain in the ass, particularly when among the emotion the heart has carried was his emotion to his previous lover.

Unless a stronger or equal amount of love can replace the previous emotion he felt to the Emperor then Snow will forever have no heart, even the application of the original power couldn't be used so easily since using the vile aura power can speed up the process of his entire being consumed by it.

Particularly when the emotion of the original 'Noel' also needed to be pacified for everything to turned better. 

My love… you better be in this world… or else… I will ruly lose my heart… and end up destroying the world if I couldn't be stopped and restrained in this mission.

Snow has let out a deep sigh before quickly taking the basic information needed from the original memories and quickly noticing that the same similar situation happened when he was checking out Zou Yi's memories in the second world.

The original Noel has a tremendous amount of memories and completely informing Snow that the client has lived a long life.

And this time, Snow client is a demon race that has come from the Realm of Hell, which has somehow accidentally fallen from the random crack in space that connected to the Realm of Mortal during the time that he was out playing around with his demon friends.

In the world that Snow has arrived, there are well known Three Realm in total, although the Fallen dimension that was in a completely different space wasn't added in because they are a creatures born to destroy, contaminate, or consumed every living being and becoming the enemies of everyone.

And Noel that has unfortunately fallen off and bypassed the chaotic space that restricted and limited the Three Realm was gravely injured after arriving in the Realm of Mortal where the powerful existence called Angel and Demon can only meet each other.

After all, the Realm of Hell and the Realm of Heaven couldn't visit each other Realms because of the barrier that has been placed at the start of their existence, no one knows how and why it was placed there.

Nonetheless, the two existence which is created and born by the sacred power of the world has accepted the entire situation because of their utter belief to one God that has created the entire world.

Despite the Demon and Angel has a difference in power, by light and dark, and mostly known to people's imagination or belief to be an existence that completely loathes and abhor each other wasn't enemies.

Although most Demon and the Angel felt uncomfortable with each other since the difference of the nature of their power that affected them, although it was in a form of dislike of hating a certain kind of food to just plainly don't like a person because of a certain reason.

It wasn't at the point of wanting the two race wanting to kill each other without any reason though or simply going on a war with each other, nonetheless, there are also others that can get alow extremely well and in the rare case, falling for each other in a romantic way.

Anyway, Noel that has been severely injured has been saved by Ange who is a halfling, which was a word everyone used to describe t the human that contains a pure Angel or Demon blood within them.

Although Brian is entirely different by Ange who has been born by a pure Angel and pure human since Brian is a halfling that has awaken the blood of his halfling ancestor that has been born from a human and Demon in the past.

It just too bad that Brian's power of sacredness from the Demon Race bloodline was far too powerful that his mortal body couldn't handle it and what has caused Ange to eye Snow special core that could calm it down and use it as a vessel to store Brian power.

Even though Snow uses the word pure and halfling but the power an individual can have doesn't depend on how pure individual blood is, there wasn't any biased regarding the God bestowed to the people who have the blood of Angel and Demon, while there is also special human that is blessed with the dark or light power.

It just a matter of how God bestowed the power to every living creature, and Brian and Ange could be said to be loved by God with how strong their power is that can compete with the Angel and Demon race.

Even though it can also be a great burden since Brian couldn't handle the power given to him while Ange was more fortunate since Angel light power is less destructive than the dark power of a Demon.

And this information cause Snow to remember how he was pit by the World Rule in the second rule, which is giving him an ominous emotion that there is definitely something wrong with the World Rule this time.

"Snow~ Another hint has been given by the Cheat we use before~ It said that World Rule Is Special and is Restrained by a Law that has been set up in the World, which needed the help of two existence that has opposite Light and Dark power for something special~"

Before Snow can further learn about the client Noel from the large abundance of memories that he barely manages to glimpse off, he couldn't help but has raised his eyebrows after hearing the hint that has been given again.

Light and Dark Power… Ange has the light power from his Angel blood while Brian has the dark power from his Ancestor Demon Blood, so they can be a key to what the World Rule Will wanted to do?

However, Snow still needed to know more information since it wasn't enough clues to figured out what the hint meant about.

After all, Ange and Brain seemed to have the World Rule looking out for them, it is definitely the reason why Noel, who is far powerful than them has been easily dealt with despite having his guard lower down.

Since from what Snow learned, Noel is one of the demon race who has been born with a powerful, strong, and thick sacred dark power.

It just too bad that the Realm of Mortal world can restrain an Angel and Demon from using their full potential and ability as another law that God has set up, completely helping Brian and Ange to be capable to deal with Noel power.

The client was really so unlucky, there is the Realm Restrained Law, God favors to Brian and Ange, that he has become easy prey to be deal with.

For now, though, Snow couldn't stay in the human realm for a long time after becoming a fallen, even if he was half-way there because of the organization that deals with the Fallen existence in the Real of the Mortal will never let him go in the name of purifying his tainted soul.

So, Snow has weakly wrapped his entire arms around Flake before the two of them have quickly left the place and entering a certain realm that belongs to the Fallen after they have broken the array formation that has been placed on the entire surrounding.

And the two young men who felt their array formation breaking has their body shuddering from ominous feeling causing the image of a cold and ruthless looking Noel to flash in their mind.

"... it couldn't be…"

"... Noel… is still alive…"

Ange that has taken out the half crack heart of their friend saw the way that there is still certain dim glow upon it, which was genuine evidence enough that Noel is still alive and is out there anticipating to get his revenge from their betrayal.

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