A/N: For all the people talking about the pairings, please just trust what I'm doing. With Huang Yu's existence, some characters will develop differently. Also, Huang Yu will be with two people. One is confirmed Yuanen tho.

"Begone thot!"

"What? What's a thot?"

"You. Now go away."

Ye Xinglan's face became red when she heard this. She may not have understood what Huang Yu had called her, but she could tell that it wasn't something good.

"You–" she was cut off as Xu Lizhi suddenly spoke up.

"Big Sister Xinglan, let's stop this. This was all my fault anyways. Also, people are watching! We'll ruin the reputation of Shrek Academy at this rate!"

Hearing this, Ye Xinglan paled. She took a glance at Huang Yu before gritting her teeth when she saw a smug look on his face.

Xu Lizhi stood in front of Ye Xinglan before apologising to Huang Yu. "Sorry, this is all my fault. Please don't blame her. We'll leave now."

Huang Yu just shooed them off. While this wasn't the type of thing he would do normally, he was impatient for them to go away so he could finally relax and eat good foods.

At this, Xu Lizhi grabbed Ye Xinglan's arm before trying to pull her away from the area. However, she brushed off his arm.

"Are you joining the Skysea Alliance Tournament?" she asked rudely.

"You're still here?" his voice came out slightly unclear. He had already put a piece of high-quality lobster meat into his mouth.

Ye Xinglan's face reddened in anger again. This guy was intolerable!

She toyed with the idea of showing this person his place at this moment, but she stopped herself. Their actions as they were were already besmirching Shrek's Academy's name. If she attacked him now, both her and Xu Lizhi would definitely get expelled.

With a loud humph she left. Xu Lizhi let out another apologetic look before following behind her.

Huang Yu merely sat on a beach chair, sipping on a martini and eating a lobster as this happened.

As soon as the two students of Shrek exited the beach, a person suddenly went up next to Huang Yu.

"My king… those heretics have besmirched your almighty grace. Should I send some ȧssassins after them to take their head as compensation, my king?

Goddammit Guang Biao. Why did you have to appear now?

– – – –

Time passed relatively quickly and the sky at the beach quickly darkened.

Huang Yu, who had enough of the beach for the day, decided to pack up everything in his spatial ring before returning to his hotel room.

As he made his way to the door of his room, he detected Gu Yue through his senses. He played with the idea of going to talk to her at the moment, but eventually chose not to. He deemed that it would be better to wait for a few days before trying to talk with her again before entering his hotel room.

– – – –

The next day, Wu Zhangkong brought the entirety of class zero to the competition area. There were a few matches for show before the tournament, but the one that caught the interest of most of the students was the fight between the Shrek Academy junior team and previous winners of the Skysea Tournament youth competition.

As the Shrek Academy team departed from the tournament stage, Ye Xinglan caught a glimpse of Huang Yu in the crowds. She looked at him with a dirty look.

Huang Yu merely whistled cheerfully and flipped the bird.

– – – –

On the third day that they arrived at Skysea City, the Skysea Alliance Tournament truly began. Huang Yu went and signed up for the junior individual competitions as instructed by Wu Zhangkong.

He could have joined the youth individual competition, but he didn't bother to. The difference between both the tournaments to him was merely the difference between using one punch or two.

They weren't at all a challenge to him.

As matches went on, Huang Yu's name was finally called. However, to his surprise, the person he was going to be fighting, was someone he knew.

It was Ye Xinglan!

As they both entered the stage, Ye Xinglan seemed to have a surprised look on her face as well.

She had joined in order to beat up Tang Wulin who had chosen to join this tournament as well, but she didn't think that Huang Yu would also be in.

This was truly an omen of good luck for her!

Standing twenty metres away from each other, Ye Xinglan suddenly spoke up.

"So Huang Yu is your name...I really didn't think that the Heaven's would have eyes, to bring you directly to me."


– – – –

In a chamber above the competition stage, a man and a woman sat side by side one another.

