Soul Karmas

Chapter 326: A Regretful Sigh And The Beginning Of Chaotic Time.

If one were to explain how Snow days have been, he would absolutely say he was living a life of a pig.

Either eating, drinking, sleeping, creating some items, and just basically laying down on his comfortable large pillow while watching the beautiful blonde man bustling around the kitchen in order to keep feeding his bottomless stomach.

Claude's private place is simply a paradise.

Fortunately, they live in a simple two-story house with a wide backyard two blocked away from Claude's famous Cafe.

And the unfortunate thing about their sitaution is the fact that the GS Organization would appear every three days in order to get a bunch of blessed dishes from Claude as some sort of punishment for their unreasonable actions from before.

Although, they didn't order such command but has kindly requested it with an added fact that it would keep lessening their punishment, which Snow assumes the reason for their polite attitude was because of their unusual power but more likely from the Franc Family unreasonable attitudes.

Especially, when the Franc and Herbert Family have been going against each other with their chin raise high up whenever they met and completely ignoring each other help, be it in the mission, healing injuries, or creating tools.

However, Snow and Claude's peaceful and comfortable day couldn't last forever when suddenly during night time, Snow was stirred awake from his deep sleep by a dual-color aura of light that has appeared and began to swirl near his body.

After a few seconds of swaying around, it has once more patted Snow shoulder in a familiar way after giving him the special mission before finally disappearing in a happy and excited mood.

And at the exact time, the aura has left, Snow has slowly opened his sleepy eyes before gently raising his head away from the blonde man arm that he has been using as a pillow while skillfully removing the arms wrapped around his small body.

"... um…oh… want me to help you?"

"I can go to the restroom by myself…"

Snow replied blankly to the blonde man who has sleepily asked Snow with his eyes remaining close, in which he wasn't a bit surprised to find out that the blonde man has woken up after removing the arms wrapped around his body.

"... oh… ok, I'll wait… for you to come back…"

"... um..."

While Snow was slowly getting off from the comfortable large bed in Claude master bedroom, the two of them speak with the usual conversation they usually have whenever Snow has suddenly woke up during the night time, fortunately, after many repeated situations, Snow was able to teach his future lover that he could go to the restroom without his help.

Honestly, how could Snow allowed Claude to help him take a pee?

And so, Snow has entered the restroom with its door slightly open since the blonde man wouldn't allow it to be close off whenever he uses it, seeming fearing that something bad would happen if he were to do that.

Really, such a clingy and sticky future lover Snow has, however, as soon as his eyes have casually glance in the large mirror, his sleepiness has instantly flown away.

Because Snow left eyes have completely turned crimson, the same eye color he has as a demon while there is also a pulling sensation coming from his chest, deep into his hollowed part.

"... I… see…"

After a few seconds of silence, Snow has let out a deep sigh before gently glancing in the direction of where the blonde man has been patiently waiting for him to come back while lying down on the large bed.

"....It has been fun…"

Snow softly whisper underneath his breath before a flash of decisiveness was quickly displayed on his face before it was replaced with a hard determination.

"… but its time to work..."

Suddenly, Snow left crimson eyes began to have the familiar swirl of vile aura within it before a restrained but powerful dark power has swept up to tightly wrapped around his entire body before a second later, he has completely disappeared inside the restroom. 

At the same time, the powerful array surrounding the two-story house was forcefully broken apart causing Claude who has been sleepily waiting for his young partner to come back to promptly bolt up from the bed, especially after feeling a waft of vile aura that was completely familiar from what he has detected before.


And when Claude has quickly rushed inside the restroom, the figure of the young boy was missing and quickly prompting the blonde man to another bout of madness, and this time, it's completely terrifying and deadly since the Realm of Mortal was about to face a chaotic time.

However, after three days of nonstop searching after using all the power and influence of the Franc Family, the young partner of the famously well known Claude Franc couldn't be found.

At the same time, the Demon Race Representative who has been trying to set up a communicating signal in order to contact his Lord in the Realm of Hell has finally been able to connect it after a few days of hard work.

After all, because of the restrained between the three Realms, its completely hard to contact each other in different Realms, even the representative of the two races was only allowed to enter the Realm of Mortal if they receive the 'God' message on choosing them to be the one to help deal with the problem in their Realms.

Fortunately, the tall demon was able to reach out and contact the person he has been wanting to reach out and speak in order to ask an important question that has been confusing him in the past few days.

"... Felix… are you sure…you saw him in the Realm of Mortal?"

