A week had passed since that night Huang Yu went to mind control Guang Biao. It was a relatively mundane week where all he did was eat, study, and train.

He didn't visit Guang Biao during this period. It wouldn't bode him well if news of him going to visit Guang Biao started to spread. Wu Zhangkong would really punish him badly if he found out.

There was no need to take such a risk. Guang Biao had been discharged from the hospital a few days prior. It was but a matter of time before he would try to contact Huang Yu due to the compulsion placed in his head by Huang Yu.

At the moment, Huang Yu was in the dining hall eating dinner with Gu Yue, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie. He would have to break the news about the fact that he wouldn't be participating in the finals.

He was actually pretty nervous about doing this. The three of them would probably feel a sense of inferiority when he told them about the reason he wouldn't be competing. It could cause a permanent rift to form between their relationship if he didn't handle the situation properly.

"Guys. I have something to tell you guys about the last match of the tournament." Huang Yu spoke softly.

"What about it?" Gu Yue asked as she turned to look Huang Yu in the eyes. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie similarly shifted their gazes to him.

"Well, unfortunately, I won't be participating in the last match. Teacher Wu wants me to sit this match out."

"What?!" The three of them shouted at the same time. Shock was evident on the faces of the three of them.

Gu Yue's shocked expression quickly shifted into one of worry as she made her own conclusions. "Did something happen between you and Teacher Wu for this to happen? With your strength, unless you offended Teacher Wu, there was no way you would be barred from the competition."

Huang Yu gave a dry laugh. "No, it's nothing like that. I didn't offend Teacher Wu. He only came up to me to ask for me to not fight the next round and I agreed."

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed at this. "Then why did you agree?"

"He persuaded me with some.. reasons."

"Like what?" There was a dangerous edge in Gu Yue's voice.

Huang Yu instantly realised that something was off. He could tell that she was starting to get angry. But why?

It was possible.

From her words, he could infer that she probably thought that he was looking down on the three of them so he disdained to fight with them.

Gu Yue asking about Wu Zhangkong's reasons was most likely her trying to poke holes into his argument.

If that was the case, he should clear the misunderstandings up immediately. However, he had to phrase the real reason in a way that wouldn't just make her angrier.

"Teacher Wu told me that I was holding you guys back. I agreed because I felt that he was right. I'm not good at teamwork so the way I fight doesn't allow you guys to exert your full power."

Huang Yu's words weren't lies. They were just phrased in a way that made it seem like it was all his fault. This was something that came easily to him. He was a politician in his past life after all.

"Really?" Gu Yue's voice was noticeably softer this time. She found his words to be quite believable. It really seemed like something that Wu Zhangkong would say from what she knew of him.

"Yup. I hope this won't cause any misunderstandings between us."

Hearing this, Gu Yue felt her face burn in embarrassment. She opened her mouth a little, wanting to apologise, but immediately closed it again. Her pride prevented her from doing so.

In the end, Gu Yue only answered, "Nah, it's fine."

"Great! Then, I'll be going now. I'm done with my meal."

Gu Yue only gave an absentminded nod in reply.


On the side, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie had been watching the whole thing.

Xie Xie was giggling softly as he watched Gu Yue embarrass herself. Huang Yu's image in his head had increased a notch during this.

Tang Wulin however, had a small scowl on his face as he watched their interactions. He didn't know why, but he had an uncomfortable feeling in his ċhėst as he watched them interact.

As a result of this feeling, he couldn't help but start to dislike Huang Yu. However, he could only grit his teeth and stifle his growing dislike.

He would never admit it, but he always felt a deep sense of inferiority whenever he faced Huang Yu. He felt inferiority towards Xie Xie and Gu Yue as well, but it didn't amount to much when compared to how he felt towards Huang Yu.

In a way, Huang Yu was just like Wu Zhangkong to him— an insurmountable wall that he wasn't even qualified to touch.

However, he wouldn't give up. His father had told him that being a powerful spirit master was 99% effort and 1% talent. He didn't have talent, so he had to work ten times harder in exchange. As long as he kept up his practise, eventually, he could surpass Huang Yu.

Unfortunately for him, this was a goal he would never achieve in his lifetime.

— — — — — — — —

The next day, Huang Yu went out to walk at the plaza.

He walked around, window-shopping as he tried to relax. It wasn't beneficial for his training if he got too stressed. Hence, this was a perfect way to balance that.

While he was looking at a nice pair of jeans through a window, a rough voice rang behind him.

"Excuse me, may I ask if you are Huang Yu?"

Huang Yu turned back to see three men behind him. These three men were the ones he had mind-controlled yesterday at the hospital.

Huang Yu didn't answer, merely nodding his head.

Eventually calming down from their excitement, they turned back to Huang Yu.

"My king, please follow us. Guang Biao wishes for us to relay his apologies for not being able to greet you in person. He is preparing a gift for you, my king."

Huang Yu's face was blank as he heard their words.

Only two words were repeating over and over in his head at the moment.

'My king?'

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