A/N: I'm not really satisfied with this chapter but I'm really busy due to stuff irl. Sorry if the chapter is bad.

Huang Yu instantly noticed that something amiss was occurring as he saw Tang Wulin's expression. In fact, he was not the only one.

"Wulin, what's wrong?" Xie Xie asked with a worried expression.

Tang Wulin didn't answer. With an emotionless look on his face, he pushed Xie Xie aside, knocking him to the ground with his abnormal strength, before walking towards one direction— Huang Yu's direction.

"Hey! What's wrong with you Wulin?!" Xie Xie shouted in an aggrieved tone.

No answer.

When Huang Yu saw this scene, a look of realisation appeared on his face. A possibility of what had happened to Tang Wulin had entered his head.

Could this be a xianxia powerup?

Sudden disappearance for an extended period of time? Check.

Get everyone worried about him? Check.

Last but not least, appear fashionably late? Definitely a check here.

With all these confirmations, Huang Yu came to a conclusion on what had happened to Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin's sudden change in attitude wasn't part of the checklist, but didn't he have some sort of power in one of his arms?

'I smell a convoluted plotline incoming.'

As Tang Wulin slowly neared Huang Yu, Gu Yue was lost in thought as she looked on. Why was Wulin suddenly acting like this? Could it be that…

Gu Yue suddenly gasped. She rapidly turned her head to the direction of Huang Yu.

"Huang Yu!" She ignored the stares of the people around her as she called out.

Huang Yu shifted his gaze from Tang Wulin to her. "Yes?" he asked with an inquiring tone.

"Get away from him! He's gonna—"

She was cut off as Tang Wulin's hand suddenly glimmered with a gold light. A golden claw with golden scales formed on his hand before he slammed it towards Huang Yu.

A terrifying power burst out the moment he sent his golden dragon claw flying. Gasps sounded through the field as Tang Wulin struck forwards with a force that could easily incapacitate Spirit Grandmasters.

The teachers were about to stop Tang Wulin but Wu Zhangkong merely put up a hand to stop them.

In the face of Wulin's attack, Huang Yu was still as lackadaisical as ever. He merely turned his head back to look at the attacking Tang Wulin, before lifting up a palm in response to the punch.


Silence filled the field after the blow sounded. The eyes of all the people there were glued to the scene as expressions of shock filled their visages.

Huang Yu had stopped such a ferocious blow with his palm! There weren't even any fluctuations of spirit power! Wasn't this kind of physique a little bit too perverted?

Gu Yue was the most shocked out of all of them. Her head was filled with thoughts when she saw Huang Yu blocking Tang Wulin's claw with one hand.

'Huang Yu is this strong already? When he's at the dėsɨrėd level, Di Tian alone may not be enough...'

Tang Wulin, noticing his attack had failed, tried to pull back his fist. Unfortunately for him, Huang Yu had already caught his fist in a deathgrip.

"Why are you attacking me? Just calm down and we can talk this out." Huang Yu's eyes were calm as he tried to reason with Tang Wulin.

Madness filled Tang Wulin's eyes as he sprang towards Huang Yu with his mouth open. When Huang Yu saw this, he knew that there was no one to reason with at the moment.

Huang Yu, forecasting Tang Wulin's intentions, swiftly poked Tang Wulin in the ċhėst.

"WULIN!" Xie Xie ran towards Tang Wulin before shaking his shoulders trying to wake him up.

Huang Yu walked up to Xie Xie before patting his shoulder. "Don't worry I just stopped his movement for a while. He'll be fine in a bit."

Xie Xie nodded.

At this moment, Wu Zhangkong came forward. He picked Tang Wulin up before saying, "Gu Yue, Xie Xie, the two of you go compete. I'll bring Tang Wulin to the infirmary." Wu Zhangkong's voice was still cold as he said this, but everyone on the spot could feel that some of the iciness had been thawed from his voice.

As Wu Zhangkong walked off with Tang Wulin in tow, Long Hengxu spoke up again. "Sorry for the interruption. Let us continue with the Class Promotion Tournament. First grade's class one may choose up to two students to compete."

Huang Yu sighed. A perfectly ordinary day had become so bizarre.

— — — —

In a dark space, not all dissimilar to someone's mindscape, two figures were standing there.

One of them was Tang Wulin. The moment he had seen Huang Yu, he became trapped in this place.

Tang Wulin turned to Old Tang after he had been sent into suspended animation by Huang Yu. He was surprised at how strong Huang Yu was but his current situation was far more urgent.

"Old Tang! What's going on?! Why am I trapped here?"

Old Tang let out a sigh. "I didn't think that the Golden Dragon King's power would rampage like this. Tell me Wulin, do you feel like your thoughts have been relatively darker these few days.?"

Tang Wulin pondered over Old Tang's words for a few minutes before answering. "Now that I think about it, I do feel that I've been feeling a lot more dark thoughts towards Huang Yu."

"I see. In that case, there should be something about him that agitates your Golden Dragon King bloodline."

Tang Wulin's eyes widened. He wanted to speak but Old Tang cut him off.

"I don't know what about him agitates the Golden Dragon King bloodline. I'll need to spend some of my power to suppress the Golden Dragon King's madness in your body. Luckily, with him sending your body into a suspended state, it will be much easier for me to do so."

"Oh…" Tang Wulin's voice was weak as he said this.

Old Tang continued speaking. "Although I can do this, you have to learn how to control your emotions. If you don't, the madness may act up again. I'll give you a mantra to help you control your emotions. Now leave. I don't have much energy left."

Alone, Old Tang closed his eyes. A few words came out of his mouth before he disappeared as well.

"His potential… how frightening."

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