Soul Karmas

Chapter 356: Snow and Alaude End Of Life.

In one of the countless thriving mountains in the Spirit Realm with strong auras, Snow has stopped his actions of picking up the beautiful green tea leaves after seeing his oldest son appearing with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

"Father… no… Granter Snow… its time."

"... I see…"

Slowly blinking a pair of crimson eyes, Snow has quietly stored the forages ingredients on his inventory skill before nodding his head, although, he couldn't help but quietly stare at his oldest son which is emitting a depressing atmosphere around him.

After a few seconds of being silent, Snow has finally let out a soft sigh before calmly walking toward the God he has grown fond of, particularly after accepting the fact that Loki is his genuine child, even though it started with a casual remark with a playful attitude.

"Even if it takes a long time, I will make sure to come back again… remember, you are our child… one of the proofs of Alaude and I complete commitment with each other."

Slowly, Snow slender body has floated up in order to gently pat the taller man's head with a rather gentle expression on his face before expressing a promise he will definitely fulfill.

"Besides, our Karma is extremely strong… so be good, stay safe and wait for us to come back again."

With one last gentle pat on Loki's head, a beautiful black wings have slowly appeared behind Snow before it gently spread out and swiftly flying in a certain direction.

And at the same time, Snow leaving a soft goodbye before completely disappearing on the horizon.

"Loki, I'll see you again."

"... Father… have a safe journey… and please come back soon. I'll be waiting."

Loki has softly murmured with his head tilted to the side and his eyes displaying a deep reluctance to part.

"Big Brother Loki…"

Suddenly, a young boy's voice has softly echoed out a distance away causing Loki to turned his head around and instantly seeing an extremely sad Flake staring in his direction.

In which has cause Loki to instantly suppressed the sadness in his heart before showing a familiar grin on his face, although it was dimmer than it normally is.

"Baby brother Flake has to stay strong and protect yourself and your father alright?"

"... um..!"

Flake has obediently nodded his head while showing glittering wet eyes, only for it to quickly flowed out and sliding down his chubby cheeks, completely unable to hold his sadness anymore before rushing into his big brother's arms.

"Big Brother!!! 

While the two brothers embrace each other in sorrow, Snow has finally arrived at where his lover is, which was staying in the large temple where the two of them have awakened and met each other after their separation of death.

"My Love…"

Snow voice was extremely soft with his crimson eyes glazing with unshed tears because no matter how many times it happened, the separation between them after a lifetime of repeatedly loving each other wasn't something he would get used to.

Particularly when in this world, he was far attached and always accommodating whatever his lover wanted.

"Um…no need to say it, Baby, I can feel my time is running out."

Rather than feeling grief and sadness, Alaude has shown a completely serene smile on his beautiful face with his sky blue eyes reflecting the acceptance of death, it was the same appearance during the time where Snow has moved to pierce his heart.

"Snow, although I want a forever, the one with just being you and me, where there is no reincarnation, no next life and just living with each other forever, however, there is always an end to everything. At least, I don't have enough power in this life to make a wishful impossibility into a reality."

In the beautiful sky blue eyes of the blonde man, Snow saw the familiar overflowing love within it, the insane possessiveness and obsession, along with the hint of regret desperately trying hard to remain hidden.

"So, I am already extremely happy for what I have gotten in this life. After all, you already told me before that I completely have all your emotion with the 'you' right now while the new 'us' in the next life will be a restart."

"... mnm…"

"So, I'll just be content and let my other new 'me' experience an entirely different love story between us again."

While slowly walking toward the smiling blonde man, Snow throat constrict, unable to speak a proper word out, while at the same time a droplet of tears has finally slid down his extremely pale cheeks.

"Baby, I'm sorry… it seemed that I am always the one dying first… I would prefer to be the one to see you off… not wanting you to bear such painful emotions."

Snow felt the warm fingers softly wiping his tears while noticing the worry and sadness brimming upon his lover's beautiful sky blue eyes.

... my love... as always... you are so great... so amazing that the time of pampering you wasn't just enough...

Snow couldn't help but show a pampering smile, albeit a bit shaky and small but it has still clearly shown all of his endless love for him.

"It's alright. My love… let me feel this pain and sadness in my heart, because, isn't all of this emotion for you alone…?"

"... I feel a bit happy to hear that even though I know how bad it is…"

Alaude smiled brightly while his entire body was becoming transparent making Snow finally take the final steps before wrapping his arms in a loving way around the blonde man.

... in this world... I effectively witness and experience how genuine and sincere your love for me... so my love... wait for a bit more... I'll definitely feel the same as you in the future...

