Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 40, Chapter 558.2: Complementing Yin and Yang, the Second Soul Core

The Snow Empress smiled and said, “What are you thanking me for? Your body is no longer only yours. It now belongs to all of us. If all seven of us put our minds to the task, I am sure there’s nothing we can’t achieve. However, before you begin, I will recommend that you get the Life Guardian Blade back. Its copious amount of life energy should be beneficial for you. Previously, when Di Tian formed his second soul core with the Yin Yang Complement, he did it next to the Lake of Life, which was full of life energy. I believe it will definitely be of good use.”

Huo Yuhao’s eyes lit up after hearing her suggestion. That’s right! How could I have forgotten about the Life Guardian Blade? Now that Teacher Xiao Ya is starting to recover, she will have no use for it. Instead, it could turn out to be very useful for me.

Huo Yuhao immediately leapt off the bench and ran out to look for Tang Ya.

The six Spirits stayed where they were instead of following him. After all, he would only be a short distance away from them. It was okay for them to leave his side for a short while.

The Snow Empress whispered into the Ice Empress' ear. After hearing what she had to say, the Ice Empress' face revealed...

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