Soul Karmas

Chapter 315: Snow Waking Up From His Nap.


Although Snow has genuinely slept deeply in the arms of his future lover along with the thought of testing him by leaving his well being in the man's hands didn't mean that he would remain deeply asleep when a dangerous situation befalls.

Especially when Snow doesn't have the complete memories of the previous experience and was only able to see it in the album item he has purchased in the Black Trade Shop, meaning that he doesn't have his usual overwhelming trust and faith toward his lover ability to protect his life.

Particularly to the fact that Snow is still missing the most important and vital part of the client body despite having a physical heart in his present human body with the identity of being an awakened demon halfling.

Even though he wasn't heartless, but the spiritual Special Core as his sole genuine heart left huge damage regarding his ability to feel emotions.

Snow might look normal, especially when interacting with his future lover but it doesn't change the fact that his heart wouldn't completely be move unless he got his broken heart back.

At least, Snow still felt emotions and have a small but genuine feeling toward his future lover to the point that he didn't mind testing his usefulness as his future partner.

While also never forgetting Flake's favorite word that he has been using as the title or label toward his lover, which is the gold thigh that can help with his mission world.

And what Snow usually needed for a gold thigh completely depend on the client's mission, so it wasn't just about a person being overwhelmingly powerful, influential, or unfathomable smart.

It was criteria regarding his mission world, just like in the first mission memories in the album world where having the substitute protagonist by his side will cause the world rule to be in his side, easily fighting against the traitorous people that wanted to eradicate the entire Royal family and desire the throne that genuinely belongs to the Young Emperor.

Or the second world where the elder blood race absolutely needed a blood partner in order to soothe the thousand years of hunger and thirst, which will lead to completely regaining his power.

And the third world where an influential person would be capable and strong enough to help him lead a revolutionary change in a futuristic era!

So now in this fifth world, what Snow needed the most is a person capable enough to get his broken heart back since personally retrieve it with his own hand wouldn't work out.

It was the reason why letting go of one heart is already the definition of loosing one life!

And the criteria to even have the chance to retrieve it was extremely hard, but his future lover is the perfect choice among the list of people in the world, particularly when the person needed to have deep and genuine emotion toward the person who lost their special core or else the broken heart will remain gone forever.

And if Snow will be able to get his heart back and returning to its complete and fix the broken state, meant one thing, and it is time for Brian to die.

After all, everything is just returning back to what it's supposed to be because there would be anything to sustain Brian's life anymore.

So as a gold thigh, Snow needed Claude to get his half-broken heart back.

And when that day happened, Brian and Ange wouldn't be able to stay together which also means that the client regret and wish would be fulfilled!

Although Snow could also kill Brian among the other planned he got since it doesn't really matter if there is a World Rule Will blocking his way. As for Ange, Brian's death is the most perfect torture for him, after all, everything that happened to Noel was all for the sake of Brian.

However, if Brian were to die without someone retrieving Snow half-broken heart would lead him to completely turned into the same heartless Fallen that only know destruction and violence.

Snow doesn't really mind being a Fallen for the rest of his life in this world since he would retain his complete reason after raising is a power among the Fallen but when he felt the warm palm covering his ears, that idea was easily pushed back in the corner of his mind.

Although Snow doesn't really mind since there are numerous planned that he could take, it doesn't need to be that way.

Besides, Snow wanted a challenge even though he could understand after learning almost all the mission world missions that his previous self seemed a desire to take a slight break from the constant pit and troublesome mission world that continue to remain abnormally high.

Honestly, Snow who only has the experience of dying in his original life could tell the difference from the 'Snow' that has already experience world missions, for now though, he doesn't mind the troubling mission and is brimming with great curiosity, ready to experience and learn the new world.

Although, Snow couldn't help but grit his teeth whenever he remembers those memories that contain his shamelessness, perverseness and showing dog food or having a nasty attitude from being unable to show loving care toward his lover.



"Damn! So noisy! My Baby Noel will wake up at this rate."

"Brother Claude, how about I call you Uncle Claude if you don't stop calling me Baby?"

Hearing those Baby from the mouth of his future lover always made him remember his shameless self, please spare the still innocent, pure, and untainted him alright?