If any student from class zero were to be here right now, they would instantly recognise the man as Wu Zhangkong.

"So, how long do you think your student will fare against Ye Xinglan? It looked like he angered Xinglan pretty badly so I'll be going with a minute."

The speaker was the woman who sat beside Wu Zhangkong. She had exotic and beautiful long white hair. She had viridian eyes that twinkled with both vitality and ferocity.

Hearing this, Wu Zhangkong smiled mysteriously. "I'm going with thirty seconds."

"Oh? Your student seems kinda strong though. Are you looking down on him so much?"

Wu Zhangkong turned his gaze to the woman. "You've misunderstood me Shen Yi. I meant that Huang Yu would end the battle within thirty seconds."

At this, Shen Yi's eyes widened.

– – – –


The moment those words were spoken, Huang Yu put both his hands in his pocket before a terrifying and vicious pressure emerged from Huang Yu's body that targeted Ye Xinglan.

She didn't have a chance to react before the pressure slammed her to her knees. All her breath in her lungs were pushed out as the pressure seemed to compress her.

'What is this pressure?' she thought fearfully. She hadn't ever encountered something like this. Before this day, her journey as a Spirit Master was always smooth sailing. Hence, she never had to fight against someone this far above her league forcefully trying to suppress her.

Despite the fear she felt, Ye Xinglan was a headstrong person. With all her willpower, she forced her head up to look at Huang Yu.

He was looking at her without any emotions on his face. Unlike him of the day prior, this version of Huang Yu looked like a supreme emperor looking down upon the world from the Heaven's rather than a normal person.

When Huang Yu noticed Ye Xinglan looking at him, his facial expression didn't change as he spoke. "I'll give you a chance at victory. As long as you can reach me, it'll be considered your win."

The moment he said this, Ye Xinglan knew that she really messed with the wrong person this time.

She knew that she didn't have the best attitude. Many of her elders had told her this attitude of hers may cause herself a disaster if she kept it up.

She never took their words to heart thinking that it was all a load of bullshit. However, wasn't this the situation she was facing right in front of her eyes?

Nonetheless, she wouldn't give up! Even if the odds were stacked against her, she still had to try.

If she tried, even if the chance was miniscule, there would still be a chance. If she gave up, she would definitely lose.

With all the willpower in her body, she slowly pushed herself back to her feat. Fighting against this almighty pressure was agonising, but she ignored all of it.

When she managed to get back to her feet, she took a step towards Huang Yu but nearly collapsed yet again. That step felt like it had been done with the sky on her back.

Not to be daunted, Ye Xinglan kept going forward, walking step by step and slowly approaching Huang Yu.

With a face drenched with sweat, she gasped out, "I… win…"

"What are you talking about? You haven't even taken a single step."

The moment those words entered her ears, Ye Xinglan felt like she was struck by a bolt of lightning. She turned her head up, to see that she was at the exact same spot she had been in when the battle began.

"What? Was this… all an illusion?" her voice held hints of frustration as she said this.

Huang Yu just smiled.

Ye Xinglan felt all her hopes crashing seeing that. Clenching her fists, she gritted out, "When did you place me under an illusion?" Spots of black started appearing in her vision as she said this.

A hot breath suddenly tickled her ear. "Since when were you under the impression that you hadn't been under my illusion?"

As those words were spoken, Ye Xinglan blacked out.

– – – –

Out in the real world, it merely seemed as if Ye Xinglan fought a quick battle with Huang Yu before Huang Yu knocked her out.

Naturally, Huang Yu had formed an illusion with light around him that he and Ye Xinglan had been fighting.

He wasn't worried that Ye Xinglan would tell others about his illusions. He had suppressed her from telling others about it anyways. It was done so perfectly that even if the Holy Spirit Duoluo was to check on her, she wouldn't find anything wrong.

As the referee announced the winner, Huang Yu casually walked off the stage with his hands in his pockets.

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