Soul Karmas

Chapter 320: Unexpected Situation.

Ba-dump… Ba-dump… Ba-dump…


While being tightly hugged in a protective embrace, Snow murky brown eyes constrict while the blast of light and dark chaotically spread all over the place, causing the people to miss the slight spike of vile aura that he has unknowingly let out while a shade of red light has swiftly flash in his murky brown eyes before being followed by the familiar taint of a Fallen.

Fortunately, it quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared, so no one was able to sense Snow sudden unusualness, however, the person holding his small body is an entirely different matter.

"... Baby?"

With a pale face, Snow has raised his small hand to clasp the blonde man chin in a tight grip while his murky brown eyes were wide open with dark storm brewing within it before finally speaking in a hard and gloomy voice, completely different from his usual childish and mature sound.

"Stop and put me down."


The insane glint upon Claude sky blue eyes has halted before quickly receding into calmness, however, Snow felt the body against his has become stiff and tense while unknown to him, the blonde man expression has turned completely blank without a single emotion upon it.

And Snow that was being lowered down only perceive the intense light power bursting from the blonde man's body slowly fading while his entire attention has begun to focus more on Ange and Brian's direction.

While the large dust that has spread around the entire clearing has finally disappeared while the effect of two different power colliding with each other has dissipated, finally causing everyone to see the outcome of what happened.

And from where Brian and Ange location, there is a shape of a small dome made of thick dark chains standing to where they have been standing before while some parts around the dome are destroyed while bits of pieces of the broken dark chain keep falling off. 

However, the dome made of dark power has done its great job and has been able to completely keep the two people inside completely safe.

And Brian's use of dark power along with the light power Ange that is flashing inside the small dome was able to withstand Claude's crazy attack with their combined power, it was powerful and capable enough to resist those countless of powerful light arrows.

However, all of those observations were quickly pushed in the corner of Snow mind since the continuous sound of beating heart continue to resound in his mind and causing the invincible missing part in his special body that he was able to completely ignored before to suddenly feel so hollowed out.

And it was the sole reason why Snow attitude was so gloomy and dark to the point that he couldn't treat his future lover with his typical attitude because the empty part inside him was so glaring that his mood continues to worsen, especially when his heart continues to beat in his mind.

Brian is using his heart and that is enough to cause Snow in a fit of madness, if his mind isn't in a slightly calm state because his body condition is able to affect his reason in a certain manner, then there is no denying that he would have madly attacked the two people without any hesitation.

Although it was extremely weak however Snow can sense the source of his dark power resounding out, it was basically calling out to him, spreading in every part of his body, desiring to come back to where its rightful place is.

It was completely different from the other five broken pieces of Snow heart where he couldn't even detect even a tiny bit about where they have disappeared, the half special core in Brian's hand being used has finally cause Snow to feel a connection toward his missing part.

However, Snow wasn't least happy about what he found out because that certain fact was a clue that his body has a certain problem, which means it was related to the pure race mission, at least, his body isn't a complete halfling from what he thoughts so.

After all, the pure race mission should have completely cut off any connection to his real demon self while in the Realm of Mortal.

Quickly opening the Appraisal skill, Snow has quickly read his immediate detailed information.

Name: Noel

Real Race: Demon

Present Race: Human Dark Halfling, 10 years old… *** Unknown, Changeable, will be affected by a Catalyst...further result needed to be identified...

***: Incomplete Pure Race Mission, disturbance

Warning: Use of power should be in the scope of the right usage and application, or different issues would occur.

Suddenly, Snow has read a new appraisal result, the normal information has changed while other was added into it, which he could easily guess of the reason and it was because Brian was forced to use his broken half heart without proper preparation.

However, Snow attention has quickly gotten back when a mixed color of light and dark has suddenly appeared on top of Brian and Ange's head, swirling and swaying in a flustered action while circling around the couple figures.

Snow was suddenly reminded of the first world memories, where the supposedly another transmigrator, the parasite, or bug that the World Rule Will called it since the person has arrived in its world without permission was a bit similar to what he is witnessing now.

