Soul Karmas

Chapter 317: Snow Easily Figure Out How To Please Claude.

After finally arriving at the safe checkpoint of where the GS Organization has been position as the entry point for their people to enter the forested place filled with aura, Snow murky brown eyes couldn't help but twitch up along with sensing that something bad is about to happen.

And Snow was accurate with his foresight when a group of people showing a serious expression along with highly alerted and tense bodies that they tried to hide has calmly walk toward their direction.

Soon, a handsome man wearing a gold rim eyeglasses has greeted all of them in a pleasant manner, the whole time his attitude was calm and steady, and even Snow that remains in the arms of his future lover could perceive that Claude, Lisette, and Arnold has good opinion toward the person that appeared the same age as them.

"Samuel, stop with the serious greeting. Just tell me what are you here for?"

Nonetheless, Snow future lover stinky and rude attitude would never change despite having a good opinion toward a person causing his lip to curl up since a small feeling of pleasure emerge within him.

Hmm... Claude being bad is definitely up to his taste.

"Impatient as always. Just don't be mad and don't get crazy alright? You know that I am neutral when it comes to my work."

Claude's expression turned bad while the arms around the soft and small body of his young partner that remain silent and docile couldn't help but tighten up.

"Claude, someone has informed us that the person you have picked up is highly suspicious. Please, understand that we couldn't just ignore it when they also inform us of the doubt of him being contaminated by the vile aura."

The whole time that Samuel was discussing to Claude what he was here for, Snow murky brown eyes has swiftly glance toward the two figure that has been watching in the distance.

And in a split second, Snow has swiftly felt the painful emotions of love and hate emerging within him, which is definitely cause from the client after he saw the way that a pale face Ange was being embraced in Brian loving arms.

So the client is awake once again? 

Without any hesitation, Snow has once more swiftly used the Blessing Title Unyielding Spirit when the client's soul has started to affect him.

Somehow, Snow couldn't help but softly whisper a gentle word to the soul that is filled with overwhelming resentment, hate, and love.

Noel continues sleeping, I'll handle everything, just wait for the end result since I'll make sure that the two of them wouldn't have a happy ending.

Snow has finally felt that the client's soul was greatly pacified and forcefully suppress before turning his attention toward the curious gaze of the handsome man standing a few steps away from them while completely ignoring the oppressive aura that his future lover has started to emit as soon as he was mentioned.

"Uncle Samuel, do you want to check if I'm turning into a Fallen? I'm alright with it but I also have a request, I can do that right? So, can you please informed Ange and Brian about it?"

There wasn't even a doubt which people have reported to the GS organization causing Snow murky brown eyes to darkened, which is hidden by the shadow of his long eyelashes.

"... Of course, being the person affected by the report we receive, you also have the right to ask something to the one who has informed us if what they said wasn't true."

Samuel was a bit dumbfounded after being called Uncle before finally reacting back in a professional manner and has finally accepted the young boy condition, after all, their organization is strict regarding an individual or a group is being falsely accuse or being reported no matter how helpful it might be.

It was a fair Punishment and Reward regarding the result of the entire situation.

The rules regarding it were to control and manage the people ambitions, greedy, and selfishness because human, demon, angel, and halfling will always have their own desire.

"Claude, I knew your partner would never be a normal one. By the way, congratulation! You finally found someone that suits your taste for a partner."

Samuel has removed the professional expression on his face and has finally shown a friendly smile while another person has gone to directly informed Ange and Brian the condition that the young boy has mentioned before they can start to check out if he was contaminated or not. 

"Hmph, of course, my Baby is out of this world. Who else will I choose beside him? By the way, I'm still angry at you, so scoot father away for now. You are lucky that you are known for being neutral and fair or else I would beat you up too."

Hearing the sweet but shameless boastfulness of the blonde man, Snow can only roll his eyes before patting the arms around his body, after all the fierce and oppressive aura that Claude has been emitting has halted the calm and warm energy that has been flowing by the closeness of their body.

