Soul Karmas

Chapter 358: Snow Berserk State.

"Y..You have the Berserk State???"

Among the countless mermaids, the slender figure of a man with crimson long hair and fishtails has murmured in a soft voice while violently gripping his head, witnessing the moment those deep golden eyes of Aurel have quickly turned into crimson color which then spread into the white area, completely staining it in bloody color.

The berserk state, only with the purest and strongest blood among the Siren is capable of inheriting the certain condition of possessing it, which usually occurs only from the Siren who has the bloodline of the leader of their race.

And yet a Siren with noble bloodline has somehow become a Protector and Guardian, although such title appeared glorious but it doesn't change the fact that such rank in the Siren race carried heavy consequences, with most of their freedom restrained in some ways.

Particularly when the Berserk State isn't as admirable as it is, because when a Siren uses such special skill, the individual will receive a severe backlash, only the Siren pushed into its end will choose to use it.

And yet, based on the information they acquired, the mermaid race didn't even know and consider that the last protector has the rare skill of the Siren.

"Aurel, stop or we will definitely kill Margaret!"

The crimson mermaid has gritted his teeth before shouting with all his might in order to stop the protector from fighting back, however, the usual weakness they have easily use to quickly capture and threaten the Siren Protector didn't work out.

Instead, he receives another sound wave, which was louder than the first one, causing everyone to feel the weakening of their bodies and the heaviness of their mind.

"W-Whyyy? Urgh!"

In the familiar half-sane and crazy state of the berserk mode which was quite familiar when Snow has become a half Fallen in the previous world, another wave of rage has instantly swept his heavy mind after the name 'Margaret' was mentioned.

It seemed that the woman's name is the greatest taboo in the client's heart, causing Snow to open his mouth wider, screaming with all his might, completely in the berserk mode with the special skill of a Siren when it comes to the use of their voices.

"Snow, I'll help you out!"

And Flake who has quickly grasp the client's memories, while checking the entire situation with the help of the Game Map has instantly used the permanent skill of randomly getting a body and has quickly become into a deep blue dolphin.

Despite being turn into an adorable-looking animal, the Flake dolphin body isn't a normal creature, so it wasn't surprising when the slightly long beak has easily able to bite the barb seaweeds around Snow, completely releasing him from captivity.

And the moment Snow was release, Flake has swiftly used the cloning skill before swiftly attacking the weakened mermaid that continue to surround them in a rather violent and ruthless manner.

The adorable is entirely in utter rage, it was completely different from what everyone usually surmised about most of the dolphin behavior, which was supposedly a nice, friendly, and kind sea creature that can easily get along with.

"Snow, I'll take care of them while you rescue the last unborn child of the Siren."


Understanding how severely injured the client's body is, especially after using the severe skill Berserk state of the Siren, Snow has instantly moved his body, using the instinct left of the client to gracefully swim around with the help of the blue fishtail underneath his body while easily dodging the mermaids that tried to blocked his way.

Even going so far as to ignore the crimson mermaid who is the leader of the mermaid group that has captured the client since Snow entire focus was to take care of the first task of the mission since he can always return later to complete the revenge part.

Especially when Snow can feel the way his throat felt like something was cutting inside it, as the wave after wave of a prolonged loud scream continues to escape his open lip despite swimming around.

Shortly, Snow has finally arrived where three powerful mermaids can only helplessly lay down on the ocean floor after being affected by the Siren skill, which he has decisively swayed his blue fishtails to ruthlessly hit them while at the same time using his caudal fin to cruelly slice the three mermaid neck.

When it comes to Siren, they are far ruthless and dangerous than the mermaid race.

So, it wasn't surprising when a burst of blood has appeared in the deep ocean water before a detached three heads from the three mermaids were swiftly push away.

And although, Snow has the sensation of wanting to rampage and slaughtered everyone around, but he has effectively forced his entire attention toward the white and purple large clam seashell full of crack before him, which is the same appearance of a tridacna clamshell type.

This is the last unborn child of the Siren Race, it was what the client has hidden and protected after the long years of loneliness of carrying heavy responsibility for being the only Siren alive to the last of their race.

Unfortunately, the client just happened to meet Margaret, the charming and lovely pink mermaid who has betrayed him, leading to his miserable ending of being killed by the mermaid race while at the same time, helplessly watching as the unborn child was killed right before his eyes.

Although, from Snow point of view, the client has chosen to protect the seemingly captured Margaret rather than fighting with all his might to save the unborn child of his race.

It completely showed how the client was fascinated by the mermaid.

Honestly, loving someone can really lead to various circumstances, either experiencing heaven or hell, it completely depends on the result of the entire situation.