The dual-colored aura was definitely the World Rule Will of this world.

With a frown, Snow has swiftly glance around the entire place before finally understanding that he was the only person able to see what is happening.

So is this the free cheat where a Granter was capable to notice, sense or gaze at the World Rule Will existence? Or is it the level up Spiritual Hand Permanent Skill added effect? He really needed to examine more about that certain matter.

However, Snow entire body has been tense up the whole time while observing the dual-colored aura actions, especially becoming more alert when the World Rule Will has suddenly stop before turning in his direction.

Even though there wasn't any physical head or body part, Snow was quite sure that the World Rule Will was looking intensely in his direction before shaking with an appearance of confusion and surprise before suddenly rushing in his direction like an excited puppy?


Even though Snow wanted to do something, in just a split second, the dual-color aura has easily reached him before swiftly circling around his body before pausing for a second while swaying left and right appearing to be in deep thought.

Before abruptly rushing behind Snow back and disappearing in his entire sight causing his eyebrow to wrinkle in alarm, however before he could make a move an unexpected prompt has abruptly resounded out in his mind, which soon followed by the familiar mechanical voice.


Hidden Mission Activated.

Given by the World Will: Help Complete The Necessary Condition

Information: Needed To Break The Restrain By Fulfilling the Requirement.

Hint: Before the World Rule Will was born, a certain limitation, restriction, regulation, and law has been formulated in the World it Rule in its growth state, and has been bound the moment of its birth, unable to freely make a move thus causing the world in an incomplete state.

Importance of Mission: S+ Rank

Soon, Snow has been able to read all the necessary detail of the newly activated mission in a matter of a second since the time seemed to have slowed down while he was in the state of receiving it.

The condition was completely different from a Granter Client Mission since Snow wouldn't be given enough time to read the client's memories despite being in the moment of danger. 

It's like a VIP Client with a massive amount of wealth with a great privilege against a pitiful poor person with normal conditions.

However, Snow didn't have time to inwardly mumble about the difference between the two missions when the dual-colored aura has begun to tap on his shoulder in an excited manner while a certain young but unexplainable voice has resounded out in his mind.

"Hahaha, I found a far satisfying people to help me! I'm super lucky in this generation! Welcome to my World Granter Snow! I will be anticipating how you perform my mission! Complete it fast and I'll reward you a lot of things alright? And I won't also trouble you or the person behind you about those two people as long as you do a great job~"

And with the last tap upon Snow shoulder, like a friendly reminder or encouraging action, the World Rule Will aura has disappeared just like that, heartlessly leaving without any worry and care at the mess that it has just given.

However, Snow lip couldn't help but curl up after remembering what he needed to do regarding the new mission before staring in the direction of Briand and Ange with a cold expression and entirely feeling so please watching as their bodied swayed with an exhausted appearance.

Look at that, powerful being that can be called as God are so capricious and heartless. It can easily forget the people it's favored in a blink of an eye.

At least, this new surprise has given Snow a means regarding the World Rule Will from getting in his way if he wanted to deal with Brian and Ange.

Nonetheless, Snow suddenly found his body quickly being turned around but in a gentle manner before a tall body has roughly knelled down with both of his knees knocking hard in the ground while the dazzling beautiful face of Claude was painted with an overwhelming fearful expression.

"Baby… don't be angry… I… won't hurt him anymore if you don't want me to…I don't know why I reacted like that… I'm really confused… after all, we just met… but I just couldn't stop myself... Baby, I feel like going crazy after you said those words out!"

In Snow confuse eyes, the blonde man's usual overwhelming self-confidence, and proudness has completely disappeared, only being replaced with absolute dread while feeling the beautiful hands on his shoulder shaking so badly.

And those usually beautiful and dazzling sky blue eyes were replaced by unimaginable panic, confusion, alarm, and self-blame swirl nonstop upon it.

Much to Snow horror, he suddenly has a certain cognition that droplets of tears would soon flow down upon those disoriented sky blue pupils if he remains unresponsive.

"Baby, please don't hate me…I don't know what to do..."

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