Somehow, despite having the terrifying ability to have an extremely logical and reasonable calm mind, Snow couldn't help but consider that following his heart out is good.

Even though the rational part of Snow mind has quickly labeled such an act as something extremely foolish and senseless, which will only give birth to countless trouble and danger.

Someday, would I become one of those blind people because of love?

"Baby… My Snow… I'll definitely see you again alright?"

Although there is a high chance I won't have memories but I will definitely chase after you and nothing will be capable of restraining my soul. I'll definitely travel around the world in order to meet you again...

"...mnm… be quick my love… after all, I'm quite popular and sought off…"

Snow couldn't help but lean back before gently pressing his forehead as the blonde man's body has slowly become translucent.

Unlike the death of Demons and Angels in the past, after becoming the Spirit Race, there wasn't a body being left behind after their death, only slowly disappearing from this world.

"Heh… Baby… we are meant to be. I have the absolute confidence that no one in this world would be capable to completely capture your heart just like I did!"

"...hmm... yeah…"

Snow has smiled lovingly before placing a gentle kiss upon his lover's pale lip, and at the same time, remembering his life before becoming a Granter.

The like he felt to the young man was quickly destroyed, never becoming a genuine and sincere love.

So in a way, the entire world Snow traveled, only his lover was able to move his heart, no one has been able to enter his eyes anymore, completely only having his lover existence repeatedly invading his heart.

"Snow… I love you… goodbye…"

"... Alaude… I love you too…"

In a few seconds, Snow watches with tears in his crimson eyes the moment his lover has completely disappear causing his eyes to tightly close while taking a shuddering breath because of the unimaginable painful feeling in his heart.

And the moment Snow has opened his eyes, he couldn't help but slightly raise his tightly closed left hand before slowly opening it up.

"... Alaude... I don't feel good..."

... content? happy? accepting death? It might be a bit true... however, it doesn't change the fact that you are an extremely obsessive and possessive person...

My love... you are definitely unwilling to let our love as 'Snow and Alaude' to finally end...

In Snow open palm lay a beautiful single white feather glowing in light power.

After a few moments, Snow has finally collected the white feather in the inventory dimension, knowing fully well that the white feather is Alaude last stubborn act to leave something behind and making their love unforgettable.

Somehow, he can completely understand why his father Vincent and Simon have left their feather in the historic museum. 

Taking a deep breath, Snow has slowly wiped the tears on his eyes and cheeks before turning around and leaving the temple, after all, he needed to completely finish everything he needed before starting a new mission world.

My Love... I hope that you are also in the next world I'll be going to...

In the Realm of Mortal, Loki was gently carrying his younger brother in his arms while wandering around in a night market, buying and eating any foods that catch their eyes.

Only for Loki to suddenly stop walking while their shadows stretch in a long length behind their backs.

"Take care Big Brother Loki, we will be going now. Please patiently wait for us since we will definitely come back."

"... yeah…take care alright? Make sure to always remain in our Father's side so there will be no chance for other people to take you away."

I can't continue protecting you anymore... 

"Heheh~ Its not Flake's fault for being so adorable!... Big brother, I will be going now..."

Shortly, Loki can only watch with blank eyes as his younger brother's ten-year-old child body has slowly disappeared in his arms, and it has taken an hour before he finally moves from his awkward posture before raising his head to gaze at the wide dark sky with bright stars shining upon it.

"I'm alone once again… it's lonely…"

Letting out a dejected sigh, Loki has calmly walked away before his lonely figure has completely disappeared in the Realm of Mortals.

And after a few years of rooming around, Loki has silently appeared in the Temple where he has woken up his fathers while giving his younger brother a physical body to use.

"It's boring... this world would remain safe for a long, I'll just go sleep for a while..."

Maybe… my family will be back when I wake up? After all, the time flow is confusing and complicated in the work of a Granter… a few minutes here, and they might have already gone to various worlds.

So for many years later, Loki has retained the habit of repeatedly going into a deep sleep, only waking up when something extremely important is happening or his instinct for incoming danger alarming him.

Particularly when sensing a Granters appearing in his world but only to end up disappointed repeatedly causing his usual mischievous, playful and bright attitude to finally disappeared.

While at the same time, Loki's world unknowingly becoming powerful and stronger, rising in the Granter list of ranks of an excellent and dangerous world.

Loki has also become famous among a group of Granters, well mostly, having the bad reputation of being a nasty, moody, lazy, and always sleepy World Rule Will who doesn't give any Granter a good face during their mission time.

Of course, Snow and Flake were completely unaware of Loki's future development, completely focusing more on the amazing list of rewards of an announcement the moment they appeared in the special space for them to stay for a short while.

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