"... yes Milord! However… there is also something wrong with the Young Master… although he was in the special 'state' but it was completely different from what normally happened to us."

The tall demon spoke in a respectful manner toward the blinking black jade floating in the air which happened to be the communication tool that can contact the Realm of Hell.

"... I see… Felix watch over him… I… suddenly receive a message… to our God… if it turned out to be what I assume… then I'll be able to personally observe my son situation."

"...! Felix will obey Milord command!"

Soon, the communication between the Realm of Mortal and Hell was quickly cut off, however, unknown to the determined tall Demon who's named was Felix, the person he was asked to watch over has been missing the whole time he was trying to connect in the Realm of Hell.

And after a few days of no result, an extremely angry and insane Claude was finally determined to lead the Franc Family for once in order to directly confront the Herbert Family in a wide and flat land outside the City and away from the GS Organization scope of power.

"Claude! Stop this madness! Our Herbert Family has nothing to do with Noel's disappearance! Give Back My Ange and I can forget this entire situation!"

Brian who has been able to be saved from turning into a Fallen was calmly and steadily confronting the crazy blonde man leading the entire Franc Family that has wanted to push his Herbert Family into a dangerous situation.

Why of all people out there… did Noel have to just choose this insane person as his partner!?

While deep inside, Brian has been seething in utter anger and fear after being informed of the man daring move of capturing Ange despite the fact that the new Angel Representative who just appeared has a close relationship with Ange Mother!

"Ha! Like I'll believe your nonsense! Don't think that you two are so powerful enough to completely hide what you have done! You told me before that you have nothing to do with my Baby! Then explain to me why I found out that a few months ago that you guys have been planning to do something bad with a person named Noel?"

Although Claude couldn't get the full details, however, he can tell by their suspicious actions along with the Herbert Family that they have done something untoward on a certain person!

Claude coldly sneered while waving his hands toward the person who has been guarding the unconscious young man in his hands to dangerously placed a sharp blade upon the slender neck of Ange and instantly causing Brian entire body to tense up while blue veins bulge in his forehead.

"Tell me, how did your friend 'Noel' has become a Fallen? And where is he now? How come your lover has the bracelets that my partner appeared to have been created? Obviously, My Noel has a connection to your missing friend, or else why would you guys keep targeting my Baby huh?"

Claude gritted his teeth while his eyes have been in a permanent glowing golden color after his young partner was missing, because how could he relax for even a single second when he couldn't even find the person he treasured the most in his entire life?

Until he doesn't see his young partner safe and sound, then he couldnt be rest assured to lower his guard down!

"Hurry up and tell me what you know of my Baby! Better yet, give him back to me! Or else I'll make sure that your lover disappeared right before your eyes! Brian! I'm going to make you feel pain far despairing from what I have been feeling these past few days!"

"Damn it, Claude! Our friend Noel is a grownup, unlike your ten years old partner! Besides, I don't really have any idea where he went! Ange and I have been reciprocating with our injuries, so even if we have a wicked plan, there is no way we even have the time to kidnap him from your hands!"

"Young Man… calm down… and give my friend child back to us…"

Suddenly a slender figure of a beautiful woman dress in white clothes has descended down between the two families that are about to fight over before countless thin lines of golden light have swiftly wrapped around the unconscious Ange causing Claude eyes to flash in chilling light after seeing his hostage being pulled away.

However, before Claude can violently react, a dark chain with sharp edges has suddenly appeared from the ground before it quickly cut off the thin golden lights of the Angel power which soon followed with a dark and gloomy voice belonging to a dangerous man.

"Before you can rescue this child…Angel… tell them to return my Young Master first…"

For the first time in history, the representative of both races is fighting against each other, which is one of the reasons why the GS Organization has chosen to remain silent between the confrontation of the Franc and Herbert Family.

Because this time, the Angel Representative is on the Herbert side while the Demon Representative is with the Franc Family.

The GS Organisation just couldn't make a decisive decision on how to handle it. 

"... heh… so much delicious foods around…along with a special object…."

Suddenly an eerily voice has suddenly resounded out before being followed with a loud blast of vile aura, absolutely surprising both sides that have been completely focused on the enemies standing before them.

Which soon followed with chaos after numerous Fallens in all different form has suddenly appeared and began to attack them.

And in another place, a few distances away, a small figure was laying down on top of a dangerous gigantic tiger with white fur along with black stripe on it.

"... I can feel it… the broken pieces of my heart… has once more calling out to me..."

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