Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 27, Chapter 291.2: Wang Dong'er's Fifth Soul Skill

An explosive shell with tracking abilities? Then it’s not a Class 4 shell anymore. But why does its power look like a Class 4 shell? Huo Yuhao’s brain was calculating rapidly in the Tang Sect’s waiting area.

This round was especially important for the Tang Sect, and Wang Dong’er was the first one to fight. Huo Yuhao was afraid that he would lose his cool and his rationality because he was too concerned, and that he wouldn’t keep his calm to continue commanding his team in the tournament. Therefore, when his eyes were closed before this, he was using one of the skills of necromancy that he had learned from the Calamity Necromancer, Electrolux, which was called the Necromancer’s Silent Heart. This skill allowed him to enter a peculiarly calm state, and the skill also greatly boosted his senses. The only downside was that he would be incapable of any emotions at all over the next day, and he would only use the most rational and reasonable methods to think about things.

Wang Dong’er’s second soul ring sparkled, and a golden light burst forth from the light spots on her wings behind her. The sphere of light immediately collided...

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