Claude's light power was extremely soothing and calming to the point that Snow has wanted to stay in the arms of his future lover for a long time while the restlessness buried deep within him by the restrained of the pure mission race was miraculously being healed in some way.

The light power of Snow future lover was truly strong, miraculous, and have a great effect, even without eating the dishes he made cause Snow to be in peace just by being near his side.

Even when having a body of a halfling, the effect of being half Fallen remain strong despite being sealed, after all, it wasn't really gone, the effect of being contaminated by the vile aura is deeply rooted in his body.

In this world, Snow remains an incomplete Fallen and only one person is capable enough to save him from it and that is Claude, his future lover.

"Brother Claude, let me down."

After speaking those words out Snow could practically feel the way that Claude's entire atmosphere speaks of extreme reluctance causing a sigh to finally escape his lip.

And seeing that the blonde man has remained stubborn, Snow that was being hugged sideway has rolled his murky brown eyes before grasping the blonde man shirt and raising his small body to gently place a gentle and simple kiss upon Claude's cheek.

"Be good, we will go home when I'm done."

Since some people remain foolish, let me just slap their faces since they are asking for it.

Snow eyes curve up in a crescent moon shape just imagining their reactions while his small hand couldn't help but raise up and using his finger to gently glide down upon the blonde man cheeks that have turned into a beautiful shade of crimson color.

Especially when gazing at those dumbfounded sky blue eyes that have swiftly shimmered into a brilliant light before the entire man atmosphere has become dazzling in happiness and delight.

Well now, Snow couldn't help but think that his future lover reaction when receiving such a simple kiss is so lovely and adorable.


Snow was finally put down in the ground by a happy and tame Claude while silently watching him touch the cheek that has been kissed with a joyful expression.

"Good Brother…"


Before Snow couldn't help but raise his eyebrow toward the dumbfounded Samuel that has been staring at him with an expression of 'what the hell did I just see' while in the corner of his eyes, Snow saw the way that Lisette and Arnold have secretly stored away some tool in their space item with a familiar expression that spoke of 'blackmail materials!'.

"Samuel, don't stare at my Baby for too long."

"Claude… you…"

Samuel who saw the dangerous look in Claude's eyes could only inwardly sigh while the thought of this blonde man being planted by the hand of someone so young quickly flash in his mind.

"Huh? What? My young partner is so adorable and lovely, I'm just protecting him from some nasty wolves with untoward intention."

Aren't you that nasty wolf?

However, Samuel wouldn't mention that thought of his while secretly eying the blonde man that remains oblivious at the dangerous thoughts that are slightly being shown without knowing about it.

Just wait for a few years and the difference between these two people age wouldn't matter once bit, as long as the young boy has grown up into an adult, Claude's outlook in their relationship of raising a younger brother would change into something deeper.

It will be just like those situations of a person unknowingly raising their future partner, after all, there is a reason why halfling who find their partner end up as a lover for a lifetime.

"Mr. Samuel, they accepted it."

"Noel right? Please stand alone in the clearing and I'll check to see if you have been contaminated by the vile aura."

Soon, Samuel has swiftly removed the friendly smile on his face and showing the reason why he was called fair and just when dealing with the people in their organization.

"Baby, go ahead. No matter what happens, I won't let them bully you."

Claude can only sigh while gently patting the young boy head, although he wanted to stop it from happening since he has the power to refuse such a report but since his young partner has decided to be examined then he can only let him do it.

After all, Claude would always respect the young boy decision and will allow him to do whatever he wanted to do, well, besides finding a lover since that would never happen in a million years, the two of them will be single.

"Baby, remember I will always get your back alright?"

"Um, I believe in Brother Claude."

Snow who can feel the worry, concern, and care of the blonde man has nodded his head before flashing him an adorable smile that has cause his future lover expression to become daze.

Well, teasing Claude is sure a pleasant thing to do~

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