Soul Karmas

Chapter 350: The Aftermath After Snow Death (2)

"... it's another peaceful day…"

"Yes… even after many years, that day still remain unforgettable in my memories."

In a beautiful private park filled with blooming flowers along with the laughter of children running around the place as they play around, a man and woman in their mid-'40s can be seen sitting next to each other on one of the long benches around the park.

"The Realms is finally going to stabilize, I didn't imagine that it will take one hundred years for it to be complete while the prediction about the birth of an S Rank Fallen being a disaster has been true, but who would have thought that it was for the better?"


"Are you still sad Lisette?"

"A bit…Samuel… I honestly didn't consider that those two people will end up like that..."

Lisette that has grown older has displayed a sad smile on her face and although it wasn't the grief-stricken emotion that she once felt after learning about the death of her closest friend and cousin after losing her lover.

While also feeling nostalgic and complicated regarding the dangerous Noel who has been given a heavy burden to carry, making the entire circumstances complicated after learning about it.

After the bright light that has enveloped the entire Realms occurred, the existence of the dreadful Fallen has disappeared completely while the vile aura can no longer able to contaminate any living creatures after the great change.

And the Angels and Demon were known as the Spirit race, while the entire living being in the Realm of Mortal has known of their existence, which has taken years for everyone in power to change the people emotion from confusion and denial to acceptance, especially the longer life span depending a person who has power.

Of course, there would always be a good balance in everything.

So, rather than Fallen being born from darkness, the magical beast has started appearing around the world while entirely changing their environment and living condition, their world becoming just like the fantasy world that has once been written in a story, although with a modern setting added in the mix.

"I know… but at least they went together right? Base on their possessiveness with each other, I couldn't help but feel it that way…. Besides... Lisette, they probably didn't even imagine that we would get together in this life right? I really want to see their reactions..."

Remembering the crazy blonde man along with his crazier lover, Samuel's lip spread into a fond smile because although the turbulent time was dangerous with countless races dying, which is also something they got a hand on but it doesn't change the fact that those two people are simply marvelous in their own way.

"Heh, Claude would definitely feel jealous since he was still chasing Noel the last time I remember it."


The sadness in Lisette's eyes was slowly replaced by warmth after remembering Claude and Noel's humorous antics before finally turning her head to stare at the man sitting on her side and gently taking hold of his hands, completely feeling very fortunate to have been given another chance in her life to fall in love on another person.

It took many years for Lisette to let go of the pain of losing her lover, particularly when she didn't only lose Arnold but even her cousin and the adorable but dangerous young man that she has grown fond of has died.

As for how she has ended up with Samuel, it might have been the cause of their years of working together in order to help stabilize the world order after the great change happened, accompanying each other through hardship and happiness.

Although it definitely started after witnessing a heartbroken Samuel failing to get together with Annette that she suddenly found out her heart was already moved by him before she knows it; fortunately, it wasn't a one-sided situation despite taking a bit of two years for the two of them to become lovers.

Even though she has loved another person after losing her lover, it doesn't mean that she has forgotten her feelings for Arnold, she just happened to has fallen in love once more, which is something she didn't plan at all to happen.

Concerning about the meaning of loving someone, there is countless way to interpret it, she just happened to be a person who can find another person to love, unlike her cousin Claude that would definitely remain determined to only love one person in his entire life.

"Father! Mother! You are going to be late for your yearly reunion with Uncle Loki and the others!"

Hearing the children calling them out, Lisette and Samuel have finally turned their attention to their children running in their direction which was a rather mature 8-year-old son and a lively 7-year-old daughter, they got together late in their ages, fortunately, they are blessed with wonderful children in their life.

Before a complicated expression appears on Lisette and Samuel's face after remembering the 'Uncle Loki' that their children mentioned.

Loki, the God of the new World is a bit eccentric, childish, playful, and unpredictable, with only a few people knowing his true identity, while the most interesting and unbelievable part was their supposed God has causally declared that Claude and Noel was his parent.

While during the time of slowly fixing the broken entire Realms, Loki really loves to run around the world, always playing around and sometimes causing chaos all over the place, making every race either loving or hating him, fortunately, he has put a certain restrain in his power or it would be dangerous to have their God running around living like a normal human.

"Let's go, the others have definitely arrived."

Soon, Lisette and Samuel have stood up while completely making sure that their children are well protected before they left since only the people who remember entirely and understand what happened before the bright light has occurred can go.

So, after leaving the Realm of Mortal and entering the Spirit Realm where the two races stay, Lisette and Samuel have arrived in a magnificent land with a large and wide Temple build between two floating small Islands with Snow Mountain on the left, and Volcanic Mountain on the right.

"Oh! My Father cousin and friend have finally arrived! I thought that you have decided to miss our last yearly reunion!"

As soon as Lisette and Samuel enter the large hall of the magnificent Temple a slender figure dressed in fashionable attire has happily great them with a bright crimson eye while the long golden hair that was tied up is gently swayed around.

"Lisette, Samuel, it has been a while! I'm happy to see you again."

