Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Chapter 61.2: Icy Domain and the Golden Ligh

Book 9: Escape


Regarding the fact that there's no chapter 60: The Author omitted it, thus we have too.

However, when he went to the Soul Tool Department in the evening to study with Fan Yu, he finally received good news. This time, the core disciples of the Martial and Soul Tool Departments would jointly participate in the test. In other words, the two departments wouldn’t be separated. In the Soul Tool Department, the number of core disciples under the age of fifteen was scarce. The only ones that could participate and had some hope of being selected were He Caitou and Huo Yuhao. Thus, Fan Yu had directly removed all those students that didn’t have any chance of passing the preliminary round. With that, the number of participants had dropped even more. And since he was a core disciple of both departments, Huo Yuhao could use soul tools during the test! This was a great boost to his fighting capability.

After consulting with the professors and receiving some pointers from Fan Yu, Huo Yuhao started to create a Class 2 soul tool that would suit him. He had only three...

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