Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 21, Chapter 184.3: The Holy Ghost Church

The person that came forward to open the door was a youth fully dressed in black, and he was wearing the same conical bamboo hat.

It was like an entirely different world inside the courtyard. The courtyard was like a labyrinth, and various plants were grown all around, while courtyard seemed a lot bigger than it did from the outside. Sprawling vines climbed over all sorts of plants and blocked off vision from above. This was a very typical arrangement inside the Radiant City, as there just too many skyscrapers and nobody wanted to expose their privacies, and so they used these plants to prevent people higher up in these skyscrapers from seeing them.

The man in the conical bamboo hat nodded subtly at Na Na before he moved to one side. Na Na returned the gesture, and she followed a small path towards the structure with a black and circular top in the center of the courtyard.

This structure was roughly a hundred square meters in surface area, and it wasn’t considered extremely spacious. The door was open, and Na Na opened her stride and stepped in.

There two individuals clad in white inside the room. They were not wearing conical bamboo hat, and they were...

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