Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 43, Chapter 589.1: Xu Sanshi Trapped

The dispersed clouds drifted over from the distance, and the sky was covered once more with dream-like colors.

He had her arms around her amid the clouds and mist, and she was leaning into him.

“I really thought I was going to lose you again, Wutong, do you know that? That feeling almost made me go insane. From today onward, I will give you my soul and my spirit, along with all the good, the bad, my weakness, and all my bad habits. They are very annoying, but there’s only one good thing about them all: my love for you.”

“You’re such a fool.”

If not for Tai Tan beckoning, they would probably have sat in the clouds until the end of time.

But they had to return to reality in the end, and they returned to Clear Sky Castle. Everything seemed different in Huo Yuhao’s eyes, and the third time seemed to be the charm, as Clear Sky Castle’s ominousness had ceased. He felt like extreme sorrow had turned into overwhelming joy.

Tang Wutong blushed when she glanced at Niu Tian and Tai Tan’s amused eyes, and she pulled Huo Yuhao away and ran away.

Clear Sky Castle’s food was a little drab, but it was delicious...

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