Soul Karmas

Chapter 338: Snow Proceeding To Break The Altars.

"First, let's take down the one in the right and the next one will be the left Altar before the middle one is going to be the last. Make sure to follow just like I told you alright?" 

Snow glance at his Father Vincent flying close by before turning his attention to the blonde man in his arms and finally glancing at the three altars place in the middle of the Snow and Magma Mountain with calm eyes.

There are rules regarding when taking down the altars and effectively breaking the restraint and limitation that has been placed upon the World even before the World Rule Will consciousness was born, which has a probability of 1% chance of happening.

Although there is another alternative on how to make the World Rule Will free from restraining but the one Snow receive is the hardest one but completely effective with a great bonus being added if it's completed.

It's the sole reason why the World Rule Will has let go of Ange and Brian while choosing Snow to fulfill the hardest option.

First, a Fallen reaching the highest rank needed to exist before the World Will can give a divine order to whoever manages to become the strongest.

Unfortunately, the GS organization has been stopping a Fallen to raise in S Rank causing the World Will endless trouble, fortunately, Snow unusual presence of being able to establish a reason despite being a Fallen has made it easier for the World Will to form a deal, especially after learning of his Granter Status.

"Father will attack first, before being followed by Brother Claude and I'll be last."

Shortly, Snow watched as his father shoot an overwhelming dark power toward the right Altar that is representing the Realm of Heaven, before being followed by a single golden arrow by the blonde man which is brimming with infinite light power despite how simple it looks.

And then, its Snow turned, calmly attacking last with enormous vile aura, enough for the air around him to become distorted with how powerful it was.


The loud blast that has resounded out along with the breaking sound of the Altar is a reasonable feat that follow after three powerful types of attack hit it.

Secondly, A Fallen, and two individuals who use the power of light and dark need to work together in order to destroy the altars that represent those entire Realms, which is absolutely impossible to even happen if Snow didn't appear in this world.

After all, a Fallen working with the two different individuals who are meant to destroy him is unbelievable to occur, especially after what everyone knows about the Fallen Existence.

It was simply a funny notion to even imagine.

"Good… We will destroy the left one the next day, for now… let's go to the Realm of Heaven."

Although Snow wanted to quickly destroy the other two Altars, there has been direction set on how to completely perform it, if there wasn't a special mission even he doesn't have any idea on how to proceed, causing him to even use the Soul Karmas Points to even get a hint about on what to do. 

"Brother Claude, my piece of broken heart… I'll be counting on you."

Completely ignoring the complicated emotion in his father's eyes who is definitely thinking of his Angel lover, Snow quickly turned his attention at the blonde man that was completely loving being embraced all the time.

"Oh? Baby broken piece of heart is in the Realm of Heaven? Alright, you can count on me, I'll definitely get it for you."

If Snow is going to be honest, after learning about where his other broken pieces of hearts have landed, his 60/1000 luck status is once more proving the unusualness of his entire situation, honestly, for his heart to even arrive in the other Realm is simply unlucky to have.

"... let's go… the space of the Realm of Heaven is now broken, anyone can enter it."

Snow flaps his bone wings and shooting high up in the sky where an ancient pattern with a circular shape is slowly forming, his calm crimson eyes flickering around the entire place, before landing at the violent battle happening in the distance.

The Halflings, Angels, Demons, and Fallens battling each other was a bloody but magnificent fighting scene to witness, although Snow has the hands of creating the situation from happening but the existence that has allowed it to occur in the first place was the World Rule Will.

This was the World Rule Will own peoples yet it has heartlessly and ruthlessly let it befall such a dreadful situation to happened just for the sake of what it wanted.

Although Snow has observed that the Wolrd Rule Will has also felt sadness upon the deaths of its people once he started the mission, but there was nothing that could stop its decision.

Well, the World Rule Will is an existence akin to a God, how could an existence lower than it can wholeheartedly understand how they regarded the existence that is completely below them?


The moment Snow, Claude, and Vincent enter the portal that leads to the Realm of Heaven, the entire space has twisted while the balance in the entire Realm began to distort.