Shortly, a gentle-looking man has kindly spoken while a tall handsome man was quietly standing by his side that has nodded his head toward them, which Lisette and Samuel have been used to seeing after getting to know each other after the turbulent time.

It was Simon and Samuel, the parent of the S Rank Fallen Noel, which has become the Lords of the Spirit Race.

And in the entire race that has live during the turbulent time, somehow, it was only the four of them that clearly remember the entire event that has transpired while the others only knew vague information regarding it.

Nonetheless, the name Claude and Noel has been written as the greatest hero in solving the chaos that almost destroyed their Realms while the villain that causes it all was named Brian and Ange.

Just like they say, the victorious can always rewrite history making the losers the villain, something that the next generation would remember in years to come.

"Ah! It's the right time! Come on, guys! Starting today, I won't have to do heavy work and can freely play around with more time in my hands! Hahaha!"

Watching a delighted Loki openly displaying such a childish attitude despite his special and important identity has only caused the two pairs of couples to silently glance at each other, while once again wondering if the craziness is contagious since Claude and Noel's special characteristic seemed to have been inherited by their playful God.

Smiling so wide, Loki has excitedly run to the center of the hall which has a wide complicated circle with an ancient rune written upon it before clapping his hands while an enormous aura has abruptly burst out from his slender body.


Despite the excited appearance, the moment Loki has spoken, a dignified and majestic voice has rung out in the entire room before echoing out in the entire world, declaring the complete union of his Realms that has been broken and split apart by such brazen Graner.

Although it would have taken a long time for Loki to complete if it wasn't broken and split apart.

Shortly, the four people have finally left out a deep breath after assuming that everything is over before suddenly finding that Loki wasn't done and have taken a few steps back before once more clapping his hand.


"Pure Race Mission Completion, it's finally time to awakened."

Soon, in everyone's shocked eyes, a swirl of black light has suddenly appeared in the center of the hall before a slender figure with long silver hair and beautiful large black wings has slowly appeared, which has caused the people watching in the side to let out an astonished gasp.




Seemingly having been sleeping for a long time, Snow eyes have snapped opened after hearing the noise around him and instantly seeing a grinning young man that really asking to be beaten up before hearing the familiar voice speaking in his mind.

"Hello, Granter Snow~ Well, I can also call you Papa Snow! For completing the mission made for the two races, I welcome you back in Spirit Realm, which was once the Realm of Heaven and Hell! Although it took me a long time to do it since the world needs to stabilize first!"

Gently landing on the ground, Snow has just blink his eyes before calmly staring at the World Rule Will that has gotten a body after being released in the deep abyss hole, since although he has just woken up, there is one thought that remains deep in his mind. 

"Ah, don't look at me like that! Alright, alright! I'll quickly go do it!"

Loki couldn't help but roll his eyes before making a shoeing motion to the brazen Granter to step aside and clapping his hands once more while wondering if he really needs to do this action every time since this won't be the last time he needs to do it.

"Pure Race Mission Completion, its time to awakened."

Different from usual, rather than the color black, a swirl of bright golden light has appeared before a familiar man with a beautiful appearance along with long golden hair has appeared, although the man look is a bit different from what everyone remembers in memory, which is more attractive than usual.




Ignoring the people's reactions around the large hall, Snow entire attention was completely focused on the floating man with eyes close before glancing at the beautiful huge white wings in the man back causing his lip to twitch before showing a wide bright smile.

"After countless trials in the Pure Race Mission, the Angel Alaude has finally completed after the 365 reincarnations in the Realm of Mortals. The Mission given was to completely fall in love with another person and need to be the one to first die between the two people."

As soon as Loki's majestic voice has stopped ringing in the large hall, the sleeping blonde man has finally opened his eyes, showing the familiar sky blue eyes that has cause Snow to finally feel relief that Loki didn't deceive him regarding his lover situation.

So… his name is Alaude in his Angel form? It's a great name...

Snow couldn't help but feel happy, especially when in a matter of seconds, the awakened blonde men have instantly glance on his way causing a pair of crimson and sky blue eyes to silently met each other.

And when the blonde man has landed on the ground, Snow was already standing in front of the silent man that was definitely receiving his memories of living as humans or halfling in the Realm of Mortals during his own Pure Race Missions.

Snow has easily felt the way his heart has pound faster than usual before opening his mouth to speak while feeling his throat dry, nonetheless, he continues to make his move and stretching one of his tightly closed hands before opening it.

"As I promise, we have met again… and although everything is a bit different, but now I can wholeheartedly give this to you... do you still want my special heart?"

With extremely warm crimson eyes, Snow felt his heart bursting with overwhelming love before raising his open hand that has a brightly glowing special core floating upon it.

"Angel Alaude, are you be willing to be my partner? I promise to love you for the rest of our life, even after the life that would soon follow after because as long as our soul exists, I vow to only love you and no one else."

… My love, I don't want to make you wait anymore and I really want to make you happy.

After everything that has happen in this mission world, Snow is already ready to pamper and dote on his lover for as long as he can.

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