"... child… I'll take you out of here…"

Snow has finally stopped the use of his Siren skill and has spoken in a hoarse and small voice while gently taking the large clamshell in his arms before slowly turning around to darkly glare at the group of mermaids that was being pushed away by Flake clones.


One more time, Snow has used the full power of his Siren skill with the help of the Berserk State, uncaring about the damage done to his throat and letting his voice spread all over the entire ocean.

The furious words filled with endless hatred have reached far and wide, letting every single creature who has human intelligence capable to hear his vow before he finally decided to escape, wholeheartedly trustingly the route that Flake has already prepared while swimming away.

"Flake, use the prop of concealment and burst of speeds!"


Snow always has the habit of buying various cheats before leaving the mission world, never wasting time to buy it only during the mission time, it was to prepare for an unexpected situation, and has always stored in a special inventory, so it wasn't surprising when Flake has easily used the cheat props in a matter of a second

Soon, Snow entire body was covered with an invincible layer of power, causing his body to disappear, even the trace of the blood flowing from his injured body has become untraceable, completely stopping anyone to easily track him.

While at the same time, Snow speed has become x5 faster, causing his already excellent speed because of being Siren to become more faster and powerful, which has easily left the special place where the unborn child has been hidden.


Granter Snow has use Two Cheat Items purchase in the System Trade Shop. 

Concealment: one-time use and only for 30 minutes.

A burst of Speed: one-time use and only for 20 minutes.

"Flake, take care."

"I will!"

Just like in the interstellar world, Snow has allowed Flake to freely move around rather than staying on his side, allowing Flake to make his own judgment regarding the client missions.

Soon, as time passes while swimming around, Snow has quickly noticed that the entire surrounding has become quiet with having only a few living organisms around, and the longer he followed the route that Flake has prepared for him, there are only a few fishes swimming around, with rather dark corals and countless rocks underneath the water.

So, Snow couldn't help but stop swimming for a few seconds before taking a soothing breath and slowly lowering his head to softly gaze upon the cracked large shell in his arms.

Although he also felt the numbing pain of his entire body along with heaviness on his head, which is the effect of the Berserk State before finally observing the entire surrounding, and figuring out which place he was trying to go.

It was one of the forbidden places in the entire ocean, a dangerous area with strong and powerful sea monsters living around the place.

Although it was a well-known forbidden area in the creature living in the ocean but as a creature belonging to one of the remaining rulers of the entire ocean, there is always a secret that is passed down in their generation.

"... child… I'll heal you soon…"

Snow has gently cares the cracked large seashells in his arms before continuing on his journey, using the Game Map to swiftly evade the sea monsters around, while at the same time, the concealment help continues to hide his presence.

Soon, the water around Snow has become shallow, finally arriving in the safe part of the forbidden Island which is usually surrounded by unusual mist, causing the creature living in the land unable to find the place, although the sky on top of the Island is crystal clear with excellent weather but even any flying transportation such as airplaine wouldn't appear on any radars.


However, after a few seconds of swaying in the seawater, Snow couldn't help but blink his golden eyes after seeing that half of the forest on the Island is completely destroyed, the trees turning dry and broken without any life on them, even the grass is gone, the earth has completely become barren.

Base on the memories of the client, the Island shouldn't look like this, although it was a forbidden area everything should look like a normal Island but now there is a difference from the last time that the client saw it.

However, after observing the entire Island with half of his body out in the ocean, Snow finally notices something, in the far distance, between the rockery closest to the Island, there is a wrecked ship upon it.

… so someone or something is on the Island? Although it rarely happened but it wasn't completely impossible to find a creature accidentally arriving on the Island.

While Snow has various thoughts on his mind, the timer of the concealment cheat prop has finally ended and causing his presence to become detectable.

And before Snow can use the Game Map to check if there are dangerous people on the Island or they have already died, he suddenly heard the sounds of various footsteps, which were coming inside the lush half forest on the Island.


Somehow, Snow felt a certain sensation on a certain object stored in his inventory, causing him to suddenly take it out, which was the black silver pair of the jade ring in a red string instantly place on his neck.

"Woah! A Mermaid? We can finally leave this place with his help right?"

"So beautiful…"


Feeling the familiar sensation of special connection at the token of love, Snow has slowly raised his head before directly stopping at a tall and lithe handsome man with thick dark hair while wearing a messy suit that is missing its necktie, completely showing a slender neck and beautiful clavicle.

Soon, Snow pair of beautiful golden eyes met the handsome deep green eyes filled with dangerous glint upon it, although he was able to also discern the amazement hidden deep within the man's eyes after seeing his figure.

Oh… my love… I found you~

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