Inwardly sighing, Snow murky brown eyes have snapped open while turning his head around in order to see the present situation, especially when there is another different sound of a roaring beast, showing that a new enemy has appeared.

Snow has simply ignored the deep sigh that escapes on Claude's lip along with the arms that have become more tightly around his small body while completely missing the certain possessiveness shining upon the man sky blue eyes.

After eyeing at the unfortunate group of people that were dealing with the sudden group of beasts that was also teleported in their location with the crack of space, Snow couldn't help but curl his lip at Brian and Ange sudden misfortune.

Hmm… the World Rule Will favor appeared to be weak or maybe there is something restraining it from giving a stroke of impossible luck at this traitorous couple.

"Really… Baby is now awake… if those beasts appeared in our side I would have killed them in a split second, but those groups of people are having a hard time taking them out! Wait! Uncle? Damn, why don't you just directly call me Daddy Claude huh?"

Snow couldn't help but make an unknown noise from the back of his throat when a flash of kinky play has abruptly appear on his mind after Claude mentioning the word Daddy.

Damn! Such poisonous memory!

Snow absolutely wanted to slap his shameless self that remembers those experiences! Even though he doesn't mind experiencing new things, but it doesn't change the fact that his previously intact self has gone absolutely overboard regarding the meaning of shame.

"Hm? Baby, what's wrong? Are you scared? How about you close your eyes? I don't really want to take care of those beasts right now and wanted to watch those people struggle. Well, they might get injured but it's not like they are going to die anyway since they got their idols in their side."

Truly a bad man, however, to Snow dismay his reasonable mind has calmly approve on Claude's action and attitude toward those groups of people, especially when Brian and Ange were also with them.


Snow couldn't help but roll his eyes, completely giving up about relating his lover nature since he doesn't really mind what his lover personality will be as long as he loves the person, after all, once he has chosen an individual, it doesn't matter what kind the person is.

Be it evil, good, naive, or plain stupid, as long as Snow wouldn't be disappointed, being cheated on and betraying his trust then everything is alright.

It just too bad that Snow lover seemed to be an absolutely shameless person to his core, oh, also a beast in nature too just based on the memories he saw.

Snow has finally let out a seemingly ageless sigh that contains complicated emotion that doesn't conform with his ten years old appearance, he has gently patted the man's arms around him before pointing in a certain direction.

"Let's go out in that direction."

"Hm? It's still close space, but we can go out there?"

Although the blonde man has asked a question, Snow still felt the way that Claude has stood up from where he has been sitting on and carrying him in his arm to walk toward the direction that he has pointed out without any hesitation.

Completely causing Snow lip to curl up in a please manner while ignoring the couple that has hesitantly followed along behind them with a curious expression on their faces.

"We are going to take all the good stuff around the place while those group of people is completely busy dealing with those beast around them and stock in this place for some unknown time."

Snow began to once more check the Game Map with deep murky brown eyes while his mind continues to calculate and predict the best way to get out of the close place by using his dark power, although he has a halfling body in he human form, it doesn't change the fact that the original Noel is one of the powerful demons that exists.

"...! Baby, you are so naughty~ But I like it! I'll cook you delicious dishes when we get home~"

There wasn't any single doubt, suspicious and disbelief in the man voice regarding what Snow has mentioned, only an unusual pampering sound along with a proud emotion carried within it causing Snow to blink his eyes in a slow manner before returning back on dealing with the unusual flow of power around the close space.

Although Snow is unable to stop the small bright smile that appears on his young face before finally using his dark power to calm the chaotic aura before him, which will allow them to get out faster without waiting for the close space to finally disappeared.

And when they are about to leave the place, Snow couldn't help but turn around and slightly raise his small body in Claude's arms while hooking his arms around the man beautifully shape neck and gazing with his deep murky brown eyes at the fight still happening in the distance.

Surprisingly, Snow has directly met Ange's eyes that have unconsciously glace in their direction at the exact time.

And before Snow has completely left the close space, his lip twitches before opening up and moving in a silent manner.

In which Ange appeared to understand since those usually pure and clear eyes of his that the original Noel has love the most was quickly stained with an infinite amount of horror, terror, and different type of dark negative emotions.

"... I'll see you again, Little Light…"

Light, it was the nickname the original Noel has given to Ange.

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