A/N: Yo guys, I'm back! This chapter might be a bit choppy since I'm getting back into the groove of writing, so sorry in advance. This arc in general will most likely be more fast-paced with more action.

"The beginning… and the end…?"


Huang Yu's eyebrows furrowed as he thought of the implications of these words.

Beginning and the end…

Raising one of his hands, a wisp of green emerged from his palm.

Instantly, the room seemed to have gained some semblance of life as pure vitality filled everything in the room.

"Huang Yu, that is…" Gu Yue's expression shifted one of shock.

She had actually seen Huang Yu recovering using vital energy before. However, with so many things going on that day, she had been swiftly overwhelmed and had forgotten about this fact.

Seeing it up close now, she was actually completely stunned at the sheer density of life energy that was being held in his hand.

She had only seen life energy of this level once before, and it was with someone that should be gone now...

A smile appeared on his face. "This should be the beginning you're talking about."

"While Creation is the true beginning of all things, the goal of all creation is life. Hence, it should be able to be applied for the word Beginning."

Blinking a few times, Gu Yue snapped out of the state that she was in before she nodded her head. "That's right, but when did you learn how to manipulate life energies of that calibre?"

Huang Yu scratched the back of his head. "When I was nine I guess. It just came pretty naturally to me."

Those words sent Gu Yue back into another period of pondering.

It was only after a few more moments that she spoke once more.

"Huang Yu, do you trust me?"

Huang Yu raised an eyebrow. "Of course, why do you ask?"

A sigh emerged from her lips. "You may be the child of Gods…"

Her words made sense.

Huang Yu's talent was just too incredible.

Along with the fact that he had a weird set of abilities, it wouldn't be strange for it to be an inheritance from a God.

Looking up to glance at Huang Yu's face, she was surprised to see that there wasn't even a smidge of shock on it.

"Cool I guess…"

Gu Yue felt a bit of confusion hearing this reply.

"You're not surprised?"

"Not really."

To be honest, Huang Yu wouldn't be really phased by something like this. If Gu Yue's words were to be believed, then that could serve as a reason why he could control vital energy.

Though, where the part of the word 'End' and his third eye were still a mystery to him.

Hearing Huang Yu's pretty lacklustre reply, Gu Yue let out a sigh in exasperation.

She really wanted to see Huang Yu cry out in shock. That would satisfy her immensely as she was the only one blindsided by each other's identity.

"In any case, there's this place called the Demon Island. According to Di Tian, that place contains a lot of life energy as well as another type..."

"Oh? And what is that?" Huang Yu became quite a bit more interested at that.

A smile appeared on Gu Yue's face. "It's something that may be the 'End'. Since you didn't show me anything else, I'm guessing that I'm correct in ȧssuming that you don't innately know how to use destruction?"

Her words were right on the mark. Although Huang Yu could use the power of destruction, it wasn't something innate at all.

"If my own thoughts are to be true, then the Demon Island may prove to be very fortuitous for you."

At those words, Huang Yu let out a soft hum before he stood up from the bed. "Then I guess I should head there now. No point in wasting time."

"Do you even know where it is?" Gu Yue asked with a tilt of her head.

Hearing this, Huang Yu paused.

A blush appeared on his face before he coughed drily. "Um, can you tell me the location?"

The sound of laughter filled the room as Huang Yu was relentlessly teased by the person he was supposed to be teasing.

— — — —

Stepping foot on top of the soil, the first thing that Huang Yu noticed was the strangeness of this entire island.

The land just felt… dead.

There wasn't even a speck of vital energy in the surroundings.

Even worse, there wasn't even spiritual energy in the surroundings.

Luckily, Huang Yu wasn't an ordinary spirit master. While he did need spirit energy for his laws, his King's Wisdom was fueled purely by stamina.

Even if he needed a refuel, all he needed to do was teleport back to the mainland and recover for a bit before coming back.

Speaking of teleporting, that was also how he evaded the Federation's army to come here.

