Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 43, Chapter 596.3: Dual Cultivating

Seeing that Ju Zi was writing something, they all stood there quietly. No one uttered a sound.

Ju Zi had taken punishment as the marshal of the entire army. The Death God Douluo even arrived to attack her. These things made all her commanders very respectful of her. How could they possibly not follow such a leader? Even though she was a little young and a lady, she was still a perfect leader, considering her successful track record and responsible attitude.

After waiting for around ten minutes, Ju Zi finally finished writing her letter. When she lifted her head again, her eyes were already red. It seemed like she was holding tears in.

“Marshal, what’s going on? What has happened?” A Class 9 soul engineer asked, astonished.

The other soul engineers and commanders were also perplexed. It was also their first time seeing Ju Zi like this. They couldn’t understand what was going on. When did she become so fragile? What happened such that she was acting like...

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