Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 23, Chapter 207.2: Wagered Figh

“What, what power is this?” The Scorpion Tiger Douluo was completely horrified. He felt that the power that terrified him so wasn’t very strong and couldn’t cause any harm. However, the element that it contained was very scary. It caused his beast soul to be instantly engulfed in fear.

Huo Yuhao smiled and said, “This is the power of light. Light is used to remove darkness.”

Zhang Peng shouted, “Rubbish! What do you know about the power of light? Even if it’s light, it wouldn’t make my beast souls terrified.” He didn’t mention that he was also extremely fearful.

Huo Yuhao didn’t explain anything. Facts spoke louder than words. Without a doubt, he had won the bet he’d made with the Dragon Emperor Douluo.

When he made to step away, Long Xiaoyao arrived in front of him. This time, he was more focused as he looked at him.

“It isn’t just the power of light. There seems to be a special force that can frighten spirits. I’ve lost....

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