Those guys were a bunch of bitches. When he was just walking by, they actually wanted to arrest him!

It's not as if he was treading on restricted grounds right?

Letting his hand scoop the soil, Huang Yu's mental power that had evolved into the Divine Origin realm after the Blade of Tathagata had been completed.

"Destruction energy…" Huang Yu whispered. "And it's very pure too…"

He could ȧssuredly say that the destruction energy here wasn't inferior to the least to even the vital energy he could command.

No wonder Gu Yue told him to come here.

"Who are you?!"

The voice came from a man standing in the middle of this group of seven. It was rough and domineering, filled with complete and utter confidence.

Huang Yu glanced at them before he stood up. Donning a friendly look on his face, he said, "Hello there! The Sea God Pavillion Master asked me to come here to get some training."

Although he could just annihilate these guys out of existence, he didn't really find a point in killing people who hadn't offended him.

Another person standing beside the man sneered as he heard Huang Yu's words.

"Hmph, do you really think that we were born yesterday? The Sea God Pavillion Master would never send someone already at your level here..."

Aw man, the Dao of BS actually failed before it even properly started...

Feels bad man.

On a more serious note, Huang Yu was actually quite surprised that these guys could tell that he was strong.

He had his aura completely under lock and key, and even if it was released, it wasn't that strong unless he used the King's Wisdom.

These guys definitely weren't even at the levels necessary to see through his strength. Hence, there had to be another reason.

In truth, the reason that this group of people had managed to see his strength wasn't some sort of fancy hocus-pocus.

The real reason was that Huang Yu's body was like a black hole to them.

The moment their senses tried to approach him, it would be completely devoured by a far more powerful mental force.

Seeing that Huang Yu was keeping silent, the man saw this as guilt.

"Boy, we'll give you one chance to retreat. If you choose not to, then you'll see the wrath of us Old Demons…"

As those words were spoken, a magnificent might erupted from the seven figures.

The ground trembled as cracks appeared on the ground.

The surrounding air felt as if it became tens of times more viscous in an instant as Huang Yu felt it trying to suppress him.

Nevertheless, Huang Yu shrugged it off.

Merely being in the presence of the Dragon God's will was hundreds of times more terrifying than this little coercion.

"Hey, I just want to find something here. I'll try my best to be brief then get out. You won't even notice that I was there." Huang Yu said with a sigh.

To be honest, he didn't really want to fight with these guys.

From a brief scan of these 'Old Demons', they were actually pretty pitiful existences.

Their bodies had clearly been destroyed by the power of destruction here, yet their souls were forced to remain thanks to the life energy here.

These beings were forever unable to leave this place unless they were willing to die. They were already tethered to the life energy here and had a symbiotic relationship with it.

Nonetheless, Huang Yu was a man on a mission at the moment.

Despite the pitiful state that they were in, he wasn't a charity house. Their current situations would require a few sacrifices as well as a lot of time for him to actually solve.

He couldn't create entire bodies out of nothing with his knowledge of laws without paying a heavy price yet at this moment in time.

Even if he were to help them out, they would still no doubt try to hinder him.

They had a duty here, and their own gratefulness probably wouldn't overcome their sense of responsibility.

"I'll say it one more time boy. You're trespassing on Shrek Academy grounds. Get the fuċk out!"

Huang Yu remained firm. "My words still stand. I have something I need to do here."

A snort came from the leader of the seven figures.

"In that case, you don't have to leave this place anymore."

A dark aura of destruction emerged from the bodies of the seven figures.

The surrounding area darkened slightly, as if even light was being destroyed by the concept of destruction.

Seeing this, Huang Yu scratched the back of his head.

Welp he tried, but talks have broken down anyways.

He was a true advocate of peace and wasn't willing to even harm a fly.

That was the complete truth and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

Nonetheless, since they weren't willing to be civil, they forced his hand.

He didn't want to resort to violence, but you know what they all say...

Everything can be solved with violence.

If it can't, you just haven't used enough of it.

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