However, after the three of them completely disappeared, a slender figure with a solemn expression has quietly appeared in the distance, before stepping hard in the ground and leaping up in the air, in which a similar portal has quickly form, disappearing before it while leaving a soft echo of his voice.

"Noel… I won't let you succeed."

Shortly, Snow, Claude, and Vincent have finally arrived in the Realm of Heaven, floating high in the sky, and witnessing a fantasy and paradise world before them.

However, the entire Realm of Heaven has quickly entered a chaotic time as the Fallen existence that can only appear in the Realm of Mortals was slowly appearing in the Realm of Heavens, as a various crack in space has completely spread all over the place before various Fallen in all different ranks appeared one by one.

After all, Angels taste better and far purer than the existence in the Realm of Mortal, one could say, Demons and Angels are a delicacy to the Fallen eyes.

"...Father, I know what you wanted to do. Feel free to go, I won't stop you."

Snow didn't turn his gaze away when the Angels who have been leisurely flying around in the sky or happily doing something in the land have become disorganized, the Angels are completely caught off guard at the sudden appearance of the vile aura seeping into their world while dangerous Fallen has stared to crazily attack them.

"Noel, your Father will be back."

"Ok. Good luck finding him."

Vincent can only sigh in his heart when his son didn't even turn to glance in his direction while calmly responding without any up and down on his emotions, nonetheless, Vincent has swiftly left to find his lover that he has foolishly believed to have died a long time ago.

That Angel is so damnable… lying and informing his subordinate that has been sent as a representative of Hell a long time ago that Simon has died in the infighting of power in the Realm of Heaven.

If Vincent didn't receive the information from their God after accepting the task, he would have remained ignorant of what really happened in his entire life.

"... Damn… I'll fucking destroy you."

Before Vincent has completely disappeared into the distance, Snow finally turned his gaze at his father back while numerous thought flashes in his mind, this World Rule Will sure is a sly one among the one he met so far, completely knowing how to handle its people for better use.

Well, from what he knows, this World Rule Will has existed for a long time and has been restricted from completely controlling the world is supposed to manage, well, he still prefers the first World Rule Will in his first mission though.

It's basically a sweetheart… as for the second one with the golden book… please, that one is a pit and pig teammate.

"... Baby, this place is too beautiful… "

"Well, it completely has the image of the place on what an Angel should live."

It's completely different from the darker image in the Realm of Hell, where the Demon race who has finish their pure race mission tend to fight over each other, thus having the title of a Demon Lord and wrecking the place.

Fortunately, it's a great taboo to touch, hurt, or disturb the one who didn't fulfill the pure race mission yet, or else everything will turn out more chaotic.

And while the Realm of Heaven has the stereotypes image of what a holy and divine place should look like, Snow also knows that the Angel who has finished their pure race mission also has infighting going on between them.

After all, base on the Angel his father has killed after arriving in the Realm of Mortal, Ange's mother appeared to belong to one of the Angels who have power in the Realm of Heaven that has their own race working under them.

"So, Baby~ Where are we going next?"

Snow gaze flickered around the place before finally sensing the piece of his broken heart in a certain direction, albeit low, and appeared to have something stopping him from detecting it, fortunately, the World Rule Will has given him some help regarding where his broken heart is

Well, more likely, it's because having a complete heart is part of the mission, so the World Rule Will isn't being nice.

"... Brother Claude, can you fly with your own now? I created you an artifact wing to use before…"

Don't you have enough of being clingy…?

Rather than quickly flying in the direction where his broken heart is, Snow slowly glances down at his future lover who has shown him a disbelief expression after hearing what he has spoken before turning shameless and showing an extremely pitiful expression on his beautiful face.

"Eh…. But it felt so nice for my Baby to hug me~ Especially when wearing fluffy and adorable clothes~ So soft and warm…I really want to stay for eternity in your arms."


Should Snow feel fortunate that the client body he is using has a slender with average body size? Since even wearing a one-piece adorable clothing doesn't look weird upon him.

"Come on Baby, please let me stay in your arm?"

"... Ok…"

What Snow can do but pamper and indulge his future lover once in a while?

And with that thought in mind, Snow has tightened his hug in the blonde man's body before swiftly flying toward in the distance.

"Baby is really the best~ I am falling in love with you once more!"

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